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Ghost Train

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Everything posted by Ghost Train

  1. Hmmm... is it too late to say that it was a typo, and I meant to say MY PC is too far behind the curve? Have not upgraded in close to 1.5 years.
  2. I'm going to buy it for PS3 (PC is too far behind the curve). I heard MoH has a more gritty + realistic story with some cool transitions from unit to unit - but Black Ops is a bit more polished.
  3. In real life the US Government UN Spacy would probably pick the F-35 over both lol.
  4. He's proof that you can make a career out of trolling... because no one can be that batsh!t crazy... or so I think.
  5. How can you be sure, given the language barrier (as the official UN language is Engrish), that the bars aren't actually measures of failure rate, overheating, software crash or something to that effect? Edit: As in the measurement of the bars, I'm well aware that the categories are prominently displayed.
  6. Actually your description is pretty spot on. My current daily commute shortcut takes me through 10 minutes of post-apocalyptic wasteland, which I've been assured by actual Detroit residents is actually a fairly tame strip of land (Grand River Avenue & M-39 ish). But our battle hardened gettö special ops teams will make short work of any alien military hardware. We also have some of the finest military leadership the human race has to offer:
  7. They're both pretty evenly matched if we use screen-time as the only gauge, though the VF-0 has formidable plot-armor. I vote SV-51 as I love Flankers, and Sukhoi if I recall was a partner in the development, along with Israeli Aircraft Industry (in terms of real air to air combat no other country comes close in terms of experience). Thus we merge the technical track record of 4+ generation beasts like the SU-27/30/35/37 with Israeli experience. Also, the whole ability to launch from subs gives it a stealthy tactical edge.
  8. Hmm... so which FPS should I get for my quarterly tacti-cool fix? Medal of Honor: I Have a Silly Beard or Call of Duty: Rolling Stones?
  9. This reminds me of the never-meant-to-be Halo movie.... but on a more serious notes why the frack do aliens (or script writers for that matter) target chic cities like NY, London, Tokyo, etc. If they had any measurable alien cojones they should make a stop here in Detroit first.
  10. One word: INCREDIBAD.
  11. We talk a lot about fighters, airliners, and spacecraft.... but once in a while we need to remind ourselves about the men who keep our skies safe, our first line of defense in commercial air travel. That's right folks, the TSA. Serve your country, fight terror... and meet hot women. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=6Vm7OF-Ruxs
  12. I liked how when Doug clicked play on his walkman, all the missiles on his F-16 were instantly replinished .
  13. This is probably bovine fecal matter, or at best not quite practical, but IF TRUE it could be interesting: Link Cliff-Notes version: 1) Create a plasma cloud around an aircraft (plasma is what you get when you keep heating gas, separating electrons from their atoms, creating a nice soupy mixture of positive and negative charges) - plasma apparently reduces the effectiveness of radar. 2) Apparently portable plasma generators exist weighing ~ 100kg, a portable enough size to be carried by a tactical aircraft, thus creating a respectable level of stealth. 3) Place these on a good ol' 4.5G fighter, preferably one with a large number of hardpoints like a Strike Eagle derivative or a SU-35. 4) Profit..... ?
  14. I suggested the VF-4... if you don't you probably also hate puppies.
  15. I officially decleare Soredemo Machi wa Mawatteiru the only show I give a damm about this season. It is simply the ultimate evolution of the maido-formula. Also Omigawa Chiaki's voice is just too cute (she's also Pico from Arakawa under the Bridge)! http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=EIDmvCESXag
  16. Bruce Lee vs. Kareem Abdul Jabbar is one of the best movie fights ever imo. The big guy was actually supposed to represent Jeet Kune Do and its lack-of-style fluidity, hence the ultimate opponent at the top of the pagoda. By today's standards though, the whole sensitivity to light thing is a bit corny... just a minor complaint .
  17. That is so tacti-cool. The zombies won't stand a chance!
  18. WHAT!? That's like the essential spiritual core of laissez faire capitalism! What are you? Some kind of communist?
  19. I have added soredemo machi wa mawatteiru to my lineup. After 1 eps I feel that this show has some heavy potential. Whereas Kaichou Wa Maid Sama is principally a Bishonen title with some modern tropes, Soredemo combines Tactical/Action Maid Espionage Action with the absurdist style of Arakawa Under the Bridge.
  20. We have discussed the planes, the plot (or future lack of), Goose, and Maverick, but we're missing an important component here.... teh music. That's right, what kind of soundtrack would accompany this epic duel of jets? Sifting through our modern short list of stars, there are great options - Lady GaGa, Carrie Underwood, Adam Lambert, and the Bieber-nator. After careful consideration, the titular song should be El Gato Volador sung by El Chombo, the prodigy behind the bwawahauhuhuhu song: What better song for a movie about Tomcats!
  21. How about we just clone one of these, and strap giant lasers on its back:
  22. Thanks for posting these... I remember watching it when it aired actually lol. I think one of the best accounts of the conflict - political, air, ground can be found on Eve of Destruction: The Untold Story of the Yom Kippur War . Aside from the epic air war, there were also some incredible GAR ground battles. In The Valley of Tears 100 Israeli tanks pulled a Sparta and held their ground while being outnumbered 5 to 1.
  23. I'd answer the question similarly for all SciFi mechs with legs - I just don't see it. A helicopter can fill all the above rolls extremely well (well except jump and walk lol). Jumping and walking are pretty meaningless when you can overcome terrain simply by flying past it at low altitudes. The ease in which a flight of Apaches can demolish enemy armor, infantry, and other ground elements today is proof of this. Given that it would have redundant value, there would be no motivation to actually build it. Perhaps in space there is some room for the gerwalk, as thrust vectoring is important, something the legs can assist with.
  24. On a more serious note - I'm curious if there was ever a fighter movie about the Yom Kippur War , in my opinion the second closest time the world was on the brink of nuclear war. The IAF, which previously absolutely dominated the skies during the 1967 conflict had 100+ planes shot down in the first three days of the war, and the whole country was on the brink of defeat, and ultimately was saved by some luck and a US re-supply effort. Sounds like Ace Combat material almost.... It pitted some classic East / West jets against one another - F-4's / Mig-21's / Mirage-III's etc. As a sidenote: a quick google reveals that the list of 1970's+ modern aces is completely dominated by Israeli pilots. It is probably the most experienced air force in the world in the jet era, and as such a flick would be nice...
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