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Ghost Train

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Everything posted by Ghost Train

  1. This is how a true Gundam fan would rate this show: Characters (-10) : Weird undefined style. Animation Quality (-20): Reminds me of Astro Plan from Outer Space Mecha Designs (-10): Everything looks boxy in a bad way. Originality (+10) ... erh nvm, the century saga is actually pretty novel, so I shall deduct 20 points instead - all gundams MUST follow the same damm story pattern with a Char & Amuro archetype dammit! Not UC (-50)
  2. I used to be strongly against micro-transactions and a believer of "you get what you put into the game." However, this has been tempered by the realities of real-life time constraints and human behavior. People are going to buy online currency from farmers to get ahead, irrespective of threats, violations of TOS, etc, they're just going to do it period. It's better for the game publishers to have control over some aspects of enhanced gear and items from microtransactions themselves. I remember the days in Final Fantasy XI (~2005-ish), gil-sellers literally wrecked the in-game economy to the point where you had to buy their currency in order to do anything in-game. This of course induced a lot of in-game racism directed towards anyone suspected of being Chinese. There were organized Japanese and English speaking parties enacting a digital form of ethnic cleansing, whereby they would MPK (since there is no open pvp in FFXI, this is the technique whereby you'd pull a whole crap load of monsters near the person you want to harass) anyone suspected of being a farmer (even if it was just an honest player farming for Gil). The chat screen was filled with stuff like, "Go back to China and eat cat," and other forms of tasteless comments. In conclusion - publishers should take charge of their economy and in-game world before it spirals out of control, microtransactions is one way to do it.
  3. This movie should be renamed: 100 ways Magneto can kill you. Aside from the script, which just really campy at times, it was an enjoyable movie.
  4. Since the Flood and The Covenant were the subject of the trilogy, I'm willing to bet that the game's focus will be on the Forerrunners (yea I know I'm so smart). Maybe the MC was actually knocked back in time when his section of the Forward Unto Dawn separated by the shockwave, and the Chief will find himself fighting alongside/against the Flood or Forerunners furing the Forerunner/Flood war.
  5. LOLOL Stealth helicopter model kit available soon rofl. hobbysearch
  6. Ahhh nevermind, I just found the G-man's comments on the other thread. Good news indeed.
  7. Uh... I guess I missed the memo, is this a continuation of another thread or something?
  8. Voice recognition would be interesting. /cough ... Hey I'll just be dancing right here, you can pretend we're dancing together. Don't think I can keep a straight face vocalizing some of Shepard's ridiculous (but apparently highly effective) pickup lines.
  9. Since we talking about Bond I'd like to share a pic of one of my most treasured possesions, the Omega Seamaster 300m Chronometer, which was the official Bond timepiece of the Brosnan Bonds. I think Daniel Craig Bond went with the Seamaster Planet Ocean instead. It's an entry-level luxury watch. I got mine in 2005, as 1300.00 USD. Nope, mine does not have an integrated laser . Of course, I think the Submariner is the classic representative Bond watch, but Omegas have a certain low key luxury air to them that I really like.
  10. I kind of like this When Lara was a noob listening to the Bieber on her ipod idea.
  11. I loved FF8, would be happy if they remade 7 or 8. I give Square creativity points for wanting to try something new with the draw system, but it just felt awkward. Having replayed both 7 and 8 a few times over the years, I have to admit I like 8 better - just can't beat the OMG plot twists and revelations - "U MEAN ELLONE IS SQUALL'S ADOPTED SISTER AND LAGUNA IS SQUALL'S FATHER, WHO WAS ALSO IN LOVE WITH RINOA'S MOTHER??" ... and Ragnarok was the best looking FF airship hands down.
  12. I be dissapoint, was expecting ROBOTECH SHADOW OF ENVY: INVASION OF THE MUPPETOIDS in 3D
  13. I'm officially done with any sort of hardcore MMORPG style gaming, but if I see this at the end of episode III I'll reconsider: To be Continued in Starcraft Online
  14. I'm sure Watson will do fine. In fact, with my substandard programming skills I can easily an algorithm to simulate modern American medicine: Dim patientSick Dim doctorHouseMD patientSick = new Patient () doctorHouseMD = new Doctor() If patientSick.Insurance() {'Kachiiiiing! patientSick.getUnnecessaryTest() patientSick.getViagra() patientSick.getMRI() doctorHouseMD.getMoneyz() patientSick.discharge() } Else {'No Insurance GTFO patientSick.discharge() }
  15. Since we're kind of on this topic, what's everyone's favorite ending? For me, it's The Real Folks Blues from Cowboy Bebop: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=LGAnQDj8ais A distant second place is 12012's Typhoon from RomeoXJuliet (yes, they made an animu about this ) http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=qeMtuSJ7WUI
  16. How's this for a remake? Set it in WW2 when France is having an "identiy crisis." An American OSS Operative, British SAS Commando, and former Legionnaire befriend a young Resistance member. Together they must defeat Colonel Richleau of the Vichy Regime who is working with the German SS to breed an army of Zombie stormtroopers. Directed by Uwen Boll.
  17. Anyone remember this?
  18. Lol typical Republican, talk a lot about family values, morals, etc, and then proceeds to turn around and get the maid pregnant
  19. I love the Mass Effect Universe as well, love how Bioware invested quite a lot of efforts explaining their version of FTL travel, fleet battles, and writing bios for planets that you will probably not read . What I don't like about it (coincidentally I feel the same way about Star Trek) is that alien civilization is essentially human in nature (in particular Turians and Asari) - they trade stocks, peddle their goods in markets, enjoy getting drunk, and enjoying watching half naked dancers at Chora's den. Oh and Lynx, I keep reading that Halo Reach was supposed to be sandbox/open world styled and added much vivid detail to the Halo-verse, which would have been awesome in my opinion!
  20. Just finished another playthrough of Valkyria Chronicles. This game is just amazing from the canvas graphics engine to the gameplay. I developed a pretty strong attachment to all my squad members and went through incredible lengths to save everyone. Seeing all the names with an ALIVE status in the credits was great ... Why oh why did they make the sequels for PSP? Note: the anime fails to do justice to this awesome game.
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