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Ghost Train

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Everything posted by Ghost Train

  1. Ruskii's display case is awesome.... love how it gets more "age restricted" the higher it goes .
  2. Just a few nerd observations here: 1) Mach is not a measure of speed. As discussed in the Aircraft thread, it is the ratio of your own velocity to the speed of sound at a given altitude/pressure/temperature. m/s divided by m/s cancels out all units, it is therefore just a plain ratio - it is not velocity or speed. Given that observation, it makes sense reporting different Mach numbers, as the speed of sound differs. A mach number at sea level will be substantially different than a mach number at high altitudes. Furthermore, as you hit LEO, your Mach number becomes pretty pointless as there is little to no "air" left for sound waves to propagate through, it might as well be infinity. 2) It makes no sense to report an engine rating with kg (lol what's that supposed to mean, how much it weighs ). Thrust is a force, hence a unit like a Newton would be more appropriate. This is probably a common mistake due to the fact that Imperial units use Pound-Force in lieu of Newtons. Unfortunately, it is frequently abbreviated as lb which can also just mean pounds. The valkyrie source material probably just took 50,000 lb (or whatever) and misinterpreted it as meaning pounds as opposed to pound-force and just transformed the units straight to kilogram.
  3. lol the only thing that trumps the video are the comments ...
  4. Brilliant.... sheer brilliance.
  5. I believe you answered your own question Oh... the heart of the Macross fan is as dark as pitch black coal. Same can be said of the RT diehard, but theirs would contain a fair share of nitrogenous compounds so as to emit a hazardous smell as well.
  6. All I gotta say is: "Good job Colonel Young!" lolz ... Dear lord, another sci-fi hostile-environment pregnancy.
  7. I'm surprised RT.com allows members to have a name SMS Ozma Lee , but then I realized HG has sole distribution rights to vehicles with a Yellow+Black strip pattern and any rear end that sits, manipulates, and pilots said vehicles. And Part 3 ? .... ASTRO PLAN III: GUNDAM UC
  8. Agreed with Voyager's pristine condition lol... no way can a ship look brand new after taking 7 years of beating out in the Delta Quadrant and fighting THE BORG no less. But Voyager sucked, that's my nerd way of explaining things I don't agree with or I don't like. The saucer-separation was just done for coolness imo (oh how easily people were impressed in the 20th century!). Evacuation of civilians so the battle section could continue to fight seemed to be the main point of the separation, but doing so would severely gimp the ship's weaponry, as the saucer section itself contained quite a few phaser arrays. I mean, literally every time the -D fired its phasers on the show it was through the saucer's array. Back on topic for me too : ... so tonight is the swimsuit fanservice episode?
  9. I forgot to mention this, but I think the photo is of the simulator, not the actual cockpit. Though a quick consultation with google reveals that the actual interfaces look very similar. Here is another better picture. The red switch I think says says "Auto-Pitch" hehe... no idea maybe it has something to do with VTOL version lol... personally, I think the switch should read GERWALK.
  10. hmm... favorite part of F-35, definitely that single slab cockpit display. Hope that screen is super-reliable, unlike my flat screen.
  11. Second episode of K-on totally made up for the anemic second season premiere . The scene where everyone fantasizes about what to do with the equivalent of $5,000 USD is hilarious, especially Yui's fantasy. Also planning on rewatching some old stuff that's been collecting dust. I have The Wings of Honneamise queued up for this weekend.
  12. A bit off topic - but in either TNG or TOS the Enterprise(s) never got completely wrecked to the point of needing to dock for repairs. The only exception is when they fought the Borg, and then the Enterprise was shown being docked- even though the ship didn't look that damaged on screen. The movies are a completely different story. The Enterprise in STII was severely damaged by Khan's manly chest, and as a result it's seen wobbling back to space dock in the beginning of III. And in Nemesis, the -E was literally a few hits from being destroyed (I believe it was the first time ever we see a decompression on the main bridge), and the movie concludes in spacedock. Damm... Picard must have trained Engineering Team III.
  13. We're all overthinking here... SGU is just some generic CG space battle and contrived character drama to keep the slot warm for Caprica.
  14. Oh well, I guess Illana will join all of Hugo's imaginery friends now. Lol, maybe Jacob intended for this to happen, as she would be more useful as a Hugo-advisor.
  15. ... who says she is dead?
  16. NICE! A Focker-ized VF-19.
  17. Toga is the name given to the roman apparel, not the Greek.
  18. The dynamite scene came out of nowhere rofl! Pure genius. I had written off the alternate universe as simply a happy-ending tale of all the Oceanic members living happy lives and dealing with their problems, but the merging of the 2 universes is becoming more and more interesting. There was an interesting observation a while back any actor/actress caught breaking the law in the great state of Hawaii would have their characters pwnd on screen. Both Michelle Rodriguez and Cynthia Watros were arrested for DUI. Daniel Kim was also DUI not long ago... therefore I think the name on the wall is actually Jin's wife .
  19. The rise of Vader coincides with the tanking of Hayden Christensen's "acting" career . And.... DOOM (with the Rock)... underrated? What is more badass than Karl Urban ascending on an elevator after defeating the people's champ?
  20. My thoughts as well, but I'll admit that certain trench fly-in sequences were much better than others. AC6's trench sequence was just ridiculously weak.... pretty much fly in a straight line through the cannon's barrel and you're set. On the other hand AC5 had the most frustrating but best trench sequence in my opinion. Not only did you have to dodge what seemed like an eternity's worth of underground obstacles, closing doors, and other assorted exploding poo, but there was a guy shooting at your plane too.... but when I beat it it was an incredible sense of accomplishment To put a cherry on the cake, you get to finish the game by blowing up a falling giant satellite.
  21. A bit tl;dr, but stories about SR-71's are normally good... almost as good as the one about the navy pilot bragging about his speed, and then being ownd by the Blackbird , someone posted that one on the old thread.
  22. I have been drawn in by any crappy game with the word Gundam in it... and believe me, 99.99% o them are sad excuses for computer software.
  23. I am old enough to have witnessed several iterations of the "Console is dead" vs "PC gaming is dead" debate. It normally goes like this:... When a new generation of consoles comes out: "OMG PC GAMING IZ D3AD!!!1!!" After the console has aged for a few years -> "OMG CONS0L3S SUcKKKKK!!!!! INF1N1T3 POWERUPS R f0r TEH N00bS! My 3d MARK SCORE IS OVER 90000!!!" And repeat. It has happened before and it will happen again. /queue in All Along the Watchtower. Personally, I've been in a financial crunch the past few years because of graduate school, so I'm a console man for now. I foresee dumping a small fortune into PC upgrades and games again once I return to full time employment in August. But playing consoles has made me realize that there is a limit to how much spectacular graphics and audio enhance gaming experience. Up to a certain point, it will do nothing further for me. As a case in point, I love anything HL2 related, and the engine is quite ancient by today's standards. Also, some of the more enjoyable console games I've played gives up graphical realism in favor of more creative approaches - the game that comes to mind is the Canvas system of Valkyria Chronicles.
  24. At least M: Frontier wasted no time in exploring the issue of space bridge sexual harassment and other perils of office romances.
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