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Ghost Train

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Everything posted by Ghost Train

  1. Last night... I had this horrific nightmare. RDM agrees to reimagine RT many years after it goes it drops permanently from the radar... It becomes the most successful TV series ever.
  2. It does look like a giant shovel >_> . Those round cylindrical nacelles give it a very Star Wars-ish look
  3. Can someone post a pic of the Zephyr class Heavy Escort? (the one that looks like Steamrunner )
  4. Complaints Time: Leveling seems to be a bit too easy in this game. Everyone I bump into is either a Captain or Admiral. (Hope they don't run out of content too fast) Also, there doesn't seem to be a point in using a lower tiered vessel once you get a promo which is a shame for those that play because they want to be fly their "favorite ship." Granted I've seen a few Admirals here and there with Captain-tiered ships. I hope they introduce some sort of ship upgrade that can at least squeeze some life into a lower tiered hull, but make the costs staggered so that upgrading a higher tier ship is more expensive than a lower one. Say you really love your Constitution-Class (and who doesn't ), with a few upgrades it have the effectiveness of a Tier 3... but to upgrade the Tier 3, you would need to invest a lot more money.
  5. Well I wasn't exactly commenting on the legitimacy - just poking fun at the inferior system of units & measurements. It seems like there is no difference in any Systems Engineering project, whereas you're building a plane, ship, or software (which is my area). Everyone has the most beautiful powerpoint slides promising to their clients the world + 2 beautiful strippers, but the delivery always leaves a little bit to be desired. At the end of the day, even in cases of under-delivery, the client never sues or is upset, because everyone is "in on it." It would look really bad for the client manager who hired the consultants/contractors/mfg's ... and it would reflect badly on the manager of that manager - consequently the buck never stops. Every project is a success. yaaaay! With the MBA culture, everyone is a winner!
  6. lol, non-metric units: fail.
  7. The bridge sizes I think are purposely skewed to allow for better camera rotation and thus improved screen-shotting. Not an issue with a bigger ship, the Enterprise-D/E would certainly deserve a larger sized bridge, but the Defiant has a really dinky bridge from the source material. The tactical bridge from my Saber Escort looks more or less size-wise to what the Defiant's should be.
  8. Liang Qi is like a cute twin-tailed moe tsundere compared to "that" person. Judging by the character designs, and the setting, I wasn't expecting anything as violent and serious as Now Then Here and There. It's hard to describe, the violence is really not gratuitous either. I guess the themes it tries to explore are portrayed without sugar-coating.
  9. For me winter is the best time to gunpla - as the weather hinders outdoor activities for me (not much of a winter sportsman). Plus I feel that the generally dry winter air has a better effect on paint curing as opposed to the humid summer.
  10. Here is another favorite, the end song for Now and Then Here and There: . The anime started airing in 1999, so still within range. It recently aired on Sy-Fy channel, but instead of showing the end credits, they decided to do the very American approach of fast-forwarding through the credits, and playing previews for their crappy shows like Caprica, Sanctuary, etc, F-class movies like Pterodactyl vs Mega-Hamster and other fabulous programming.
  11. Now that is what I call a bridge...
  12. I love how this song plays when the YF-19 descends into Earth slipping past that sick defense grid .
  13. Not an op-song per say, but Macross Plus Movie Edition is my pick for the best "intro" of the 1990's. The scene where Sharon Apple's arrival transitions to Guld testing the YF-21, and the sonic boom followed by the Macross Plus title is just awesome to watch even to this day. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=hCEpsGlHl1I
  14. I opted for the "New Classic" uniform design of the reboot Trek film: And Tactical Bridge design is awesome:
  15. A simple trip to the Rouge plant in Detroit (Dearborn actually, but close to the D) reveals that Ford's recent success was more of a function of its own internal planning and strategic vision rather than luck and the decline of the other 2 major domestic brands. Granted the facility only manufacturers F-150's (I heard the new Raptor too, but not sure) - it is a prime example of green and efficient manufacturing. The building uses natural insulation extensively, has a green-roof and porous pavement in the surrounding lots to absorb rain water and other innovations. To people out in the West/East coast who have driven imports for a generation now, this is a sharp contrast to what they have in their minds. Anyone can make money during good times, but companies that turn a profit during the worst recession since the 1930's truly have their act together. ... and the newer generation of SYNC is great, feels so high-tech .
  16. I feel that the general plot/content/literary value of anime has declined. However, the music has improved in the 21st century. 100% subjective opinion.
  17. So last night I tried the above suggestion of farming low-level areas in a higher-level ship. That was quite a hilarious endeavor. My escort totally owned the Sirius patrol encounters, and got soooo much more loot than when I had stomped those grounds on the Miranda. I'm guessing that a Captain/Admiral doing the same thing in a LTCDR/CDR zone would produce much more income. At first I felt bad doing this, but I saw quite a few Tier 2/3 ships doing the same thing, I even shared a Sirius encounter instance with a Sovereign class lol >_> . But I absolutely love my new ship. My frontal arsenal are 2x MkIV phaser cannons, and 1 MkIII Quantum Torpedo launcher. With Rapid Fire, Emergency Power to Weapons, and High Yield Torp ready, I was popping those Neghvars in less than 10 seconds that gave me sooo much grief a few days ago. I can only guess what the insane damage dps potential would be as a Tactical, but as an Engineer, RSF gives me a bit of survivability edge.
  18. Just made LT CDR. Took the USS Saber Lily on its shakedown cruise to Vulcan. Now, I'm an Engineer, so naturally I'll stick to Cruisers as I advance, but just wanted to try out Escorts and Science to get a taste for them. Thus far, my new Escort has proved to be nothing short of amazing - I guess anything higher than the n00b cruiser is : respectable damage output and the ability to turn on a dime. Results improve with good boffs skills like rapid fire.
  19. On that note... what is the probability of "you" obtaining loot based off of? Final Blow or Most damage or completely random?
  20. Thanks for quickly accepting my friend request Dangaioh. I'm offline now, but will be on in 15 minutes ... but only for about 45 minutes this time, not been a game-friendly weekend these past 2 days
  21. Nemesis had some good pew-pew towards the end... and let's not forget Picard' Daedalus maneuver.
  22. I have yet to see one in game, but the Scimitar is not the same as the "Valdore": Valdore: Scimitar (from the film):
  23. I was on the SDF-1 ... suckas....
  24. Not sure what they did with the story as it relates to the game - but Odo merging back with the collective at the end of DS9 probably had a "war is bad mmmkay?" effect on the dominion as a whole - I mean he saved the whole shapeshifter species from the Section 31 virus after all.
  25. K-On season 2 will dominate everything... Also... Iron Man? wtf.
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