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Ghost Train

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Everything posted by Ghost Train

  1. Really love that paint-job. And yea... fleet escorts look atrocious. When I think ADM I think I'll try the Cerberus out first, though even in that design the X-wing nacelle configuration looks a bit tacky. /Sigh, at the moment still LTC5 ... I have vacation coming up next week, so going to see if I can grind to Admiral in just a few days.
  2. Although you make a good point with security through obscurity, sending a few colonization fleets and settling the minute number of worlds that we currently know have been colonized is still pretty much obscure. Although the galaxy is wider than it is "tall", the tallness is still quite unfathomable and its distance astronomical. The diameter of the milky way is 100,000 light years, and it has an average thickness of 1,000 light years, which although only 1% of its width, is still a lot of area. The real issue is not so much the dimensions of the galaxy but how many stars there are in it total. I think the galaxy has an average of about 250 billion stars - though I think this is an estimate from the min/max. Even if humans settled 1000 stars (not as fluent in macross lore, but I doubt that by the time of Frontier they have that many colonies ), that is still 0.0000004% chance that a blind jump into a random star would hit a human colony ((1E3 / 2.5E11) * 100). And that is just for a settle world, the odds that you will accidentally hit a colonization fleet like Frontier that is constantly on the move is well.... almost impossible. Also we are assuming that the galaxy is completely charted, and whatever unknown enemy knows exactly where every star is - which is probably not the case. Also, another factor in favor of the immigration fleets, is that the nature of jumping means that we might have colonies that really really far in terms of light years from Earth, or Eden, or whatever. Hence the Macross government is not really a territorial empire, but more like a network of various nodes that can be represented as a graph with nodes with vertices and edges. The weight of an edge would be some factor that complicates a long range jump such as fold faults, etc, and the vertices are the worlds. Suppose that a hostile force encountered 1 human colony by accident. The logical conclusion would be that they can easily work their way all the way back to Earth, but in practice since we're dealing with a network this is much harder than it sounds. Plotting an invasion plan in a networked system is like the the Travelling Salesman Problem, where you would have to figure out what is the optimal path to take to hit every world and totally decimate NUNS. What our smart 20th century mathematicians have figured out is that there is no efficient algorithm (NP-Hard problem, non deterministic polynomial time - hard) that can help you devise this plan - there are ways to do it, but it's only "fast" with small number of units. In laymen's terms, it's a logistical nightmare. Again this is assuming that the enemy knows every single human system. In Halo for instance, despite the fact that humans were so tech inferior to the covenant, the protocols that protected Earth's locations still ensured that the Earth Government would last 30+ years against a seemingly insurmountable enemy. Likewise, you would expect Macross colonization fleets to have similar protocols to protect the location of other settled worlds and Earth.
  3. I haven't read any of the other posts - just a caveat, but here is what I think. Sci-Fi/Anime have the habit of simplifying the galaxy/universe space in general into a nice big 2D map that people can relate to, and pretty much ignore the Z-axis. Star Trek is guilty of this, lol 4 nice quadrants for the whole galaxy. Star Wars does a worst job... they talk of the "outer rim" like it's some sort of road trip, and most anime I've seen do it too. As much as I love LOGH, the galaxy is as flat as a 2D map of Earth, to better abstract the idea of dueling masterminds and convey a classic Napoleon vs Wellington, etc feel. Aside from the obvious, don't put all your eggs (in this case the human species) in one basket strategy, expanding is less risky than not expanding. Given the immensity of the whole Galaxy, encountering even one of those 1,000 renegade fleets or other nasty things that roam the galaxy with ill intent is relatively small. It is like saying, "I am not leaving my home today, because the Yeti from Himalaya has a 0.000001% chance of getting on a plane, finding out where I live, and steal my PS3."
  4. Yea... GN Particle poisoning is a bitch, they couldn't regenerate Louise' arm because of it, and she has to be constantly medicated. Setsuna was hit with a GN-laced bullet but he's ok.... because he's a Gundam.
  5. Garuda 1, landing failed.
  6. I used to like G4... the only reason to watch anything on that network is Olivia Munn... Um, ok, so back on topic - I love the part about (paraphrased): "It's still awesome and fresh when you watch it today." lmao. Guess translated in English that means - "25 years and all I have to show for it is a mediocre movie."
  7. LOOOOOL. There is a difference between understand and assessing the innate quality of something - to put it more simply: I understand a piece of turd on the ground when I saw it . (Demographic Note: Bachelor's in Business Admin / Masters in Software Engineering).
  8. That O-Gundam looks sweet! Bummer on the web exclusivity . Perhaps they will release the other color variation through retail...
  9. Quite true. If I recall from the first series, poor index was really only the focus in the first few episodes, fell completely into the comedy relief role towards the middle, and had an inconsequential role during the finale.
  10. I had a chance last evening to catch up on the last few eps of Railgun. I'm glad that they're finally back to conveying the illusion of plot ... though I did enjoy the filler eps. This show should have instead been called, "A Certain Berserk Yuri Teleporter."
  11. New movie images emerge! http://ngeekhiong.blogspot.com/2010/02/gun...-images_21.html The Gundams still look like crap, but it seems like most of the "old cast" is back - even the ones that supposedly died. Desu-Yellow actually looks kind of cute now... and Louise' GN-particle poisoning seems to have gotten worse.
  12. I want to see HG take on Astro Plan's creator just for the heck of it .
  13. I believe I said this on this thread or another similar one... don't recall atm. But if you have the talent to pull something like this off the ground, then you're wasting your time by making a glorified CG fanfic. Making something original is a better way to go . I would apply the same argument to Astro Plan, but in that case there is clearly no talent period .
  14. There has to be a right design balance for leveling up in MMO. FFXI was a grind-fest, pull mob, party fights, repeat 1E6 times.... if you get KO, you loose exp and can delevel. EVE is no grinding at all, you learn skills, but higher level skills take a long time to learn (1+ month)... but you can have fun and be productive while your skills train. WoW is like grinding, but light. STO has some tedious grinding, but you cap out too fast. On another topic, they should really introduce something like Tech II ships from EVE, which have the same basic hull as the basic counterpart but a boost in performance. Say for example, the Tech II version of the Galaxy should be the tri-engined All Good Things Galaxy variation. Or something like that. It should be done with some consideration for balance. In EVE, a Tech II cruiser can defeat a Tech I cruiser, and a battlecruiser, but would still not be a match for a Tech I Battleship. As it stands now, whatever ship or ships you have at Admiral rank is basically what you're going to be using forever and ever. Finding a role for all ship hulls would be a plus. For instance, making a large ship inept at targeting smaller and faster craft (more so than it is now), gives people a reason to mess around with otherwise mothballed lower tiered vessels.
  15. What's it gonna be called? ALIE ?
  16. Still upset that Valkyria Chronicle immediate sequel won't be on PS3 >_< .
  17. Angel Voice Duet(Basara / Minmei). I find it funny that I hate Mac7 with a passion, yet I've posted Bomba songs already, perhaps I have finally been brainwashed, understood Basara's song.
  18. And redid my bio :
  19. Vogue... absolutely fabulous. Shirt and slacks by Versace, Dolce & Gabbana boots. His gorgeous Andorian first officer is also looking stylish with Donna Karan
  20. I love how Sora no woto is getting better and more interesting each week. Last episode we are treated to a very dark dark dark vignette about Felicia... I shat massive brix when the corpse came to life during her hallucination (or was it?) We're also treated to a super-short but interesting sequence showing the walking tanks of the "lost era" fighting an unknown enemy - for which the ghost attributes the downfall of humanity. Perhaps it's some sort of alien, given the insane beam weapon that we saw - and although humans won the war it knocked back the whole civilization back to a preindustrial age. This unknown enemy is probably related to the story of the flame maidens and the giant skeleton of episode 1.
  21. Adama grandma is more ruthless than Joseph
  22. I just did a quick Starbase 24. Finally got top damage lol. Beat a few Tac's in Escorts that were 3 levels ahead of me, and another LTC in a Cruiser. Though 2 of the escorts were using beams >_> . I am still only LTC2, running a pretty cookie-cutter Saber setup.
  23. Ooooh myyyy frieeends! XD
  24. Minor changes to canon-designs are ok in my opinion. The game does take place in the 25th century after all. And the Zephyr is not the Steamrunner but are only technically design related. Likewise, it can't be expected that 23rd century designs like Miranda and Constitution survive in the 25th century relatively unchanged... yet surprisingly these 2 designs are remarkably faithful to their actual counterparts.
  25. They did break the mold with some of the TNG movie era designs though: Defiant, Steamrunner, Saber, are all very heretical designs abandoning the traditional saucer look without sucking.
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