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Ghost Train

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Everything posted by Ghost Train

  1. But it's the best crap on TV.
  2. Speaking of red shirts... I feel that Trek is a bit under-represented here. Sure, technically Starfleet is an exploration agency with some defense responsibilities, but they did deliver a few pure warships. The Defiant was just incredible, a few spurts of its phaser cannons could bring down a ship three times its size. ... and here is mine Was going to post this on the proper thread but whatever. 3x dual phaser cannons + 1 Quantum torpedo launcher up front, 2 phaser turrets on the back. My attack run is EPS III (I'm an Engineer) > Attack Pattern Omega III > Rapid Fire II > High Yield Torpedo II. Then finally Evasive Manuevers after I've delivered the haterade and it's time to GTFO, as this ship is about as thin as paper.
  3. It would make sense to tie the inertial damper to the sub light and FTL propulsion, so that the ship would not jump or warp or whatever if the inerial system wass off or damaged... At least that's the line I'd feed to fans .
  4. Redundant camera arrays would be the way to go. Any other type of imaging technology that scans out your fighter's surroundings and constructs the situational awareness for the pilot could work too, but at the risk of making the craft more detectable. Consider the fact that in modern aerial warfare turning on your radar makes you instantly vulnerable to tracking (hence the F-117 was radar-less), or the amount of radiation emitted by medical imaging such as X-Rays or MRI's, which can certainly give a projectile a nice beacon to follow.
  5. I should be shot for saying this... but I remember Mark Hamill better for Christopher Blair than Luke Skywalker
  6. Meh, all speed is relative anyways. Technically, I am moving at 107,000 km/hr as I'm typing this.
  7. interesting design... you don't have to say anything, because I don't want to know... And another yes vote on the awesomeness of the Aliens dropship. It made the drop-ship cool, and at least in part inspired the Starcraft & Halo dropships, complete with cool as ice female pilot.
  8. Just got this. Been through first 3 missions, just feels like good ol ac for now. A lot of similar mechanics from acx
  9. If Electronic/Instruments is so precise and intuitive for a valkyrie pilot, to the point where it becomes 100% of the pilot's environmental input while in Battroid, then why not just go ahead and armor up the canopy and seal the pilot in with a 100% digital feed like Gundam's panoramic cockpit post-0083 ? What would be better? A) Big visual obstruction, but you have excellent visualization tech to get around it? or B) Less visual obstruction (perfect bubble canopy), and you have excellent visualization tech to supplement the pilot's eyesight? It's cool to say that tech overcomes problems, but to suggest that there is no hindrance to sight whatsover is ridiculous.
  10. Regarding my earlier comment about the VF-1 + packs: I certainly don't have the encyclopedic knowledge (other than what I've seen on screen) on a Valkyrie's UI, but I see it like this... the existence of advanced situational awareness tools (holo-displays, etc) is not a substitute or equivalent to having a good visibility cockpit. It's like this - a good pilot can navigate or land an aircraft on instruments alone (sometimes with poor visibility it's the only choice)... but that does that mean he/she will rely on instruments 100% of other situations? Probably not. Being able to process information with your own eyes and digesting your gut feeling will always be part of combat decision-making. So why not have excellent User Interfaces with great visibility and great instruments?
  11. Awesome fighter (and designs in general)... mediocre game The Delta-Saber from Project Sylpheed: This is the crap-game I always come back to, it was lacking just the extra bit of polish for it to have been a space-based Ace Combat.
  12. Although I agree with what you say 100% Mr. March, I think some of the common-sense problems with space fighters can be attributed to simply the real-life era when said designs were conceived. The generation of designers who dreamed of the X-Wing and other the original Galactica vipers probably grew up in an era where actual military jets lacked improved user interface such as improved cockpit visibility and HOTAS. For someone to have been a designer in the late 70's / early 80's, they would have probably grown up exposed to Vietnam war era military hardware, like the F-4 which has the traditional full-o-dials cockpit, and also predates the bubble canopies of the F-15 and F-16. Having said, the designs from BSG reimagined are a bit of an issue. I can excuse the older Mk. II since in-story it's already a relic, but the Mk 7's cockpit visibility still looks inadequate. At least they tried to make it realistic by making the 7's more fly-by-wire and thus susceptible to the Cylon's e-warfare. (Same can be said of the Strike/FP VF-1's )
  13. Since the other major action flick thread was closed, I will just conserve some bandwidth and troll here instead... MACHETE WAS the MOST FRACK-TastiC FUTHAfart1N ACTION MOVE EVAH MADE!!!1!!! For my $8, I got: Lindsay Lohan nun with a magnum. Michelle Rodriguez with an eye patch firing an AR made to look like an OICW. Jessica Alba in the shower. Dual Nurse with Uzi's. Glad I watched this one instead.
  14. Eminem + Rihanna por favor .
  15. Love the starfury too, but even more the Starfury Thunderbolt
  16. HERESY! Yamato is always be teh perfects!!!1!!! (Even when it's not)
  17. In this thread: Discussions and eye candy on fictional space navies (SPACY), non-Macross of course, and no giant robots. Likes, Dislikes, Favorites, least favorites, hilarious designs. Fighters, Capital Ships, all fair game. Any scifi/anime/vg source. I'll start off small, one of my favorite designs from Wing Commander. The beautiful Panther and Vampire fighters from WC Prophecy: Src: http://wcmdf.solsector.net Moving up in scale, I've had an infatuation with both SSV Normandy(s) from Mass Effect, though I really like the second a lot better. Src: http://lazygamerproductions.com/class/Mass_Effect_Normandy_SR2.png And to top things off... the Drake Battlecruiser from EVE:
  18. Meh... action flicks have enemy-ized pretty much every faction / group / religion / country / Species out there: Arabs, Colombian Drug Lords, Asians, The LAPD, Extraterrestrials, Sharks, Rich CEO's, Mercenaries, African Warlords, Liberals, Conservatives, Environmentalists, and Stifler's mom.
  19. Hmm... what to watch during long weekend, this or Machete? I don't feel like giving my local theater too much patronage, so can only choose one.
  20. Ahnuld: ....Yuah Fiahd....
  21. Poor Rei ;_; ... now that Takashi must "take responsibility" for "his actions." Sometimes I forget that this show about zombies....
  22. Titage of the Dead.... it's now basically porn . You should watch 5cm per second then too, it's also by Makoto Shinkai. It is basically the same premise, just not scifi but equally emotionally stunning. Many of his works share a common theme of separation and distance.
  23. Thanks guys . @SherylFan: Yes, it's a weathered build. Perhaps my next build will be super-clean as you say.
  24. Here is my CMDR level Excelsior, USS Midnight Fenrir: Can't wait for the Vice Admiral variant. 4+4 slots combined with improved maneuverability will be really fun to play.
  25. I see that Amagami SS has decided to go with the sarcastic narrator approach to storytelling... still not as good as Kuroko narrating Okami though.
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