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Ghost Train

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Everything posted by Ghost Train

  1. Next to Sun Tzu's The Art of War, Girl Und Panzer should be required viewing for all military officers:
  2. Finally started Diablo 3 over the weekend. Loads of fun! I never understood the appeal of dungeon crawling clicker games until now.
  3. Can't stop listening to this...
  4. Never liked his books too much, always felt that there was a tint of prejudice against Asians.I do admit that I did read them while I was young, but I doubt my opinion has changed. In fairness, that is the case rather than the exception for military themed literature. His name is helping ubisoft sell a lot of games though... RIP.
  5. You guys commit massive heresy by leaving out G-Saviour, the award winning LIVE action Gundam action adventure.
  6. Just started Girl Und Panzer. There was first WW2 warbird moe, followed by firearms moe, and now tank moe... what's next, Ship moe? ... oh wait... http://myanimelist.net/anime/18893/Aoki_Hagane_no_Arpeggio:_Ars_Nova
  7. Yes, the Char is my favorite too...
  8. I am really enjoying Gatchaman Crowds! Love the art direction and those really exaggerated character designs.
  9. Killzone Mercenaries is not just the best shooter in Vita, it's also one of the best shooters I've played in a long time.
  10. I'm sure most of you are now aware of Kojima's now infamous comments concerning Quiet's design, and how her lack of erm... realistic female tactical outfit was meant to encourage cosplaying and figure sales. Halo designer David Ellis (lol never heard of him) proceeded to call this "disgusting." A follow up tweet accused the industry of being full of "man babies." http://www.gamespot.com/news/halo-dev-calls-mgsv-female-character-design-disgusting-6414137 Sh!t just got serious... totally not related video: YEAH.... MURICA!
  11. I hope this movie can help transform Detroit and its dire situation a little bit. I'm so funny.
  12. I'm really enjoying Servant X Service. The cute character designs makes me want to have sympathy for government workers.... but not the ones we have here - the ones that gave my mom a hard time because she said she was born in Taiwan, but on the form it said Republic of China. I'm sure Lucy would have handled it better!
  13. New trailer and a few screenshots are up: http://www.gamespot.com/ace-combat-infinity/ I am a bit intrigued by this image. It looks like a skill tree of some sort. I have great love for the 4th generation fighters but they become inconvenient towards the end of most AC games because of better alternatives.... but if you could max out an F-16 skill wise so that you could use it at the tail end of the campaign (or whatever "end game" they have envisioned) that would be sweet!
  14. EVE: Valkyrie: CCP Games, makers of EVE Online and Dust 514, is making a bet on Oculus Rift with what appears to be a multiplayer space fighter sim. Not many details are available, but given CCP's other games, it will undoubtedly be multiplayer, undoubtedly PvP oriented, and most likely set in the same universe as EVE Online. I have been an EVE player on and off over the years and currently playing Dust 514. In theory Dust 514 and EVE Online coexisting in the same universe sounded like something groundbreaking, but for now they feel like 2 separate games with minimal tie-ins. As a result, I'm skeptical about Valkyrie's ability to coexist with the other two games... perhaps this might be a good chance to add some separation between this new game and the other 2. EVE is so rich of lore, that they can probably hammer out a beautiful single player / coop campaign. Get ready for yet another game that draws out the worse in all of us, more player shenanigans, more meta gaming, more drama, and more QQ.
  15. (Overlooking all other problems with your post) It's not like there are that many active conflicts, require air power nonetheless, where you can sign up your dudes to fight once a month to get some experience points so they can level up .
  16. Long story short... I reformatted my HD and reinstalled Steam. It prompted me for an activation code, which I cannot receive because my AT&T has deleted my old SBC/YAHOO email account permanently (verified this with AT&T's customer support )
  17. Anyone had any luck with Steam support? I've had an open ticket for 10 days now... 0 replies from Steam.
  18. Always found Microsoft to be the lesser of all evils and never understood all the vitriol... and we've been hearing predictions about Microsoft's demise since 2000. Steve Ballmer made some poor recent choices like the aforementioned Metro and the draconian features of XBONE, but under his tenure he made MS a more robust and diversified company. Not many companies have the b4lls to just step into the gaming console market with 0% market share with the original X-Box, and after two iterations compete against a well established Sony and Nintendo on equal footing (and arguably kick Sony's a$$)... though the winner of the next round is to be determined . Also, he was able to take command from Bill Gates and made the company expand and flourish. Meanwhile, Steve Job's successor in Apple seems to off to a rough start matching that.
  19. ... dat high speed configuration...
  20. Translation: it's just branding. Obviously the implementations of the engine are still different based on platform.
  21. X-COM Enemy Within turned out to be a "DLC" but from what I've gathered it's more of an expansion of the game's core features, and not necessarily a new side story like Slingshot. More character customizations: - Genetics Lab to give your soldiers enhanced abilities. - Ability to set your soldier's language. More gear/classes: - New MEC class, basically an exoskeleton equipped soldiers. - Grenade launchers / flame throwers New enemies: - At least 1 new adversary called the "mechtoid" - a third flavor of the sectoids. Source: http://www.gamespot.com/gamescom/xcom-enemy-within-launching-in-november-6413139/?tag=Topslot;Slot2
  22. Big xcom announcement at Gamescom tomorrow... sequel... DLC? The XCOM Enemy Within title has already been floating around. ... Oh yeah... and that other game came out, can't remember its name... X-Com decon...dece... defeca... decafeeinated?
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