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Ghost Train

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Everything posted by Ghost Train

  1. Nowhere did I state that the IAF flew or flies Sukhoi's in the real world. The SV-51 was partly designed / manufactured by IAI, which leaves the possibility open that in the Macross timeline that the experience of Israeli pilots contributed to some extent to the development of the SV-51 or that Israel was actually part of the Anti-UN faction. NATO's air dominance is a result of its well funded air forces, well trained personnel, and the use of force multipliers like AWACS, Electronic Warfare, Aerial Refueling etc, - all factors that were missing in their last 2 real opponents. In terms of modern jet combat experience, Israeli pilots have by far the most experience, with half of all kills attributed to Eagles and Falcons done by them. If you put them in say an advanced Flanker I highly doubt they would just suck simply because their repertoire has always consisted of Mirages, and US aircraft. On the contrary, they'd be just as good (if this is what you actually meant). Also, after a certain point, the technical aspect of you hardware does matter. In the Cope India exercises, the USAF's F-15/F-16 combo has routinely (that's a polite word really) been beaten by the Indian SU-30MKI. (Too lazy to link source, just google it)
  2. Iron rule of realistic space fighter designs: If it looks too much like a 4+ Generation fighter jet, it's probably not a "realistic" design.
  3. As much as I love BSG, I think Babylon 5 gets the credit for being the first show to tackle the realities of a space-fighter seriously, namely the need to vector thrust in all directions. BSG Vipers had RCS thrusters much the same way a modern space shuttles do, but I never saw a reverse thruster to deal with Newton's first law - Starbuck elegantly solves this problem by simply flipping the fighter over.
  5. I wonder if there are knock-off model kits of the J-20 already....
  6. Kore Wa Zombie Desu Ka is aaaawesome! Moefication and Haremnization of zombie survival horror.... what an incredible concept! This show is like Bakemonogatari, except swap the knock off vampire for a zombie and make everything more retarded. End song and anime slightly nsfw: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=8lzFUzj83ao
  7. I'm sure a lot of people have been waiting for this one. Source April release.
  8. Gotta agree with you there. Hip-hop used to be a conduit to tell the story of urban youth fighting the tyrannical force of oppression that is the LAPD... now it's just stupid - "hey i'm king of teh club y'all!" verbal diarrhea.
  9. I'm glad Machete is being a good role model and reminding everyone on the importance of washing your hands! ... btw awesome movie, if you get offended you're probably taking concepts like nurses firing uzi's too seriously.
  10. He makes nice diagrams... and stuff, he has a doctorate in "Top Gun" and a masters in "Ace Combat"
  11. I think that's about right. According to Carlo Kopp, the intended role seems to be to get behind enemy lines and wreck AWACS, tankers, and other force multipliers.... bashing of the F-18E and F-35 ensues !
  12. I watched the 1st episode of IS: Infinite Stratos. Despite the obvious parallels to Strike Pantsu Witches, I seem to have judged it too fast. The amounts of mecha and scifi seems to be well balanced with the more contemporary slice of school of life tropes - complete with tsundere female lead.
  13. I was gonna vote Roy, but pineapples are disgusting.
  14. I was expecting to see the following words explode onto the screen at the end of the trailer: R O B O T E C H: TEH TREE OF LIFE THE SAGA BEGINS SUMMER 2011 .... My hopes have been dashed ;_; .
  15. The computer is actually Trebek's long time nemesis Sean Connery:
  16. If we can ignore things like "skill" and "training" which are all useless in animu anyways, Sheryl is the best pilot . Screw the green goblin, singing on top of a valk is not the same as piloting one as The Galaxy Fairy bravely did.
  17. Other inventions (or stuff he was involved with) by Shoji Kawamori that people did not care much about: ... well maybe not the last one.
  18. January 1st 2011: 5,000 birds fall dead from the skies of Arkansas. 100,000 fish wash up dead near the Arkansas river. January 5th 2011: 500 dead birds found in Sweden. January 6th 2011: Jersey Shore S3 begins. January 10th: Invasion begins?
  19. Isamu D. Bypasses Earth's defense grid, evades artillery hailstorm from SDF-1, wins a psychological victory over the YF-21, and Myung loves him despite being a Class A doushebag .
  20. I'd like to add Bottled Water to the hate-list. A combination of boiling and filtration will create drinking water of similar quality at much much much less than $1.XX a bottle.... but yea, Government conspiracy to fluoridate water to sterilize people ahead of the 2012 Alien Invasion etc etc etc. And yea... I'm too good to drink from the tap. My body is optimized only to turn Fiji water and VOX into piss.
  21. Loved the conclusion. It's a shame not enough people were interested in this show. And Cylons with Interventions was awesome .
  22. Movie far exceeded my expectations, I give it a B+. They pulled off the alien invasion thing pretty well. I got goosebumps watching the ELS absorb everything in its path. I also thought they handled the explanation of Veda + GN Drive + Innovator in a semi competent manner. Some bad stuff: introduction of pointless fanservice character, the combat is just excessive amounts of flash and things going pew pew..
  23. I think SyFy's will only have pro-wrestling as its series lineup. The rest will be composed of their award winning feature films like: Crocasauras vs. Mega Killer Whale vs. Giant Chihuahua vs. Lindsey Lohan.
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