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Ghost Train

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Everything posted by Ghost Train

  1. Could have sworn a few months back there was an early sculpt photo of the Hi-Metal YF-21. If it's still in development and makes it all the way, then the YF-19 is probably not far behind. It's unacceptable to have 1 without the other!
  2. For the extra challenge, Lions and other game should be equipped with flashbangs set on a random timer lolz... rofl that would be hilarious. Note I'm aware that the animal would be blinded & disoriented too, but if Counterstrike and Modern Warfare has taught me anything is that this situation is more fun when it affects four people (including yourself) in a confined space everyone spraying bullets in panics. (Obvious sarcasm, do not attempt)
  3. VF-4 please... I will also accept a 1:1 Sheryl Nome Android with Tsundere firmware option.
  4. The game has some nifty features like EAS, which was admittedly fun at times, but it lacks the polish to dethrone Ace Combat as the top fake air combat simulator. The storyline was also incredibly bad and ridiculous, more so than a Belkan super weapon.
  5. Holy frack... that's a beautifully painted bird. It looks so new too! Lol, if I were on the French national team flight home I would decline the Mirage-2000 escort offer (yes, Rafales too)
  6. I've said it before and I'll restate. Soon war will just be one big videogame. News coverage of these conflicts will occur via G4, SpikeTV, or whatever you local nerd interest cable network is, gone are the CNN's, NBC's, and Fox's. We can also have an annual PvP tournament called "The World War" complete with pre-fight commentary from gaming nerds on each nation's drone arsenal. ESPN e-Sports Center Commentator #1: That's right Steve. Today is the big one. Israel vs Iran. The Hebrew boys are a bit lighter on DPS this time focusing more on tank and survivability. In addition, the Drones lower slots have been outfitted with CHR+10 fits to boost global public opinion. Will this unusual move help the Israelis? Commentator #2: It is certainly an unusual move, but the Israelis have lots of experience in PVP, and are most successful employing unconventional tactics. They will have to watch out for the Persians #22, Ahmeninajahd, who is also using a CHR build to push his BS. Commentator #1: This will certainly be an interesting match! Remember, the winner of this fight will take on the undisputed e-war champion, South Korea next week in the semi-finals. Paul the Psychic Octopus has given this one to the Israelis... we will see if his prediction is right. Remember to stick to the end of the game when the Budweisser armchair general will be announced.
  7. I watched HOTD 1. The hype is not misplaced. Loved it! Need to watch the second episode tonight. Also wrapped up the last webisode of Bakemonogatari. I wasn't expecting any major revelations or closure, having said that, the end fit the series (or just the Tsubasa cat arc well) well. Lol rofl, I liked how Araragi thought he had some sort of "vampire charisma" only to get shot down by Nekko as a "Knock Off Vampiya" lolz... Would have been nice to see him use his vampire powers more in the series, other than advanced tissue regeneration.
  8. lol that's why I think there should be laws and regulations that prohibit the use of firearms while hunting game lulz... you're not a real bi-testicular hombre until you've tried to take down a rhino with your bare hands with MMA submission maneuvers. Firearms = easy mode
  9. It's official, the core ST ships will now be available in end-game flavors. What sort of new ships can Federation and Klingon players expect for Episode 2? We've already seen the Galaxy-X class dreadnought, but what sort of escort and science-ship-related ships are in the pipe? A: Federation Vice Admirals will have access to one of three new ships: Galaxy with Saucer Separation, Intrepid with Ablative Armor and Defiant with Cloak. Klingon Dahar Masters will have access to a Fek’ihri carrier. http://startrekonline.com/node/1888 End-game Intrepid & Defiant classes are pure win for me! Intrigued by Saucer separation on the Galaxy, but I have no idea how that's going to work in a pew-pew situation. Also, new carrier if not bathing and making threatening gestures is your thing.
  10. There is a 1.56% probability that the Octo would nail all 6 games (3 group + octa + quarter + semi). 0.5^6 = 0.0156 So perhaps there is a bit more than luck involved .
  11. Totally dig, K-On!!'s new ending song!. Lolz new ring tone.
  12. Psychic Octopus strikes again lol! Congrats España.
  13. I like to collect copied & pasted excerpts onto text files of internet flame wars & arguments I have won. I have a separate folder with those I have lost, as feedback and analysis is key to improving argumentation performance. Recently had to buy an external HD for extra storage ;_; .
  14. From what I've read it's basically Fanservice of the Dead.
  15. I got caught up with the Sun Tzu vs. Vlad episode. A bit of a weird matchup, considering the leader/strategist role of both fighters. Again we have technological disparity coming into play, with the bronze age (Sun Tzu) combatant being put at a disadvantage. I'd have to give the "smack-talk" victory to the Romanian dudes as well (complete with manicure!), they bought their A-game borderline offensive verbal assault skills to the table while the Chinese team was not as effective. I would have personally matched up the Qin Emperor (Qin Shi Huan) vs Vlad, as the former could match the latter's brutality. I'm intrigued about the Ming Warriors of tonight's episode. These were the Chinese soldiers during the early Ming (during Zheng He's historic worldwide voyages and the alleged Chinese discovery of America in 1421).
  16. I dunno man... it surely takes some intelligence to develop said superior technology like their cloaking devices, FTL space ships, and directed energy weapons . It lost cuz it was fighting Ahnnuuuld.
  17. Lol, I'll save everyone the effort by linking this site so we can all stop bragging about our 8 degrees of Macross seiyuu skills.
  18. Aya Endo (non-singing voice of Sheryl is of course a very prolific voice actor): Felicia Heidelman (Sora no Woto) Miyuki (Lucky Star) Tsuduri Tessou (Railgun) and like a billion other roles. I totally didn't know Megumi Nakajima is Kaede from Kampfer lol. She is also the voice of Chiho and Chise twins in Kobato.
  19. We need to make Takoyaki out of Paul the clairvoyant octopus.
  20. It sounds like this is your own personal bias, which is cool, as everyone is entitled to one. It's just that it's a ridiculous view for anyone else to accept. Per your original comment, then a whole group of athletes falling into the "thin but strong" (pardon my limited Kinesiology vocabulary) category would be considered a bunch of weaklings. To name a few - Lance Armstrong, Michael Phelps, Bruce Lee, and a big chunk of military/police special forces & special response teams. Oh, these people are "muscular", have insane cardio endurance, and are strong - just not in the Conan-the-barbarian style you have in mind. Different sport, different training, different body type. Different sports fans like to vegetate upon different sports. ... and back on topic, major upset today , from a deficit too.
  21. I agree with the theatrics, but it's a weak sport because its players don't look like they're pumped full of roids?
  22. lol @ above comment. I grew up abroad where people watched the NFL when it was in-season, the various Euro leagues, and the world cup. Never heard anyone criticize the other sport, as they probably had sufficient fundamental common sense to discern that they're apples and oranges. Yet when I moved back to the states, the "sissy" comment is the first one I hear regarding soccer (almost without provocation). If anything running for 90+ minutes (for an average of about 10 miles per game) sounds like a pretty rough sport to me.
  23. 2 types of directors linger around for a long time: those that make really thoughtful, good, and provocative films... and those that make utterly horrible films. It's like the karma slider on Bioware games, staying in the middle sucks M.Night should just proceed to the deep end and try to wrestle the title away from Uwe Boll.
  24. The movie had nice tacticool kit, be it human or prawn, nice to see guns other than a M-4 or AK. The white-stocked vektor looked really neat.
  25. Volume 4 in November. 6 different flavors of VF-171 love http://ngeekhiong.blogspot.com/2010/07/1250-macross-fighter-collection-vol-4.html (Source: NgeeKhiong)
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