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Ghost Train

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Everything posted by Ghost Train

  1. Good Ol 80's big hair.... I'm embarassed that I know this term.
  2. Yea... I'd have to build 2. And 2 Ginkei's when (and if) that rolls around. I actually like the Ginkei a little bit better design-wise, and for purely coincidental reasons I do better in-game with Ginkei than with Ikaruga.
  3. No, MTV has this show called Jersey Shore.
  4. Iron Eagle was the sh!t... loved that F-16 with its ∞ missile payload.
  5. I can't believe Wave is making the Ikaruga ! Most beautiful bullet hell shooter ever (Touhou gtfo): Also, definitely must get Saaaaibah!
  6. No, there will be no planes, CG or otherwise. Top Gun II will be about a pilot grounded by injury who decides to become an English teacher and tells inner city kids to stay out of drugs, gangs, etc. A confrontation with said street gangstas ensues. That is the true meaning to be a Top Gun.
  7. I just watched the Unlimited Blade Works movie - although I enjoyed it, I think the pacing was a bit too fast. Wasn't so much of a problem for me as I saw the anime and am somewhat familiar with the Nasuverse, having said that, someone who has not watched the series, or played the game would just be completely lost - but anyways, it's clear it was targeted to the fans. The whole movie is like a fighting game, it literally goes from 1 fight to the next with very little transition in between. The fights themselves were pretty so so for the most part, except for Archer's initial duel with Berserker, and Shiro's final showdown with Gil being the most spectacular. A better approach would have been to split it up into 2 films. Now, some good points: the characters seem to have been upgraded for their big screen debut. Archer looks much more buff than on the anime, and despite only a short appearance, Rider looks as sexy as ever... most important of all, it seems that our 2 heroines - Tohsaka and Saber have both had a substantial erm... Oppai upgrade (much more so for Saber). Yes, Saber in a white dress was the high point of the movie for me . Being a Saber fanboy I was hoping for the harem end, so I was a bit disappointed. But this is Rin's story, so it's understandable.
  8. Loved how the episode was shot in pouring rain. Malfunctioning umbrellas perhaps symbolic imagery of things to come?
  9. Yamato still is only scrapping on the surface of the VF-1's potential. Remember, there are 16,777,216 total possible colors in the RGB system! (and that's just the livery).
  10. Valhalla, I'm coming.
  11. Get back to the bridge/CIC woman!
  12. It'd be funny if Guld is Ranka's 1/4 Zentradi ancestry ...
  13. Not 100% anime-related (well, it'll eventually be animated)... I shed a single manly tear of sadness for this. I felt that the last arc was prematurely ended... perhaps Kubo sensed that the battle was raging on like foreeeeeeever. I can't wait for it to resume in 2 weeks, it'd be interesting to see what direction the series moves.
  14. But this game has Patrick Stewart in it.... Captain Jean-Luc Muthafukin Picard.
  15. No giant CG Dragon this time? ...
  16. Yamato is probably saving the VF-4 for 2012 to coincide with Flashback 2012. They can still milk Macross 7 territory in the meantime.
  17. Oh how perfectly has my initial prediction of Stargate: Voyager come true! On a more serious note, I'm really not sure what exactly they're trying to do with Young's character... this man comes across more and more as a homicidal maniac on the brink of snapping. Maybe this is leading up to some descent into the dark side and final redemption scenario.
  18. Ideas for next Macross: - Serious Business Gritty Approach: lots of politics, megacorps screwing each other, larger than life people trying to one-up each other. - Must have crazy scientist with English accent who hallucinates his dead spouse who might not really be so dead. - Less mecha, cuz giant robots are just not popular anymore. You'll see them fly in the background once in a while, that's all. - Depiction of racism against Zentrans and other non Terrans - you know this sh!t happens, the whole let's live together in peace and indulge in mass consumerism angle just doesn't fly. Scenes of VF-1's spraying Zentradi protesters with giant hoses and the rise of the Alien Civil Rights movement. - Male singer. - Shaky Cam.
  19. Everytime you "trade" a game to gamestop a school of clownfish gets devoured by a great white shark. (Footnote: trade is used veeeeery liberally here, as it denotes an exchange of equal value which stops being the case as soon as a game leaves a rack )
  20. Fanfic u say?? And here is youtube version for the illiterate:
  21. Just different types of limits. Animu challenges morality, American TV challenges I.Q.
  22. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=V6Qi9QaL0Lg Interesting premise: Ninjas vs. Wild West Outlaws. The style it's shot in reminds me a lot of 300 and Sin City. A bit cliche-ish, but might be worth a rental I think.
  23. ROFL, someone please give these guys a record deal: The DJ spinning on the back is on fire!
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