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Ghost Train

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Everything posted by Ghost Train

  1. I knew someone would bring this up eventually . Though I would think something like a YF-19 vs. Zeta would be more interesting.
  2. Lol, the Tazer-array was fracking awesome lmao. Useless against enemies with good intel & brains, but against an angry untrained mob it's effective, though only in taking down the 1st wave. As for the balancing of the rubber-nades vs the tazer, I think they were both "special weapons" so comparing apples & oranges was somewhat acceptable. I call BS on the assault rifle tests though, I highly doubt a representative SWAT team from the US would be carrying around the PDW, which is a relatively new weapon. They would be more likely to field a M4. Even the almost obsolete MP-5 is probably still in great use in any of the thousands of "special response teams" in the US. (I'm speaking for general knowledge and observation here, a local gun-nut on this board is welcome to correct me)
  3. You don't need a huge population to maintain the species genetically viable. A real life case would be Iceland - which is that of an island with 300k-ish people. Don't have an exact number, but a few thousand would be in the "ok range". Plus, the infusion of zentra/meltra genes into the pool certainly helped with genetic variability as well conferring traits like improved resistance to vacuum (go Ranka ).
  4. I would entertain the possibility that they might not be so great for international orders, as all of my interactions have been domestic... but if you're from HK as your profile suggests.... why are you getting gunpla from gundamstoreandmore?
  5. So I finally get to play Fallout 3 (got the GOTY edition). At times it does feels like Oblivion with guns hehe (not surprising), but it's turning out to be pretty good. I've been holding off on doing the main quest, and just doing a lot of side-quests and random exploration.
  6. Nice website, but I'll stick with gundamstoreandmore. I'm fortunate to live 40 minutes from their warehouse, so they were kind enough to even let me shop around when I stopped by Ann Arbor to pick up my order. In terms of both gunpla inventory and prices they just can't be beat. And unbelievably excellent customer service too.
  7. Macross Cafe would be an interesting concept - I guess the waitresses will cospray bridge bunnies for you?
  8. I have to see this movie in its entirety dammit! Abe Lincoln kung-fu.... rofl
  9. There is cartoonish-good and cartoonish-bad. WoW designs fall closer to the latter - humans especially look attrocious. My FFXI-Hume still looks pimp even today.
  10. Since Jacob is pseudo-dead, maybe he is the new smoke monster - not-Locke is the new Jacob...
  11. I thought IRA vs Taliban was somewhat controversial, but SS is really pushing the limit imo. It doesn't seem to be a particularly good matchup either, despite the low-tech nature of the VC and their tactics, the AK will probably win the match for them. But yea, some S2 matchups are a bit weird. Sun Tzu vs Vlad the Impaler ... lol? Both were better known as commanders and leaders, more so than their individual "warrior" skills.
  12. Jet-Mode doesn't look bad at all.
  13. I kind of got mixed feelings about Trek. On the one hand they've always pushed the boundary since TOS but had to moderate to existing beliefs and views of the time as they still had to make money. So for a long time well into TNG the Feddies were always the good guys. By the tail end of the "Prime Timeline," the Federation although generally still good, has been treated with a large amount of amorality, like the creation of Section 31, and the forced relocation of Baku.
  14. Great acronym too for interwebz discussion: RAP9 !!1!!!
  15. Dunno If I want to watch B Gata... I still have a few standards of decency to uphold !
  16. Another great moment: Sonny from team Spetznas lighting up a cig while his buddy tosses a grenade.... so brilliantly gar. One thing that bugs me a little bit about the fairness aspect is that sometimes it comes down to the individual ability and proficiency of the guest demonstrators - whose own experience vary wildly from "Historian" to "Ex-Special Forces." Case in point being the rematch episode before the S2 premiere that pit IRA vs. Spetznas. The IRA dude was an "IRA historian." He certainly shows some good proficiency and knowledge, but when it came to actual running and gunning, he will simply not be as effective as a real operator (like the Spetznas guys). Hence, sometimes, a superior equipment will loose out because of poor demonstration skills. ... also I was disappointed at the lack of Pirate vs Ninja.
  17. Oh I don't doubt his samurai skills at all, but his smack talking was off the hook. In response to the Viking demonstration of how powerful their axe was, he said something along the lines of, "yea sure, against your normal opponents like women and children maybe..." . rofl. The funniest moment was in Maori vs Shaolin episode. When the Maori warriors lost, the big guy went, "you know... the computer is probably Chinese too" - A+ for being a good sport about it. But sometimes the trash/smack talking just got downright nasty and I sensed the "R" word strongly during the Shaka Zulu vs. William Wallace episode.
  18. I've always respected Iceland. Consistently rated as having "the happiest" people in the world, and a UN Human Development Index in the top 3... and their chief economic exports of Björk and EVE Online. Those pictures are absolutely stunning... but according to what I heard on NPR, Reykjavik has been relatively unaffected by the volcano. The problem is that despite the volcano being situated in Iceland, the winds have taken the bulk of the mess to the European mainland lol (as you might already know).
  19. Yep, the realism and scientific-approach is indeed laughably bad. I love it when the evil narrator says "It's time for Max Geiger (sp?) to enter the data into the state of the art computer." ... the super state of the art software looked like an excel spreadsheet to me . In any event, incredibad is the new good.
  20. Aside from "Whale Wars" this was my secret favorite cable program. In the US, airs on Spike - season 2 starts tonight. Info. The premise is pitting 2 warriors against one another, and they bring in experts of said form of warfare to explain why 1 warrior would win over the other. Test a lot of weapons, lots of stuff going boom... Some matchups from S1 were just lol: especially knight vs. pirate. I also get the feeling that the Viking vs. Samurai one was completely trolled by Tetsuro Shigematsu (one troll knows another). But my favorite matchup was definitely Green Beret vs Spetznas. Damm those Russian guys were badass, the Americans showed up decked in top of the line "tactical fashion", the Russians just came in jeans and jacket, and totally ownd the other team lmao (honestly they could have found better representatives for the Green Berets... those 2 guys seem like they've been living the good life). What makes this show great is its incredi-bad-ness, bias, pseudo-science, and watching the two opposing teams verbally chew each other out. Yes, this is the kind of retarded show Ghost Train enjoys. Season 2 begins this evening with SWAT vs. GSG-9
  21. I enjoy Honneamise everytime I watch it - including this last re-viewing The scene where the rocket finally launches and it just absolutely stuns everyone into silence is just awesome - I almost shed a manly tear of joy.
  22. I am another one who will admit that RT introduced me to Macross like so many people in the Western hemisphere. A bit off topic... but to me, it's not really RT but HG's general behavior that made me hate RT so much. Anyways, I loved Bleach (where he worked on dubbing and scripts), and in some ways it reintroduced me to anime back in '07. RIP, and condolences.
  23. That was the reason why I originally rolled as Engineer but fly Escorts. EPS boosts all my stats, and I can maintain adequate defense even with a 'X' offensive energy setting. And rotate shield frequency gives any ship a huge survivability edge. However, the new skill that enhances your maneuverability can greatly assist in making Escorts more survivable, even for Tacticals.
  24. A bit off-topic... but has anyone here gotten one of these? They look awesome!
  25. Not exactly a plane lol, but wasn't there a rocket car/boat a few years ago that exceeded the speed of sound?
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