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Ghost Train

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Everything posted by Ghost Train

  1. Thx for the extra pic jediwalker. And lol Eriku... Ninja Face indeed. I really like the toy's proportions. Think I will hold out for the non-Kai VF-19 variations if they ever make any. Fire Kai is ok, just absolutely hate those McD colors. An Emerald Force or VFX-2 Ravens scheme would have been a must buy for me.
  2. yea... a similar commercial in the US would need a warning flashing in red: NOTE: REENACTMENT. ENERGY DRINK WILL LIKELY NOT GIVE YOU THE ABILITY TO PULL AN ELEVATOR WITH YOUR BARE HANDS.
  3. No... it should be Charlie Murphy
  4. I like the Old Adult Swim better - I enjoyed watching shows like Blood+ which were broad-casted on the weekday late night lineup after a long day at work. The golden era in my opinion though was the late 90's early 2000's Toonami period: ...Big-O, Gundam Wing, Outlaw Star, ahh... the good times . The original AS shows are hit and miss, but generally I find the level of humor to be grossly retarded. I just don't find the level of pointless gore in ATHF, Metalocalypse, Superjail and the underwear humor of Tim&Eric entertaining at all. Venture Bros is mildly entertaining as it pays homage to classic cartoons. But apparently they have figured out that their original shows are more popular... but I'm sure they are more cost effective.
  5. Robotech Shadow Chronicles.
  6. Most epic animu ending I have ever seen... http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=CzVK-DBXctA
  7. Heck Yea, B+ blood type, we are the superior RH blood group without question. Lol, I like how his profile reads like an RPG. Special Ability: Reckless Run ...
  8. I wish Canaan was part of the Nasuverse, she already has her own variation of "Mystic Eyes"
  9. I believe this list is incomplete. We all know Astro Plan is the best Macross series to date. It's like watching Macross, Gundam, and Robotech simultaneously.
  10. thx, exactly what I was looking for.
  11. Can someone post a pic of battroid Hi-Metal Kai with the alternate "ninja" face ? If you own it, no stock photos please
  12. I second Escaflowne as well. for non-mecha stuff that will brighten up your day: Lucky Star .
  13. thx for the clarification Ok, not a news story (and a bit dated), but still lmao funny:
  14. ... Is that Tohsaka Rin ? <3
  15. It will be his cousin "Diecastman"
  16. It's funny we're juxtaposing cellular structure with Carl Sagan, as his wife, Dr. Lynn Margulis, was the first to suggest that advanced eukaryotic cells came into being when a bunch of prokaryotes "ate" smaller prokaryotes - but instead of being digested they entered into a symbiotic relationship. And thus advanced organelles like Mitochondria were born, and it also explains why DNA is not limited to the nucleus of the cell but can be found in Mitochondria as well. Back on topic, I fear for the lifespan of this thread, so here we go:
  17. The image should be captioned: Dramatization of T-50 flying through artic terrain, piloted by super ace Vlad "The Impaler" Putin. On the background is Chuck Norris roundhouse kicking a T-rex.
  18. The terrain looks a bit like it was pulled from an AC game
  19. Moe (kind of) in the Ursidae family: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=kokRKnUE6CI
  20. Yea, that is very true. (I personally had had moldy bread though) But what I was getting at is that harem anime from that era - like Tenchi at least tried to wrap some semblance of plot around the fail male protagonist and his gorgeous house guests. Nowadays, that has been dispensed with. It's just tits tits and tits, and you find out at the end it's actually a guy.
  21. I see I have been honored with a promotion to "Leader" ... let teh abuse of power begin...
  22. No one here wants to recommend Chu-Bra?
  23. I'm from the camp that believes that Macross Frontier is not the greatest anime ever made. The good points: 1) It's an incredible technical achievement. Animation quality is just superbly godly awesome. 2) Traditional Macross formula (I mean if you like any Macross you will probably find this) 3) Sheryl Nome The bad: 1) The end kind of sucked, let's face it, POWAH OF SOOONG LOLZ, VF-25/VF-27 PEW PEW PEW PEW, OMG MECH4 PR0N. DEADALUS ATTACK!!! SH!T CHANG1NG UNDERPANTS BRB 2) VF-25 is ugly. 3) Ranka Lee
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