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Ghost Train

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Everything posted by Ghost Train

  2. I've always thought of Jedis as Samurai-like... so naturally I was expecting there be some sort of Ninja Jedi Sect as well with dual-wield sabers, beam shurikens, and smoke bombs... I was dissapointed.
  3. This was the problem:
  4. I thought that 1/2 way through Episode 3 when Mace Windu dies... all of a sudden he jumps 100 stories back to the room they were fighting, and then owns both Anakin & Palpatin, and goes, "EPISODE 3 MUTHAFUKAS! SAMUEL L. JACKSON BEER HMMMmmmm, IT WILL GET U DRUNK!"
  5. OOOMG SEaZON 2 PLLLLLLZ!!!1!!!!
  6. One industry they're exceptionally good at is Litigation. Yune, Macek, Agrama & Associates... has a nice ring to it.
  7. I like our fleet's name, simple, macross-ish, and tactical sounding. I just got to Commander. After much dilly-dallying I picked a Heavy Escort. Went with a 50/50 Akira & Oslo design. Though I love the classic Akira build, I think a more elongated hull would make more sense for a ship with narrow forward firing arc. I present the USS Vigilant Tengu. Named after the long-nosed mythological bird man (天狗) of Japanese folklore. Strangely, the Kanji literally means sky-dog in Chinese.
  8. It gets worse and worse.... by the end it's basically porn.
  9. I gave up on figuring out which real life earth culture each of the colonies correspond to based solely on appearance, simply because I think that there really isn't anything conclusive. Each colony is an amalgamation of various real cultures, but obviously some of those real life influences are stronger than others. When the trailer first came out, everyone said, the conclusion was that Taurons were South/Central American-ish based on the fact that Edward Olmos and Esai Morales are Mexican and Puerto Rican respectively. But then everyone said Italian/Roman influence due to the whole mafia connection and aforementioned things like the passage of the dead ceremony. But then, it's pretty clear that there are Tauron Asians as well, which we see when Sam is walking around what seems to be a strongly Chinatown inspired part of the city, and the girl who gave Sam a pass to get into the show.
  10. The inspiration of New Cap City is definitely Grand Theft Auto series.
  11. I think this thread needs moar away-team / beautiful people avatars. (It is half of the game after all, the half no ones cares about ) Here is "Team Fabulous" about to go tactical on some unsuspecting Nausicans in the other room. It's my standard setup. 2x Engineers + 1x Tactical up front, and I hang back with my Sci-Officer sniping away and respawning turrets, with always a nice double layer of mines surrounding my dudes. Before start of battle I always keep a concealed phaser turret next to the door for a nasty flanking surprise when I pull the enemy to my camp. I can't wait to get drones. Ground battle is a nice change of pace, sometimes I burn out from just staring at my ship for too long. It's great when you flank an enemy with Sniper Shot for critical, and they evaporate like on the shows... I like the mechanics of away team missions, almost like a ghetto version of Mass Effect. Also the obligatory, RAMIREZ DON'T AIM DOWN SIGHTS, SPRAY BULLETS ALL OVER TEH PLACE shot: (btw, I hide my armor, it looks truly awful)
  12. I can envision running around your ship, like to main engineering or to a science lab, and give your Officers stuff to do and research, ... with the off chance that one of them will burst into Gilbert & Sullivan.
  13. The fandom politics discussed in this thread is utterly amazing. The fact that a bunch of people can turn RT discussion into Serious F'ING BUSINESS blows my mind. Thus, RT Live Action should be a movie about RT fans and internet message boards. The mysterious Macross World Forum will be a shadowy non-aligned organization in the main plot.... Its leader will be played by Martin Sheen.
  14. Now we have been treated to how Admiral Adama got his mad CQB skills that he would later use while defending his CIC in hand to hand combat as a 60+ year old man. New Cap City sounds like a free "open source" game due to the total lack of moderation. Makes sense as Daniel remarks that there is a huge illegal holoband market. I mean if you h4x and exploit like that, couldn't the fat guy just call a GM?
  15. Hope everyone from the affected areas are ok. The quake was really strong, due to the after-effect there is now a Tsunami warning in Hawaii as well.
  16. Best episode to date! Caprica City MMORPG ROFL, seeing Tamara go all Neo and go h4xoorz in the game was pure win.
  17. They want to shield themselves from the evil tax & spend liberals .... I KID I KID On a more (or less) serious notes, this reminds me of the Simpsons movie dome around Springfield.
  18. And my Saber looks ok, there might be a slight crook, but nothing I can notice readily - perhaps I am just lucky. My build is pretty much a standard Saber, the nacelles are from another class though - can't remember which atm. The engines do bend around the saucer, which is an eye-sore, but that is a symmetric crooking . I think it does that for all nacelle types.
  19. That's why I'm sort of avoiding non-conventional weapon types until later, and just sticking with plain-vanilla phasers until the specialization skills for said beam types become available to me at later ranks. But from the SC... it sure looks like a plain old phaser beam to me coming out of that Sovereign.
  20. Farming in noob fleet action again (it's ok, I'm still a noob!) . Oh... the delicious loot, think I made like 10k in just 2 runs, also "accidentally "outdamaged a Sovereign class - he might have arrived late or switched ships, this I concede for it defies the laws of physics.
  21. Man, y'all need to have your eyes checked. I love my Saber escort (peformance & how it looks) If aesthetically they butchered anything it would be the heavy escort tier. Zephyr looks horrid (should have just stuck with steamrunner design), and Akira looks a bit strange... can't put a finger on it, something about how the saucer connects to the double secondary hull that seems a bit off. Also, isn't respec supposedly on its way? I'm probably going to wait until that comes out before deciding to start over.
  22. All you haters.... y'all just jealous at Hiroyuki Saneda's epic facial hair.
  23. That's one epic cliff notes version of the movie
  24. I'd watch this... only if Chuck Norris is in it.
  25. I just watched an interesting English film called, Sunshine . Saw a limited US release in 2007. Definitely one of the better sci-fi films in the past 5 years. Part armagedon, Part Event Horizon. Very slick visuals and generally high level of polish. Great cast too, including Scarecrow from Batman!
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