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Ghost Train

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Everything posted by Ghost Train

  1. Luckily I'm not very scale obsessed provided that the finished product is of high quality . My guess is that they're just sizing them in a way that best shows the details. Some small ships like the runabout (and the aforementioned Bajoran Sail Ship) will be released as well.
  2. I agree with buying them individually from the usual places (eBay, Amazon, BBTS, etc.). Some ships I just have no interest for... Bajoran Light Sail Ship wtf .
  3. http://www.gop.com/
  4. I got the -D and the Constitution Refit in the mail yesterday. Expectations totally blown. Quality is near perfect (except for a tiny tiny smudge on the saucer) on the Galaxy class, and the surface detail is astounding. The Refit is a little bit plain, but overall solid with no noticeable defects or problems. I love the transparent material used on the warp nacelles for both! Keep them coming Eaglemoss! I'm definitely getting the Akira, Defiant, and Excelsior.
  5. The more I think about Frank Miller's 300, the more I'm disturbed by its message. For starters, the general theme does not fit well into our modern society's ideas of diversity. Think about it, it's a story of a small homogeneous Greek society fighting against Xerxes' multicultural army. The Spartans are depicted as very effective soldiers whereas the diverse Persian army was clumsy and untrained. To add insult to injury, this diverse army is depicted as monstrous, from the giant berserker, the fat dude with knife hands, and the disfigured immortals. In contrast the Spartans looked like perfectly toned humans. And yeah.... first Persian casualty, a black guy. I'm not going to ding the film for not mentioning how the Greeks were expert slavery practitioners, but portraying the Spartans fighting for freeeedoooooooom is just sickening. Yes, the film does open up with how Spartans euthanize newborn they consider inferior, but guess what, they also pin the defeat of the Spartans on the physically deformed Ephialthes. 300 just distorts history beyond measure. In reality, the Achaemnid Persian dynasty was well known for its tolerance cultural, and economic achievements. They even get credit in the Old Testament by inviting the Israelites back to their homeland after a period of subjugation. And no.... they didn't just invade the Greek city states because they hated freedom. But yeah whatever....
  6. Anyone planning to get these? Info: http://startrek-starships.com/usa/index.asp I have the first three issues and ships on the way. I've seen photos on the web of the finished goods and they look very nice and detailed! (especially the -D). They plan on releasing lots of ships. Hope we get a Steamrunner someday .
  7. A long long long time ago on the now non-existent gundam.com forums, I got banned for suggesting that 0083 was good.
  8. Star Trek Mass Effect?
  9. I am watching, and really enjoying, ship-moe anime Aoki Hagane no Arpeggio: Ars Nova. Oh Japan!.... only you can come up with something as epic as a Tsundere Heavy Cruiser. http://aokihagane.wikia.com/wiki/Takao
  10. in b 4 "it's China's fault that we have these print errors because they're supposed to know everything and fact check everything for Walmart too."
  11. My background is in data warehousing and business intelligence so all my customers who consume data and reports via a web interface are internal... as such I have not had to deal too much with the multi-browser headaches. Furthermore, all our workstations have the exact same build with automatic update pushes, and they make it a point to periodically audit everyone to make sure no one is downloading non-approved software. This might seem draconian, but does wonders what for all of our in-house developed applications in terms of stability. Strangely, we are much more productive because we stick to 1 browser. I do not believe our IT leadership would stick to IE if it were that unstable, insecure, and unresponsive given the nature of our business. It's true that external facing apps don't have the luxury to narrow things down to a browser, but I can't recall the last time IE has given me a hard time when I shop, when I do online banking, or stream content.
  12. For normal use, I find no difference between IE10 and its contemporaries. Normal used defined as browsing, shopping, youtube, etc. I can comment on some of the technical aspects as well from my own experience as a developer. Capabilities: - Pretty much all the mainstream browsers have HTML5 support (in fact some tests show that IE10 actually renders HTML5 content more quickly). - I have no found no problems working with YUI, and jquery Frameworks. Debugging Toolset: - My employer is an exclusive IE user so although I'm aware that most browsers have debugging tools, I have found the IE one to be pretty effective at debugging JavaScript and element analysis (CSS styling and what not). Interface: - The IE10 interface pretty much follows the whole industry standard "tab" design. ... so if you want to use IE, go for it. I don't think your computer will explode. The IE brand has a PR problem, not a technical one, because older versions were truly horrible.
  13. You know a movie is bad when you can watch the whole thing on youtube and no one bothers to take it down.
  14. Bored... so made a new D3 Samurai Barbarian character.
  15. Not getting either atm, at least this year ... waiting for first round of price drops, don't care if it's a 2 year wait. I've always felt more comfortable with the second iteration (i.e. PS3 Slim) of hardware anyways.
  16. This is because the average 10-30 demographic that these games target are functionally illiterate anyways. Their main form of communication consists of a series of grunting noises punctuated by profanity.
  17. Just hit level 60 on my DH on Diablo 3.... all of a sudden games feels boring.
  18. The Canadian Forces are trying something similar with Justin Bieber's "songs. "
  19. I have only watched Bakemonogatari. I thought it was brilliant. The scene where Hitagi and Koyomi finally go to their dayto under a sea of stars is particularly touching. I couldn't get motivated enough to watch Nisemonogatari.
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