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Ghost Train

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Everything posted by Ghost Train

  1. I got to the point where I could use Fang. Thinking she was some sort of black mage and that pole was a staff, I was quite surprised she turned out to be a Dragoon class fighter (sans the pet wyvern though ). Despite the generally poor reputation of this archetype, she is turning out to be one of my favorite characters.
  2. I doubt that any new series set in Cylon War I will be focused on Bill Adama, that's just too predictable . Though it'd be nice if he were at least a major character, this way we see his progression from little Tauron gangsta wannabe from Caprica to Saviour of the fracking human race in BSG. Perhaps the main character will be Tigh .
  3. I'm going by wikipedia... which is never wrong, always accurate, and never biased . But this is the original article: http://uk.ps3.ign.com/articles/705/705978p1.html. That sentence of course makes no sense. How can you have nothing in common except for thematic elements and still take place in the same "universe"? Perhaps it's on another planet or something.
  4. I'm kind of intrigued more about Versus-XIII now that I've played 13. So it takes place in the same universe - yet in a modern world similar to our own. It's not a prequel or a sequel, but it also makes no reference to Cocoon, Pulse, or the Fal'Cie. Does not compute .
  5. Yep, that's the one. Well you know, he is a nerd after all - and common sense might not be his strong suite (PhD confirms). If his ancestors survived The Fall, made it onto the Galactica Fleet and landed on Earth V2.0, his descendants would likely be a board member here who watches animu, complains about toys, and argues in HG vs Robotech thread. Personally, my nerd holoband fantasy would be to perform the Valkyrie gerwalk rescue maneuver, yep you know the one .
  6. I put in a quick 30 min before work today, and turned my PS3 off during the cliffhanger. Light and Hope surrounded by PSICOM in Boudum... I wonder what will happen next?
  7. Caught up on some anime last night, and I just can't wait for the Railgun finale this weekend (not sure if it's a 2-parter). At first this show was just a silly sidestory for the main index story with funny vignettes of "Kuroko Assault" on Biri Biri, but the show really grew on me, and imo shines in its own light. And the final boss' power armor is definitely Mospeada inspired...
  8. The Viper shown in the simulation looks remarkably similar to the classic GI Joe Conquest fighter.
  9. Lightning is what every perverted sick twisted Final Fantasy fan has wanted for over a decade... ... a female Cloud (jk)
  10. To me the problem is not so much the accent, but rather than it sounded unnatural. The English voice actress is Georgia van Cuylenburg who is from Melbourne Australia. If they wanted a non-American/British take on the English language then why not have her speak like Australians normally speak? It is obvious from the voice acting that she is being told to "sound American" or something to that effect without the presence of vocal coaches (it's a game after all, I doubt that they'd go to that extent). The resulting mess is called Vanille . Gosh I hate that character so much... I hope she gets turned to crystal or something.
  11. Cruisers shouldn't be super-maneuverable, but they need their turn rates improved just a little bit in my opinion given their obvious tanking role. Granted my experience with cruisers is limited, I can see a situation where say you're getting hit badly by a small mob of ships, and you have no defensive buffs left until timers refresh... the crap turn rate makes it extremely hard to execute the only maneuver that can save your ship, which is to rotate your ship and expose shields that are still up. This becomes more troubling with enemies like Romulans/Remans and Hirogens which actively use tractor beams and other abilities to disable your ship, at which point you basically have to Hull-Tank. With a Science Ship or Escort you can make a strategic getaway pretty easily when things look hairy and manuever defensively until you have defensive buffs available to put you back into the fight.
  12. Seems like everyone's into this Sci-Fi realism thing now. A bunch of soldiers stuck on an alien planet and they're all sporting 20th century weapons. Though the AA-12 (I think) automatic shotgun shown in the film would be well suited to take on a cloaking enemy like the Predator.
  13. I beat the psychedelic turtle at the end of the forest last night (Light/Hope path), 5 stars on first try . I liked some of the character development on that chapter.
  14. Cruisers do generally pack more slots than Escorts. A heavy cruiser is 3/3 vs a heavy escort is 3/2, and the Sovereign has 4/4 vs Prometheus 4/3, and they can broadside and hit their targets with all phasers fore and aft. Of course, the downside of beam arrays is the power drain, so Escort cannon fire still comes out on top in terms of DPS.
  15. LOOOOL! I've been laughing to this crap for over an hr now! :lol: K-on Of Duty!
  16. Transformers: The Musical. All of the above problems solved.
  17. I've just been upgrading my starting weapon. It just seemed like the "gut feeling" way to go... I heard that you can arrive at the ultimate weapons from any weapon, but have no clue as I'm nowhere near that phase yet .
  18. Well futuristic rifles have no recoil! Or she is a terminator.
  19. The other races of the galaxy call it... Tribble Effect
  20. Speaking of Snow, the past few FF desperately need a summon called "Queer Eye for the Straight Guy Team" to bust in and slap some fashion sense into the main characters. Trench-coat with a nice bear picture on the back, and wearing lingerie as an undershirt... CLASSSY!
  21. When you get a promotion to the next rank, you get 1 free ship (you have to pay 1 credit, almost free ). If you want another one, you have to pay full price, but even that is not terribly expensive. As a LT CMDR I got a Free Escort and bought a Cruiser, and before I hit CMDR I had both ships outfitted with MKIV (highest for that rank) and sufficient skills to fly both pretty well.
  22. Vanille has got to be the most annoying character ever. I know she is supposed to be the cheerful/upbeat Yuffie/Selphie/Penello etc of the series (for the record, Yuffie is the best ), but Miss V seems to have the IQ of a pigeon, coupled with a speech impediment.
  23. Next week, noob Adama will start doing some pvp missions in New Cap City. He will probably ask: "... where's Sulu?" (STO joke, couldn't resist )
  24. I spent some time with FFXIII today... I hope the slowcooker effect is true. A few things I liked. Train Intro paying homage to 7, and the monk garb costumes look a lot like the Mammet androids from FFXI . Edit: Quite surprised this man isn't the music composer:
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