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Ghost Train

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Everything posted by Ghost Train

  1. 1300 for the printer. The ABS cartridges cost 50 ea. The plastic is a bit on the expensive side, though the documentation claims it can churn out 13-14 "mid sized" models.
  2. So it's finally here. Drove down to Staples after work to pick it up. I have finished the initial calibrations for printer height and installed the software. I like the software.... only complaint was that it basically needs files in STL format, which I could easily convert with Mesh Lab. From there on, you can scale, and rotate the model around any axis. I'll do a simple print tomorrow, see how things go. ... and now funny story - when I picked it up at the store, the guy asked me jokingly if I was going to print anything dangerous.
  3. I'm sorry.... but this looks kind of dumb.
  4. Wolfenstein The New Order: Last game I expected from Bethesda, hopefully we get to see some gameplay soon. All we know is that it takes place in the 60's in an alternate timeline where nazis won WW2.
  5. If this person were male, and of darker complexion, he would have been instead on local news in cuffs looking at 5-10 years.
  6. That's one fine looking Excalibur.
  7. I think the "layering" is just how it works. Some of the samples I've seen, not just from Cubify but also the older Makerbot models, are very smooth, whereas others still look like they're made of "spaghetti." My coworker has been doing this for a while, and the suggestion I got to prevent very noticeable layering is to keep things simple. Don't expect to feed it a SDF-1 and expect perfect results . There are a few tools out there that have algorithms that reduce the complexity of a model. You will get a more abstract representation of what you want, but the results will be "smoother."
  8. I think even though it's been on the news a few times, it's still primarily a nerd hobby... we definitely got a few steps to go before printing your own car (I work for one of the big 3 automakers, trust me!) , or anything I would trust my life with. I don't know how long it will take them to ship my unit, but I will post some results once I start playing with them. Stay tuned .
  9. I finally took the dive and ordered a Cube-3D printer from Staples. Here is the link: http://www.staples.com/Cube-3D-Printer-Silver/product_201876?externalize=certona . It is a hunk of change, but prices on printers have gone down drastically since I've started following this. I also like how it's basically 3d printing for idiots and it's supposed to work right out of the box... I highly doubt it will be so though. My main interest is just to create some low polygon count scifi recreations. Has anyone experimented with 3D printing? I think I saw some Macross replacement parts on Shapeways not long ago.
  10. Which color scheme is Kato's falcon again?
  11. .... From the toxic ashes of Vietnam War II .... LMAO
  12. I'm excited about the Falcon! I think the design is just right, mixing old and new. The Cosmo Zero is definitely made to have a more "retro" 70's look.
  13. Looks a bit off ... first reaction:
  14. ... Ikea. (Free side of horse free meatballs)
  15. So I marathon'd all the episodes currently out. I like how they take this whole "space navy" thing quite literally.... Muthaf'ing Interdimensional Submarine.... that's just brilliant!
  16. In the spirit of introducing references to his past projects, JJ should call the new ship a Cloverfield Class Heavy Cruiser.
  17. Having no exposure to previous Yamato series, movies, or live action movies.... I am watching Yamato 2199. Very entertaining thus far!
  18. Are the landing gears removable on these ? More specifically the vfx vf-19. Thanks.
  19. Bioshock Infinite is incredible.... the attention to detail put into this game is mind boggling. The art, the soundtrack, everything just snaps together perfectly. The game design reminds me of a classic Disney film... except with lots of gore, headshots, ravens tearing up human flesh, and a dash of sci-fi. I agree with mikeszekely - this is as much art as it is game.
  20. ... /Yawn ... wake me up when there is news of next gen Ace Combat.
  21. Refit-Constitution is still the best looking per my opinion... the King of Knights agrees:
  22. The Enterprise(s) have a bad survival track record in general (50%): 1701: Self Destructed 1701-C: Destroyed by Rommies ... transported to the future ! .... then sent back to the past to be destroyed. 1701-D: Owned by an outdated and outclassed Bird of Prey, though with heaving amounts of cheating. With A, B, and E surviving.
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