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Ghost Train

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Everything posted by Ghost Train

  1. I think that's a mis-characterization of EVE's problems . No one I know started with a high-level buddy. For instance, you can solo most PvE missions to make money given the right skillset/ships. I admit that certain scenarios or ambitions require a group - like flying a Titan (the most powerful types of ships), but that really applies only to the elite 1% of players. Obviously some ships are more aligned towards squad level play, like logistic vessels which repair other ships.... it's like this, a healer character in any other MMO would typically not also be a combat specialist. However, would having an experienced buddy help you in learning the game be useful? Absolutely.... but in EVE you should always be wary of accepting help, as the gank is around the corner. Do you need it to have fun, be in-game wealthy, and build your own empire? No. But it's actually cool that the mechanics are a bit more complex and the learning curve steep - we want to discourage the WoW 12 year crowd from polluting our gaming pool (note this comment is not directed towards anyone ).
  2. I have an intense dislike for Computer UI's that emblazon "ACCESS DENIED" in a dialog box surrounding by a big red intermittently flashing border to emphasize how serious BEING DENIED ACCESS is. Imagine getting that every time you mistyped your password... yes yes I'm aware of 3-strike-before-lockout rules.
  3. EVE recently nabbed the 2009 Game of the Year award from MMORPG.com. (Beating WoW). Src Gamers have spoken: complexity and difficulty over cookie cutter generic pve content. I hope next year, STO gives it a run for its money .
  4. I think they should have gone with the Alien vs Predator vs Space Marine formula for the films - even if it would have sucked (which it surely would have), fanboys would have flocked to see it anyways.
  5. ... so we can expect vast amounts of moe, yuri, and fanservice soon...
  6. Removable Grasses!
  7. I fail to see how being: a) black b) from New York c) a woman ... precludes someone from being a survival expert. But yea, the movie sucked.
  8. SyFy should make a movie about a cable network that makes bad sci-fi movies.... OMG Recursive Algorithm!
  9. We should add ST Online to the learning-curve chart: This explains the most problematic part of EVE. ... but it's its complexity and sandbox environment that sets its apart from cookie-cutter MMO's. Although it's primarily a PvP game, you don't have to be a combat pilot. There are dedicated mining ships, gargantuan freighters if you're the industrial type, and in-game research for module development. In fact, Market-PvP can be just as fun. As far as MMO's go, EVE has the most realistic and complex economy - they even hired a real PhD in Economics to keep the in-game economy healthy. Another positive is that the player base is generally more mature. The average player age is 27. At 29, I was the youngest in my old corp.
  10. Have to admit that damaged-ship effect looks pretty decent.
  11. Unfortunately, the person in question comes from a part of the world whose knowledge of history boils down to understanding only 4 concepts: 1) guns 2) succession 3) tea party 4) Mexicans.
  12. Is one of the guys from that pic supposed to be a Russian commando / spetznatz? He's wearing the signature Russian stripped under-shirt .
  13. I've always struggled with 3D... makes me a bit nauseous and headache-y. Perhaps it has something to do with my LASIK corrected vision. In any event, I see it as more of a novelty.
  14. What exactly is "tauran side" coming out? Is that like he starts talking with a heavy Italian accent and be like, "Capiche! Fugedabouit! Spaghetti mama mia! "
  15. I just notice something important.... this chick is in serious need of an orthodontic surgeon. OMG the exposed gum line has the same height as her teeth.
  16. In terms of more to less funny, my opinion: Jay > Conan > Letterman > Any goatsh!t from Fox.
  17. Perhaps a third series will be made set during the First Cylon-Human war, I don't think Caprica is the right forum for that. Also, I can't believe that kid grows up to be the Admiral Adama - he's so attached to grandma .
  18. I'm more interested in who is going to be playing the wenches.
  19. Going Rogue by Sarah Palin.
  20. The best part about the premiere was the cougar-licious head-mistress/sister/principal or whatever of Zoe's school... hmm... milfy.
  21. Hmm... let's see, how is a European guy probably with minimal English language skills and no acting experience going to star in a mov.... never mind.
  22. * DOUSHEBAG ALERT * The word barbarian originated in the ancient Greek city states as a means to describe their Persian adversaries. Because the Greeks were unfamiliar with the Persian language, it supposedly sounded like "bar bar bar" to them, hence the word barbarian was born. * THIS HAS BEEN A PUBLIC SERVICE DOUSHEBAG ANNOUNCEMENT!@ *
  23. ... my nose is bleed.
  24. I still love the Eden GF summoning sequence, you could go take a dump and come back and it would still be going .... that's before I learned you had to boost your summons.
  25. I haven't watched SG Atlantis... so what's wrong with this guy? He doesn't like he's pumped full of steroids, but at least he looks somewhat fit from the "file photo"
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