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Ghost Train

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Everything posted by Ghost Train

  1. Unfortunately, our country was hijacked for 8 years by an extremist sect of Christianity that believes that they can be taken up and rescued from this cruel world at any moment. Hence, thinking 5, 10, or even 100 years ahead is not exactly high on their to-do list. Why bother investing in the future, if the end-times could happen at any moment? Get rich now, get rich quick, and just go with what works now... because the end is near.
  2. Oh crap brb... Buying a new towel
  3. Yea, sometimes I think the excessive amount of titage (yea, I just made up that word) in what is now considered "mainstream animu" is a desperate attempt by the Japanese government to combat the fertility genophage.
  4. I can already see it... hold down R1 + L1 button to automatically pop behind your target's tail.
  5. The next planet we land on, we're probably going to fuk it up too OMG look what we did to Pandora... oh wait. Interstellar destinations are probably beyond our understanding of physics right now. I think terraforming Mars is probably the best bet. Then in a few hundred years, we can have the war of Martian Independence when 10th generation fighters duke it out in the 0.333g Martian atmosphere.
  6. The visuals look nice... but trying too hard to be Modern Warfare / CoD imo. And it sucks that it takes place on real Earth, as opposed to the AC Universe (you know... Osea, Yuktobania, Belka, etc) Shoulda remade Ace Combat 3 in my opinion. It makes sense chronologically as Ace Combat X represents a transitional timeframe between Fires of Liberation and AC3. They can really take the pseudo-flight sim ball and run it in any creative direction, yet they have chosen time and time again to go with the same trite country A invades country B generic story... which is why AC3 and AC5 stand out so much. I'm so drunk, can't put a coherent thought together lolz...
  7. Oh, Japan is ready for Brittania - Knightmare Frames won't stand a chance against Gundam, EVA, Yamato, and Doraemon... (Src: http://blog-imgs-24-origin.fc2.com/g/i/f/gifjpg/misairu.jpg)
  8. It sounds like what I'm looking for then (I'm not modeling challenged, though not super-skilled either) Just got burned from HG's and MG's because I felt like I was building the same crap over and over again so I started to work on Hasegawa's and "real kits," but it sounds like EX will be a different flavor.
  9. The Antonov strategic airlifters are monstrous... I think the AN-225 still holds all sorts of records for cargo weight being flown from point A to B. Unfortunately, most of the people on this side of the world are too dumb and ignorant to realize that Ukraine is not the same as Russia. Letting An compete is really no different than allowing Airbus to bid on contracts.
  10. If I absorbed anything from Macross 7, it's that the VF-11 is the most successful VF by any fracking measure - combat, number produced, chest size, etc. When destroyed... the exact same fighter flying the exact same formation would appear 10 minutes later - implying immortality / invincibility. Yea... I know what this thread is about, I'm just illiterate.
  11. Not Macross per say, but May'N sings the op for Ookami-san to Shichinin no Nakama-tachi, Ready Go! . (My favorite show this season ).
  12. Just needs , for the Oniiii-chaaaaan! factor.... and I'm sold.
  13. Most people watched Code Geass because of its incredi-badness, more so for the second season. Aside from the Ninja-Maido and Agent Orange all the characters are fairly forgettable, titular character included.
  14. Anyone got experience with the EX kits? Are they snap like normal gunpla or more like normal model kits? The latter would be more fun. Suddenly had an urge to build a White Base & Albion
  15. Upper fuselage minus cockpit complete! Weathering got a bit screwed up on the legs but whatever .
  16. Not sure how you define displayed, but his collection is of course quite large... his builds though leave a lot to be desired as they are pretty much OOB with those horrific marker panel lines. He probably just builds them fast to be the first one up.
  17. I have my 250's in storage, but noticed today that my beloved VF-2SS was missing... after frantically searching the house for an hour I located it. If anyone needs a comparison/scaling pic here it is , next to my 1:72 scale YF-19.
  18. Just fight the drones at the chokepoints between the entrance and the main room. Charging in risks getting flanked.
  19. August: - Nothing... last few months of school helped me accumulate a small balance on my CC, which I'm going to zero out. September: - Bandai VB-6 Konig DX - Robot Damashii GM Sniper October: - Nothing November: - Macross Fighter Collection Volume 4 Curissssmassssu Timu: - Hoping to get a new TV - Peace, Love & Prosperity And yea... LOOK AT ME LOOK AT ME LOOK AT ME LOOK AT ME!
  20. Interesting stuff... Daniel + Adama involved in a Tauron turf war, Adama grandma hurting someone , and more MMORPG hijinx... can't wait. I'm guessing Graystone probably lost the contract, so he and Adama are offering the tech to the Halatha. Don't mind the wait, if they pull it off.
  21. Not Engrish - please get your linguistic terminology correct. Practitioners of Chinese English like myself prefer to refer to it as "Chinglish." Thank you.
  22. You can play with your cat, and Valkyries simultaneously. Cats = Vajra.
  23. There are multiple gravity wells spread across the Southern US causing unusual time dilations for people living in affected areas... for his perspective, only 2 minutes have passed.
  24. That's one detailed looking Raptor... can't wait to see it finished. Today I took my VF-1D out of the workshop, still got a lot of work to do, but it's slowly taking shape. Next step will be to start working on the tail assembly. Pardon the crap pics, took them with my Blackberry.
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