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Ghost Train

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Everything posted by Ghost Train

  1. That's a nice clean build Kip. Love the choice of colors. I'm getting a new Viper soon as well... I'm thinking of a "Mafia-themed" Mk. II, the "Halatha Hammer." Just have to get past the backlog of other stuff...
  2. Just got MGS Peace Walker. Also playing PSP on a HD screen for the first time.... it's really nice. It's not full screen but it scales-up decently.
  3. As this show takes jabs at almost everyone and anything, at least we can say it's fair. As for the whole "reverse racism" thing, I'm hard pressed to find a single episode where that is the case. If anything Boondocks spends a disproportionate amount of time lampooning the hip-hop culture. If this offends people, stick with The Oprah Winfrey show . Serious and civilized discussion about stuff.
  4. Just noticed Liu Kang is missing from the trailer... isn't he the pseudo-official "main" character of MK?
  5. I finally got my set of Promodeller washes... after a quick test all I have to say is that this thing is amazing. I need to conduct some final tests, but I'm pretty much getting ready to say goodbye to those dirty enamel washes, noobish gundam markers, and #2 pencils lol... (maybe the pencil can be refitted for other activities).
  6. Looks like a Cylon! nice build!
  7. Very nice trailer. At first I felt that this couldn't possibly be a movie, as this trailer looks "Amateurish / High Quality." Trailers for movies based on VG (and the movies themselves for that matter lol) will have that "Professional / Flaming Bag of Sh!t" quality.
  8. He'll just get some scuba, swim down 1 mile, stare at the leak and it will close. Oh wait, that's Chuck Norris, nvm.
  9. The F-22 sure looks beautiful... but it has yet to 1) shoot down a real aircraft, 2) dropped a single bomb 3) deployed overseas ... juuuuust kiiiding! don't shoot.
  10. I like that Dremel type a lot better, more ergonomic, I have the pistol version which is a bit unwieldy.
  11. I listen to Chacarron by El Chombo.... but other than that original Macross music is ok.
  12. Macross Scoopda thread, 2:00AM Macross Addict: OMG YAMATO VF-1J EXTRA BRIGHT STRIPE TV MID-SEASON EDITION V2.0 EDITION 3!!!!1! Narrator: ding! Watch closely as you are about to experience... a Macross Moment. Webster's Dictionary defines a Macross moment as a moment when impulsiveness overwhelms the mind of an otherwise logical 20/30 year old, causing him to act in an irrational self-destructive financially incompetent manner... i.e. like a Macross fan! Macross Addict: OH Sh!TT!!! PRE-ORDER UP OMG OMG OMG OMG HLJ, AMIAMI, OVERDRIVE, GO GO GO! Narrator: Macross moments are unpredictable, but they all end up bad.... Macross Addict's Waifu: John... I'm leaving you, I just can't stand this anymore. Repo Man (at the door): EH YO! OPEN THE DAMM DOOR! I'm here to repossess some Robotech toys.. damm that was some good 80's cartoon right there. Narrator: Macross moments is the third leading cause of Otaku bankruptcy, second to the Gundam, and buying a truckload of Gibson and Fender guitars despite the fact that you can't tell a D-flat from a hole in the ground. It's a fact!
  13. Ugly (or just not pretty), but did a fine job: Kittyhawk (1903) P-47 A-10 Bell UH-1H The Whole F-"Centenial" Line Giant Rockets VF-25 But then again, all of these are arguable, thus beauty is in the eye of the beholder. For instance, I just love fat girls.
  14. Yea... Macross Synthesis: - I love Macross, and my buddies do too - I love Robotech, and my buddies do too - I love Gundam... - I love my Yamatos - I love my Bandais Macross Moments: - FU Robotech, Macross ftw - FU Macross, I'm mentally ill - Macross is better than Gundam - Gundam eats VF-1S for breakfast - Moe animu is superior to Mecha Macross Synthesis + Macross Moment = Complete F'ing Disaster
  15. When I heard the "Synthesis" part of the Stinkmeaner equation I couldn't help but be reminded of the bonds formed by those that spend a small wealth on purchasing valkyries lol...
  16. Yes! More Biri Biri via Index proxy on the way, Toaru Majutsu S2 otw.
  17. As long as the bare plastic has cured, it should be fine ... On a more serious note, I normally stick to the types of "normal" clears that David mentioned. Never had problems against unpainted surfaces. In theory though, I can see the clear being "weaker" since it's just interacting directly with the plastic, and not bonding with a surface already coated with the same type of paint or a layer of primer. In practice though, I've never noticed the difference.
  18. Looks great... is 00 having its afternoon Latte?
  19. They got the Black Eyed Peas style just right for that song lol... not sure if Will.I.Am was actually singing it, but sure as hell was convincing lol.
  20. Low expectations is the core principle of happiness.
  21. Hmm... delicious old school cockpit, lots of dials and "analog" technology.
  22. I'm liking the DS Ka, could have done a better job with the spiked foot armor though .
  23. I caught up with all the third season episodes. Great stuff as usual! The kickball episode was epic, it shows the awesomeness of this show by equally criticizing and offending a broad spectra of people. Also some good fights! Huey in the kickball episode, and Bushido Brown vs. the Hateocracy... that is such an awesome word.
  24. I'm gonna attempt to predict the future here: Blueys attacks again, or some other alliance-forging epic event, Lucian Alliance and Tauri join forces, since they're pretty much stuck with each other now anyways. The alternative would be to have the remainder of the show be one epic deathmatch on cs_d3st1ny_pwn map. Starfleet and Marquis, Star Trek Voyager 2010. Good episode though. Things get interesting now that Telford is on Destiny. Some good pew-pew action.
  25. Zelda: A Link to the Past (SNES), still fresh, still awesome, even today. Strider (Mega Drive), this game seriously needs to be rebooted. So... is Dreamcast considered retro/classic ? If so: Ikaruga I also liked some of Renato's picks, Axelay was so cutting edge for its time.
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