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Ghost Train

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Everything posted by Ghost Train

  1. Welcome to MWF. To a certain extent HG/MG models can be posed and played with, but they will last a lot longer if you don't. The polycaps that hold the joints and extremities together are not highly durable in my experience.
  2. In this thread, with the following conditions met: a) games that were truly subpar b) you still finished the game despite its crapiness. c) you played through more than 1x anyways. My list: -Ace Combat 6: same ol' crap... just on current gen system, was expecting more. -Force Unleashed: bugs bugs bugs bugs and more bugs. -Project Sylpheed: because there just isn't another decent space-fighter game around -HAWX: because Namco hates PS3, so I have to play this crap instead. -STALKER Shadow of Chernoby: I dunno... something just felt wrong about this game.
  3. I absolutely love that movie, and the fight scenes were indeed very very cool. The early fight in the rain is quite well done. Few films have made the 18th century seem so fabulously cool.
  4. Sticking a laptop inside a fridge might not be such a good idea. The inevitable condensation that occurs far outweighs any rapid cooldown effect. A good old electric fan will do.
  5. I've logged on just a few times to experiment and check out the last patch - but I don't see myself renewing my subscription. It was fun while it lasted, but the game lacked staying power... at least for me. Next stop: SWOR.
  6. Can put its hands up to surrender in style.
  7. I have mixed feelings about the 1st episode of K-On S2 as well, but on second thought it's probably because it's just more of the same. The one thing about the episode that disappointed me a little bit is that they inexplicably skipped the concert scene, it is the perfect stage for another "epic disaster." .
  8. 1 mile every 1.6 seconds is equivalent 1,609 m every 1.6 seconds. Mach speed is just the ratio of the object's velocity to the speed of sound at the present conditions. The speed of sound near sea level is about 340 m/s. So the mach speed based on that is 2.96. (1609 m/s) / 1.6 sec = 1005.63 m/s Mach ratio = 1005.63 / 340 = 2.96 But as Bri pointed out, Mach is indeed a relative amount, as the speed of sound is not constant across the atmosphere. It is affected by both temperature and air density which varies substantially. At an altitude of about 24,000m, the speed of sound is about 300 m/s, which gets you to Mach 3.35, so rounded up yes... 3.4. So depending on where you are Mach values can vary dramatically.
  9. I wonder if they actually dress like that for work, or this was just for the photo op . The EFSF uniforms are a dead give away of Bandai's emphasis and core competency. However, if everyone were to cospray Macross during work, I fear for the female employees - as Macross women fashion is not exactly office-oriented.
  10. plz don't put robotech and astro plan in the same sentence.... Chinez ppl have feelings too ; ; .....
  11. Final Fantasy: The Spirits Within, underrated. Final Fantasy: Advent Children, overrated. Discuss.
  12. I'm all for the spoof approach and call the whole thing: CHEEZBURGAR LOLCAT SUPERFORCE and friends. Watch our brave heroes fight basement cat and his evil minions.
  13. Hoping to start Angel Beats and Arakawa under the Bridge this weekend. Damm Master's thesis is getting in the way of animu ; ; .
  14. I was kind of more referring to the remakes of the Lion & Vehicle that have occurred in the past 10 years. I know there was a CG one a few years back - then not so long ago there was this weird comic-book still version that aired on Syfy. Seems that there were quite a few attempts to bring it back.
  15. lol, which # reboot is this? Like 3rd or 4th now?
  16. Hmm... Fifth element.... overrated? underrated?
  17. Great article. The stuff about the French Resistance in particular. Allied airmen who bailed out over France had a pretty good chance of being taken alive as a POW as they were uniformed combatants... it took a lot of courage to be part of the resistance as they were not not uniformed combatants and thus capture meant certain execution.
  18. The space battle fx really sucked imo. Literally, yellow bolt of energy accompanied by a pew pew pew >_> . Anyways, I actually wish they dragged on Rush's return at least for a few episodes. That was just the most predictable way of handling the return. As a formidable foe, the aliens suck... as one of them got ownd by Rush of all people, and probably in a weakened state - yay Homo sapiens.
  19. Overrated: The Last Samurai. Plot summary: westerner goes to the far east, gets in a lucky hit and kills a samurai, somehow becomes leader of the clan, does the wife (implied) of the aforementioned deceased samurai, uses his armor, and survives a full frontal assault against a gattling gun. Also replaces historically accurate French Army Officer with American, historical accuracy be dammed! Relevance Note: Due to the above factors, the film is reclassified as science fiction / fantasy.
  20. Re-watched Voices of a Distant Star. Never has time dilation been explained so tragically and beautifully well (with the exception of Gunbuster lol).
  21. Meh, that guy looks like an idiot... Personally I would use a lead cap to shield my thoughts from the alien overlords. To read minds you would need some sort of wave energy higher or akin to X-rays to penetrate the cranium first - a lead cap can provide sufficient radiation shielding against most invasive waves higher in frequency than UV and is commonly used to shield medical practitioners from X-rays. It is theorized it even provides some protection against Gammas. Uh.. ok, so back to Arnie. The stuff on my previous post is pretty much considered fact. If he doesn't have anything to hide, he should just come out and say it. Due to 9-11 though this issue quickly faded from memory.
  22. That is correct, but it is well documented that in May of 2001 (google for sources) Ken Lay met with Arnold and some other high profile Republicans in California at the Peninsula Hotel to discuss staying the course with energy deregulation. Although the exact minutes from the meeting have never surfaced and the Govehnator has dodged the question every time it was asked. So yeah... I think Arnie's political affiliations were well known at the time, but why the heck would you invite an actor/movie star to a meeting about energy policy? Is there anything on his resume to point towards the fact that he's some sort of expert on this subject? I don't see Obama consulting Bono or Ben Affleck on foreign policy?To me, it's more than a coincidence that a few months later he became governor. Anyways, it's pretty well established by now that Enron played at least some sort of role, putting in mildly, in screwing over California. This is not my opinion, but that of the US Congress. Arnold should really come clean about the meeting.
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