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Ghost Train

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Everything posted by Ghost Train

  1. If this is RDM, I bet the alien entity will take a back seat to the human relationship intricacies that will develop within the Norwegian research facility.... who fracks/ed who? Who is an cylon alien? Who gets flushed out the airlock the artic wilderness.
  2. I'm starting to ponder how the future Gundam Raphael model kit is going to stand on its own 2 feet with that backpack o' doom.
  3. Romance of the 3 kingdoms is basically the most famous Chinese War Epic - for Chinese literature, it's kind of like what The Iliad is for the Greeks. Anyways, it was written in the 14th century, but deals with the period of history following the collapse of the Han Dynasty ~ 220AD. The story is quite popular in Japan (and Eastern Asia in general) as well, as evidenced by the myriad of games made like the Dynasty Warriors series.... there is even a SD Gundam series based on the tale I think XD.... and of course Iki Tousen. You would think that as a biblio-phile I would be offended by Iki Tousen, but I'm not... I like boobs too.
  4. I have been waiting for Uwe Bolle to produce: T3TRIS: THE MOVIE
  5. But the best dub ever is "Clash of the Bionoids," it introduced me to a style of the English language I had never encountered before.
  6. The trait British Accent affects the following character statistics: Charisma +4 Intelligence +5 Understatement +10
  7. Shields in general are silly... unless someone can explain how the guns on your own ship can fire through your own shields .
  8. It has dawned on me that I have strong dislike for the words "science fiction" in general. It's a borderline oxymoron if you think about it, as science is based on facts confirmed by experimentation. I suggest the label, "Imagination Theater" be used instead.
  9. Well, that is a pretty accurate description of anime in general today lol.
  10. I read somewhere that Lockon's new unit might not be a sniper at all, and will just be 100% HK-action-flick pistol specialist.
  11. I am the helmsman of the USS Enterprise: Hold my beer.... watch this.
  12. I used to be like you, but I absolutely love the drama and the tears that come with online gaming. I have played FFXI, EVE Online, and WoW (for a short time), and I can honestly say that seeing people screwing and cheating each other off, stealing, ganking, and other nefarious modes of behavior provides hours without end of entertainment for me. I have not logged into EVE in a few months due to work and school but as far as MMO's go, but its players are notorious for "bad behavior" . Instead of a scripted story, I craft my own drama that is up to par to a soap opera or a really good episode of RDM BSG. And yea... I'll definitely play the EVE MMOFPS when it comes out. I was in the Caldari militia for faction warfare, so I hope we can continue to do battle on the ground against those Gallente hypocrites .
  13. K-on.... season 2.... it's coming: http://www.animenewsnetwork.com/news/2009-...eason-green-lit
  14. At first I thought this was silly, but it might actually be grounded on some actual science. An electric current will always produce a magnetic field perpendicular to the direction of the current. Nerves in Pandora's trees I assume basically work through electric currents (like our own nervous system), and therefore a magnetic field that is presumably strong enough to do "stuff" to its surroundings is produced. I'm probably overthinking this, and the writers probably never heard of Michael Faraday.
  15. When I first heard of Spirits Within I was expecting to see OMGAWESOME big screen versions of Bahamut, Shiva, and Ifrift causing ownge across the screen, ... I was naturally dissapointed .
  16. Apple vs Banana I do agree with the weaponization of apple though... I mean 1 apple nearly led to the downfall of the human species.
  17. apples are by far the most overrated fruit - you get a lot more nutrition out of a banana. (in B4 THREAD LOOOCK.)
  18. I aim to please, though the intellectual content of this thread did not provide a lot to tear down in the first place.
  19. Lockon's new machine looks ok if you remove those huge boxes - I'm actually interested to know what purpose they actually serve. They look like holders for funnels/bits similar to his S2 gundam.
  20. The 17 year olds in your area are quite well spoken, around here it would be something like this, "OMG.... this movie was like ssooo boooring ok ok it starts like ok you know what I'm saying? This is like you know whatever, and then stuff happens and like i totally had to call my friend and update my facebook because this movie was like so bad then my boyfriend broke up with me and i was like wtf u jerk, then like we went to mcdonalds."
  21. You guys mean "trees" right? >_> Just checking (unless that's the spelling in commonwealth English):
  22. It sounds to me like you might be using a wireless connection perhaps from your neighbor or something. You might have accidentally signed up to an unsecured wireless network near your home a while ago, and when you turned your modem off it went to look up the default wireless network you last used. This definitely is the case, if you can get on the internet after you've turned your modem off . (Sorry if this sounded dumb.... but it happened to me once)
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