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Ghost Train

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Everything posted by Ghost Train

  1. The top right one is called System Control A1. The Drive capacity one (right below it) is called Sushi Drive.I love them both .
  2. Wish Kojima were finished with anything MG related and move on to making ZOE his next pet project. MG Rising looks nice, but not incredible and/or innovative but that impression will probably change later.
  3. ... that actually looks pretty slick. I've never flown ANA but the colors look nice on the Gundam. Macross Frontier had to make do with a super-market chain for its VF100 VF-25 .
  4. You are right in that scenario. An aircraft flying close by, like let's say 0 to 10km would cover that distance in the blink of an eye and hence would "catch up"... But it all depends on how you define catching up. It's really comparing apples and oranges, since the shuttle + booster is designed to go straight up, while normal aircraft maintain level flight. So I will define "catch up" in the least violent way... which is a race to see if the Mig-25, flying level can pass a point X before the shuttle, flying up, can cross that same point. This would be similar to the photo of the F-15's that triggered this discussion in the first place 1. So, let's setup the Mig-25 first, which will be flying high and fast. Note the Mig is already giving it all it's got, it's not accelerating and trying its hardest to maintain top speed. Altitude: 23000 m Speed: 858 m/s (or 3090 km/hr) Distance from shuttle launch pad: 100km . I think this is a reasonable distance. The Mig is flying around looking for the pad, and 100km is more or less the maximum distance of a good radar for its time. Time needed to close distance: 117 seconds. 100km / 3090 km per hr = 0.03236 hours, or 117 seconds. So it's going to take the Foxbat 117 seconds to close that gap, which by all accounts is very very fast. 2. Now, the shuttle. Starting Altitude: 0 m Starting Velocity: 0 m/s End Velocity: 7800 m /s , speed needed to hit low earth orbit. Acceleration given start & end velocity: 16.25 m/s^2 7800m/s / 480 s = 16.25 m/s^2 The next step is to figure out where the shuttle is at 117 seconds. (I'm making the simplifying assumption here that the shuttle is flying straight up, which actually isn't completely true, but otherwise the math gets beyond the ability to type accurately on a message board) distance covered = 0.5 * a * t^2 distance covered = 0.5 * 16.25 * 117^2 = 111,2223 m So basically, in the time it took the Mig-25 to reach the pad at its altitude of 23km, the shuttle should already be at an altitude of 111km. And thus, the shuttle won the race. Even if all the math is wrong, consider that the Mig-25 was capable of outrunning contemporary missiles of its days. I'm sure a rocket powered vehicle given some time to accelerate would have no problems evading a fighter on its way up to space.
  5. Wow Vegas.... never has damaging lung tissue looked so cool!
  6. Bleh... I hate Zeta's wave rider or all other transforming MS for that matter from Re-GZ to Arios, though ReZel is somewhat ok. Zeta MS-mode looks just fine as it is. I always felt they were trying to just capitalize on "transformation fever" started by another somewhat popular show about transforming jet fighters...
  7. I'll start. I keep a clean desktop on Windows 7, only gadgets. Wallpaper refreshes across 3 images:
  8. It really makes no difference whether you send a Mig-25, F-15, or the Wright Brother's Kittyhawk after the shuttle during launch... the window of being able to "catch up" to one is incredibly small. Remember that the shuttle (with boosters) will eventually need to travel at +20,000+ km / hr to reach LEO. (I'm sure you guys are just kidding).
  9. I think no song captures Macross better than Basara and Minmei's Angel Voice Duet. And thus I listen to this song when I'm pondering or dealing with all stuff related to Macross.
  10. When the dust settles... Eli will be the real winner of the cs_destiny ctf map.
  11. If anything genetic engineering has not progressed fast enough. Per most major sci-fi timelines we were supposed to have had some major Enhanced Humans vs. Homo sapiens armed conflict sometime between 1995 and 2010 ...
  12. Thanks for the kind comment . lol shortly after posting the last pic I made a major overspray, the resulting fixes caused some discoloration to that beautiful metallic white coat ... anyways, hopefully, the final layer of flat will even things out. I've gone ahead and added the "glass parts" over the weekend... definitely the most annoying part of these models given their small size.
  13. I bet it's just many many pages of warnings like: Do not eat this part. Do not stick this in your nose, ear, or mouth. Do not glue to body. If ingested part, call 1-800-X. Do not put in blender. ... and stuff like that
  14. Relevance of Zeta Gundam please? .... (Just kidding)
  15. I'm regurgitating from a PoliSci class that had a short section on this. As it's been 6+ years, my memory is either fuzzy, but here is what I remember. Fraternization, which includes a wide range of activities ranging from business type stuff to personal relationships, between an officer and enlisted personnel is just not allowed, period, for 99.99999% of all situation and cases. Fraternization between officers as it pertains to personal relationships is frowned upon, but not specifically an "offense" unless said relationship leads to some sort of preferential treatment, negatively affecting the operations of the unit, or lead to unethical behavior. As for why, we never saw O'Neill & Carter, and other pairings is as other posters described - it would affect the dynamic of the show. In real life though, and in almost any professional situation, working with a "significant other" can sometimes just feel plain awkward and strange. From this perspective, I can't say that Young acted unethically based on the fact that he knocked up someone. He has never shown any preferential treatment towards TJ as evidenced by the fact that he remains stone-cold even when he found out she is among the captured. As for his decision-making abilities, that is pretty open to criticism. But I think that's the goal of the character, to be more "edgy" rather then the Captain America type leaders who always act ethically, make the correct call 100% of the time. (After all, this show is really trying to be Stargate Galactica).
  16. That song rocked... it's totally a song that would come up as your Ace Combat aircraft gets ready to take on Yellow-13.
  17. Not 100% on the rules of fraternization of the Air Force, but generally Officer & Officer is fine... since TJ is a lieutenant no rules were really broken there ...the bigger issue is that he's married lol.
  18. Would have looked better less weathered. I'm wondering if they're trying to paint it to look like this really famous "file" photo (I think it's legit) of the Rex in a conceptual operation" Src: http://forceoperationsx.webs.com/ I hope they do the "Big Boss" generation MG's some day - The Shagohod, Raxa, and the whole lineup from Peace Walker have that classic but mechanicool design.
  19. Canards make everything awesome! That's a fact.
  20. I've been slowly grinding away at a 1:72 Hasegawa YF-19 (the first one). This has been quite a troublesome kit, lots of problems and ineventualities, but they have for the most part been overcome. About 3/4 done. Here are a few WIP photos of the YF-19/AOC (Active Optical Camouflage) Demonstrator.
  21. Cage Fighter rips out still-beating heart of training partne ... someone's played too much Mortal Kombat. This story made me sick...
  22. A bit off topic, but Jin does not really die on the ship... he becomes the The Submariner? (not confirmed) ... but I think it's a good fit!
  23. The ME is a ripe setting for good new action games (note - not the ones where you play as a US Marine named Ramirez). An Ace-Combat styled game with late 60's aircraft set to the tune of the 6-day war would be awesome... or a shooter that puts you in the role of an Israeli commando during the Yom-Kippur war - which is the second closest time the world came to nuclear war. But of course, due to the hyper-political sensitivity of any news coming from that part of the world, we'll continue to see games based solely on the Iraq conflict(s).
  24. This thread was this close ( -[ ]- ) to becoming an online N-a moment lol.... I would catalyze this process with a steel chair, but sadly on the interwebz this is not really possible.
  25. The current manga arc is really good (it's gone on forever though), can't wait for it to be animated.
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