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Ghost Train

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Everything posted by Ghost Train

  1. In the year 2XXX AD Grand Admiral Tomas Yung XIV and the separatist fleet are on the verge of defeat in the hands of the New-New-New-UN Spacy armada. Desperate, they steal the Time-Warp capable prototype Super Dimensional Fortress 3 and initiate a warp to the year 1980 A.D. to radically change the course of history. They made a pit stop in 2006 to pick up their dignity. Upon arrival, they convince Dr. Kawamori, then a Mechanical Engineering post-doc, to pursue his other life long dream of becoming an expert pastry chef (specializing in Pineapples) instead. Now with history changed, the rest of the separatist fleet also arrives in 1980. This force became known as the "First Grand Litigation Crusade" or the FGLC and establishes its occupation headquarters in South Ataria island. Unaware, the New New New UN Spacy sends its own time-police force to stop Admiral Yung from changing the time space continuum. In 2009, fully armed, both sides clash in the Pacific with prototype transforming combat lawyers, resulting in untold devastation. Despite heavy casualties, the New-New-New UN Spacy prevails and has surrounded Admiral Yung's garrison, but just as Marissa Nome (great great great grandaughter of Sheryl) is about to sing her victory song, Yung signals for his final wave of reinforcements. The yellow star over a red background.... The People's Liberation Astro Plan Space Force has arrived. [Cliffhanger end, credits roll] This is the way the world ends, not with a bang but with a whimper.
  2. 30,000 Survivors ... Searching for a home ......Called Earth. UAHH! <flash dramatic scenes from this week's ep>
  3. Panty, Stocking & Garterbelt is the crowning achievement of anime in the 21st century. Not since I've read Atlas Shrugged, has a work made me question the intricate relationships between man, society, and fecal matter.
  4. It will take place in the past ... transforming P-51's, ME109, A6M, P-38's. The subsequent OVA will have Korean War-era jet designs. This is of course just a show within a show that broadcasts on a relatively peaceful colony mission to the Andromeda Galaxy, with actress Ranka "The Green Goblin" Lee throwing temper tantrums on stage.
  5. Given the non-linear storylines, cliffhanger endings, and pseudo-scifi that is so popular these days, the first season will probably end something like this: I'm actually a man.
  6. I can't believe that in the entirety of the Sino-sphere (China, Taiwan, HK, Singapore, Malaysia, and California) they couldn't find better looking female dancers.
  7. It's a shame. If you need an alternative, I find Toys Daily pretty good . It's in Chinese, but that shouldn't be a problem, as NK is sorta prose-lite to begin with.
  8. Good ol' Wikipedia, possessing the most stringent standards of editing and professionalism - i.e. the whole fracking world. If it's on wiki, it must be true!
  9. Teaser image with new character? OMG, I love the use of Mandalorian language on the ad, soooo unique!!!
  10. After arrival in your new environment you must master the technique of running late to work/school while holding a giant piece of toast in your mouth, and miraculously meet your soul mate via physical collision proxy.
  11. Covenant were like, "OH SH!T IT'S TEH WANZERMAN"
  12. The argument can definitely be made that knights in medieval armor were the mecha of their day.
  13. I have no objections to this. Victorian mecha ftw. ...And where the 501st "Strike Witches" Fighter Wing at? They're both mechanicaru and biorogicaru... that list is clearly messed up.
  14. Src: http://failbook.failblog.org/2010/09/27/funny-facebook-fails-dads-more-of-a-slayer-guy/
  15. Words have meaning.
  16. China is doing a lot to undermine US Hegemony in Asia, but buying US debt instruments is not one of them. Japan recently overtook China as the #1 holder of US Debt (again), yet this event received little or no press coverage. Perhaps Japan has an ulterior motive too lol ? Countries invest their treasuries much the same way people invest their own savings - you can either put it under your mattress which only assures that your money looses value over time, or invest it. For the longest time, US Treasury Bills were considered the safest investments in the world, but the near catastrophic meltdown of the economy has challenged this traditional view. Perhaps I'm crazy to say this - but when you look at the National Debt comparatively, it's neither a unique problem, nor one that will sink the whole country tomorrow. The US' debt as a % of GDP is roughly 59%. The government borrows 59 cents to do whatever it needs to do for the economy as a whole to produce $1. This is far from good, but when stacked against other countries it's actually not that bad. By contrast, Japan's debt is a crushing 200% of its GDP - yet the world has not ended. Almost every industrialized country has an unhealthy balance sheet, I could go on about why this is the case but then I remind myself that this is a thread about aircraft. If T-Bills were the effective weapon all the alarmists claimed they were, every single special interest group in the US would have stockpiled them iin large numbers by now, which has not happened.
  17. u da man.
  18. That makes perfect sense to me. Given that the bulk of US Force's commitments are so heavily reliant on infantry, some sort of genetically modified super soldier program with advanced shielded armor is in order. This will also help prepare our country for the coming Alien Nibiru Mayan Zombie Apocalypse Invasion of 2012 - where these super-soldiers will be the last hope for humanity. Their leader's armor will be green.
  19. LOL all you guys saying that EVA is not mecha are funny. Then riddle me this? What genre is the Evangelion series/movie/reboot ... slice of life, echii perhaps ? The fact that it's about an emo teenager who pilots a giant machine is enough to classify it as mecha. It really doesn't make a difference to me that the machine uses biological tissue rather than hydraulics. Mecha derives from Mechanical, which itself is a subset of Mechanics - the branch of physics that deals with forces acting on materials and objects. Nowhere does it specify that said object had to be organic or non-organic. If we go by an "organic definition" then pretty much nothing would be mecha as Carbon (the essence of something being Organic) is present in abundant quantities in the alloys used to create an advanced mech. When I took a massive dump this morning and think about all the forces that come into play... yea that's mecha too, if animated.
  20. Aye... that is so incredibly awesome, plz share
  21. The same can be said of EVE really. You can carebear and play it safe indefinitely, all it takes is some common sense to avoid getting suckered into "unwanted PvP." The problem is just that sooner or later you will be wronged by someone and thus will want to pursue revenge - for which EVE offers plenty of options, from hiring mercenaries to pop the jacka$$ who stole your money, fight them yourself, or insert a mole into their corporation and steal all the moneyz back, or just make a comment about their mother on local channel. lol as you can see, EVE players take internet spaceships very seriously.... they must all be abused and overworked IT workers during the daytime.
  22. I could just call it gas (as the locals say), but the ridiculously expensive stuff that powers my car is clearly liquid. Sure, there is gasoline, which is a viable option too. Petrol just sounds better to me. In my line of work I interact a lot with Europeans & Asians so I guess some of their vocabulary is rubbing off on me. (Note: we call soda or any carbonated beverage: pop)
  23. The only proven technique to drive safely through the Michigan winter is called VPN, aka working from home . I have seen some stories about hypermiling, some of those techniques were pretty scary, some were just lol, like wearing an ice-pack vest in lieu of turning on the A/C. Oh well I'm sure they work though. Here in Michigan, I used to take I-96 to work which was just a pain in the butt. A trip that normally takes 30 minutes, takes 90 minutes during rush hour. I have since started using local roads, and even though I will probably hit 2 to 3 red lights on my way out, I am stopping far less than I would than on the damm Interstate (oh the irony). I've also noticed quite a noticeable reduction in my petrol usage.
  24. Time for some EVE Online love. 1) Myrmidon Battlecruiser: 2) Megathron Battleship (gotta love that name): 3) Hurricane Battlecruiser: 4) Rokh Battleship: 5) Hawk Assault Frigate:
  25. Guys, get ready... this fall we will be amazed and wow'd by the spiritual successor and sequel of Evangelion and Gurren Lagan. GAINAX PRESENTS .... Panty & Stocking with Garterbelt Wait what? .... NSFW description ahead, thus censored: . Source: http://randomc.net/2010/09/20/fall-2010-preview/ .... Oh anime, how far has thee fallen lolz. Note: I will probably be watching this show.
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