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Ghost Train

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Everything posted by Ghost Train

  1. Love that artwork - hope this dude is employed in the field.
  2. As of late, I can't get enough Supercell. Kimi no shiranai monogatari: (From Bakemonogatari) http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=IgObuO3mrT8 Cencoroll Theme:
  3. There is a subtle difference between head lights and laz0rs!!! I've also seen this design before quite a few times, curious where it's from.
  4. When the whales saw Star Trek V: The Final Frontier, they stole back the bird of prey and returned to the 20th century... they'd rather take their chances with the Institute of Cetacean Research.
  5. It's from the last episode of High School of the Dead.
  6. Sunk Costs : The amount of money you have spent in the past to bring something into fruition should have no bearing for future decisions. There are great reasons to keep and not keep the F-22, but the dollar amount sunk into it should not be a factor.
  7. Uh... I dunno, aside from the protagonist Gundam, they are mostly recycled designs. But I lol'd at kuma-Acguy, reminds me of another bear
  8. Someone needs to frame this:
  9. LOOOOOOOL! Go Go Power Rangers. Warning: NSFW, foul language, etc.
  10. But it has a box that looks like Encyclopedia Brittanica! ... You just can't beat that.
  11. Real musician here: First heard this on NPR...this guy looks like he stepped out of a time machine.
  12. Just finished the campaign, will probably not go online with this due to other time commitments. From this very limited view of the game I'd say that it's really just Halo 3.5, perfecting on the same formula and mechanics. I read somewhere that this game was originally meant to take place in a Sandbox open world environment like Far Cry 2, which given how much attention is payed to bringing the planet Reach to life, would have just been awesome as opposed to the traditional level based fare. I just have 2 big complaints really - the campaign itself is a bit short. It has its intense moments, but I want more - I'm hoping for some sort of DLC content in the future, given that it's possible that 1 Noble Team member did survive the whole ordeal. Second, I found the voice acting to be a bit unremarkable. It's true that being super-commandos they talk and act in a very spartan (no pun intented) and highly professional manner as opposed to WOOOOO! I'M TEH COLE TRAIN BABY!, but everything just felt a bit lackluster.
  13. Just two more weeks... and everyone's favorite generic male spiky haired protagonist with a ridiculously named special power, the loli nun of the Church of England, tsundere electro-princess, and berserk teleporting lesbian sidekick will be back for its second season. I'm looking forward to no other show .
  14. This show, despite all of its issues, was really enjoyable to watch. I mean there was a certain ridiculousness to the concept, like the fact that they were pilots but also infantry , but in many ways did show helped make Sci-Fi realism cool. For instance, humans still used tracked and wheel vehicles, and rifles were still rifles, none of that laser/phaser BS. This idea of "using what works" goes on to rear its head in more memorable franchises like BSG and Halo.
  15. So K-On!!, comes to an end this week. I hear ep 24 is a real tear jerker like 20 T_T ..... So marks the end of the most destructive force of moe the planet has ever witnessed. It singlehandedly destroyed the mecha genre, caused the global financial meltdown, and made the Yen strong.... some even say that the destructive qualities of Houkogo Tea Time caused a big a$$ methane bubble that subsequently made the Deep Water Horizon Well explode... but that is speculative. ... yea, so on to the obligatory bonus episodes. Were it that easy, were it that easy...
  16. Played it for a bit. This is the ultimate evolution of the Halo formula it seems. The real star of the game is the planet Reach itself which is rendered absolutely beautifully. Main complaint thus far is that it's pronounced: Hor-hey (Jorge), not George ffs... though it's the Spanish equivalent.
  17. Lol the Orgy-bus eviction from the property was pretty anti-climactic rofl.
  18. No need for plasma really, you can do some pretty serious damage with just H2O. SW inspired or not, I'm not sure . Since we're on the topic... anyone have some good resolution pics of the Missile Gunboat from the classic Tie Fighters video game? (obviously not a blobby in-game shot)
  19. Even for its day I always felt the Galaxy class was so-so in terms of design. It certainly wasn't ugly, but I liked the Excelsior hull design better. Now, the Dreadnought Enterprise-D on the other hand was pure win:
  21. I sense much hate towards RDM Galactica's designs. Like with any scifi there is just some stuff that's totally off, they did strive to get a lot of things right though: - Contrasting analog controls on the Mk II Viper vs. the 100% digital systems on the Mk VII, and why the latter proved to be vulnerable and the former still useful. - Usage of RCS on Vipers and Raptor to maneuver with a full range of motions consistent with vacuum. i.e. no banking or any atmospheric manuevers we would see in a modern day atmospheric fighter. - Less than perfect radio voice quality - No magic shields, deflectors and what not on capital ships, armor still rules the day.
  22. Man.... would have sucked if you had to take a dump.
  23. Monsters reminds me of the Shadow of Chernobyl games.
  24. Just curious, is that a fan design? In the main Trek saga Federation fighters only make a very short 1 to 2 scene appearance in DS9 making an attack run on a Caradassian cruiser. I didn't bother googling, since the launch of Star Trek Online, one of the Fleet Escorts have been named the Gryphon class - and it's butt ugly....
  25. LOL I remember getting headaches and motion sickness from Descent - it was a fun game too, they really pushed the boundary. That's pretty much always the case when the Enterprise encounters any derelict ship. > Mr. Worf... report. > Shields offline, extensive hull damage with multiple breaches, power systems offline, weapons offline, no life signs.... BUT minimal life support!
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