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Ghost Train

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Everything posted by Ghost Train

  1. Oh believe me, the significance of a 2012 launch date did not escape me. But the connection between real life dates and fictitious events have zero meaning to me. I'd rather have my toys sooner rather than later.
  2. Making some rough assumptions here (as I have no inside knowledge of how these are packed), but obviously the more boxes, the better the chance, but let's look at your odds for getting the YF-19: Number of Possible Different Valkyries: 20 Number of Valkyries in 1 box: 12 Probability that 1 slot in a box does not contain what you want: 95% = (1/20) Probability that all 12 slots does not contain what you want: 54% = (.95)^12 ... so therefore the inverse of 54% is the probability that you will get what you want with 1 box: 46% . Suppose you bought 2 boxes, the probability that you will not get what you want is 29.6% (0.54^2), so the probability that you will succeed with 2 boxes is 70.4%. Making some assumptions which are probably wrong, namely that you can get duplicates (I've only bought one box and didn't get dups).
  3. Yo yo yo, this thread got me thinking about society's inequities again... why isn't there a P-51 African American Tuskegee Gal Strike Witch? Them anime is so racist yo... so racist.
  4. Enterprise-E should have been the tri-nacelled Galaxy from All Good Things. As it comes into service around the time the Dominion emerges, the over the top weaponry like the spinal phaser would have made sense.
  5. Wrex nendoroid plz
  6. This is a good vibe, but I got a feeling we have to wait until after the VF-17D/S, VF-19P/S until we see this one, so it seems my gut feeling tells me that if said plans to exist... it's lined for late 2012 (hopefully before the Maya Nibiru Zombie Stock Market Crash Alien Invasion Apocalypse of late December)
  7. Glennn Beck... followed closely by Lou Dobbs.
  8. I'm giving Deus Ex a try too (I played the 1st & 2nd way back in the day). Although I prefer the Ninja playstyle, I unfortunately find myself treating the game like a shooter. Ammo seems to be scarce in this game, so I adopted the tactics of tossing objects and pissing off the local gangs, seek cover, holster my weapon, and let the police pop the bad guys for me... then I swoop in and loot . Since I'm from Detroit, it's nice that they did some localization research, though some of it is a bit off: Malik mentions the Ren Center, which is the current HQ for GM . You are told to meet someone at Grand River road, though it's actually more of an avenue that runs from the sprawl to the city. Malik has a Middle Eastern look (she is quite sexy imo ), some of the material references her as being from Dearborn, MI which is home to one of the largest ME communities in North America.
  9. Totally agree! The time period between the TOS movie(s) and TNG is prime unexplored territory. I always liked the feel of the Enterprise-A era (circa late 23rd century). The decks of the ship and their crew had a more militaristic and utilitarian look to them, by the time of TNG the Enterprise-D has the look & feel of a luxury cruise. And of course, the Red single coat uniform is still the best!
  10. What do you do when you are bored and have a box of failed / wrecked / unfinished models? Duh! Build an original space-fighter.
  11. I raise you a Seikan Hikou:
  12. The autumn line-up looks pretty interesting: Link Definitely going to watch Working!!, everyone's favorite moe Calamari Geso Geso Gesoooo! S2 , and most excited about Fate Zero! ... in the meantime there is Carnival Phantasm for Type-Moon shananigans. I will probably watch Gundam Age.
  13. Watching: Usagi Drop Kami Sama Memo Blood C Idolm@ster .... now I actually know the background of said idols who adorn my aircraft as they sortie to defend Emeria against those Stovie bastards.
  14. The carrier should be named 郭美美-BABY-1. Like its namesake it's rollin around in class showing da bling bling.
  15. A bit off-topic, but I remember the good ol' days of gundam.com, the admin (can't remember his name now) seem to have spent quite a bit of resources on the whole user mb experience. We had rank tags for Feddie or Zeon depending on the amount of board activity lol ... seriously we should do that here, titles like Basara's College Room Mate and Nuker of Whales are just awkward.
  16. That...that....that... is sheer brilliance! To me, it looks much better than the YF-29 .
  17. I would also like to see a good high-budget film about the Flying Tigers, which offers some good storytelling material - a bunch of guys with inferior (this is arguable though) and dated planes being outnumbered by technically superior aircraft but still kicking butt and writing history.
  18. - ME-262 Final Boss Adversary? CHECK!
  19. I can't wait for the bandwagon to be catalyzed by this movie. Soon we will have the following titles hump the silver screen too!... for starters Monopoly, Operation, Connect-4, and the aforementioned Twister.
  20. Let's see, she probably has no prior criminal record... check, upper-middle class-ish ... check, not-dark-skinned... check, yep the punishment for drunk driving & vehicular manslaughter sounds about right . but ok, back on topic.... seriously guys, you can't forgive the scientific premise of this movie, yet we are ok with transforming aircraft and giant robots that duel with beam swords?
  21. My willingness to forgive major oversights in science is proportional to the cuteness of the female lead .
  22. The glass display it's sitting on sucks and the no camera sign is so racist.
  23. Sweet video, but I can just imagine Bolo Yeung popping out from under the ruble with a giant minigum saying: Cardboard not shoot back .
  24. Anyone see this?
  25. The Bana / Ang Lee Hulk was the best in my opinion, an attempt to bring a thoughtful version of the story to the big screen... but for this same reason I can understand why many people disliked it... the Hulk is not supposed to be depicted in a thoughtful manner .
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