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Ghost Train

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Everything posted by Ghost Train

  1. A sad day for all. Not a huge apple fan either, though I find myself typing this post on a macbook pro. The man found a niche in making stylish, boundary-pushing hardware & software for personal computing. RIP Mr. Jobs.
  2. The 100th anniversary of the Republic of China will be on October 10th. During this time expect the PRC to rain on the ROC's parade by trolling the internetz with the bla bla bla renegade province etc etc talk.
  3. ... Excite still exists?
  4. I got my Playbook before the Kindle-Fire inspired price slash >_< ... my list of pro's and con's is similar to what people have already said. If you're ok with the dearth of apps, it's a nice "tactical" tablet to have. The smaller size allows me to pretty easily slip it into a larger internal jacket&coat pocket - but then again, a good smartphone would fit this requirement fairly easily. In other news, I will be taking the Oracle Java Associate exam in November. Anyone have experience with this one? It seems fairly straightforward.
  5. Fate Zero's 1st episode completely lived up to my expectations. Glad it was 1 hour to properly flesh out the backgrounds of all the masters. Definitely a darker and bloodier story than FSN. Can't wait to see Saber in a suit .
  6. I would like to pretend M7 was just one of those creative re-telling of events that occur in-universe, and that the Basara character was softened to obtain a PG-13 rating for the good peace loving colonists to consume. In reality, he wore all black leather, carried a .357 magnum that he would use during concerts and to execute Protodevlin prisoners, and had a healthy dose of Chiroptera in his diet. In reality, he died in M7 colony after a week-long binge of crack, jack, Zentradi Special K mushrooms, painkillers, and of course lots of hookers. He was found unresponsive by his bandmates with Ai Oboete imasu ka looping in the background. He was quickly rushed to a nearby hospital where he was pronounced expired. A much beloved rocker, someone had to pay and his bandmdates were all arrested on suspicion of manslaughter. Everyone was eventually let go, except Ray. Ray L remains locked up in a maximum security prison. In recent years, some celebrities have started a "Free Ray" campaign, arguing that he was imprisoned unjustly because of the high melanin concentration found in his epidermis during the investigation. ... and next week, an effeminate looking high schooler part-time mercenary, a waitress at a Chinese restaurant, and the Galaxy fairy, what really happened... on VH1'S BEHIND THE MUSIC!
  7. I declare Blood-C to be the most incredibad show of this past season.
  8. Iraq is apparently rebooting its air force and has agreed to buy 18 F-16's (Block 52's according to the article). Source . I am glad the ~50 USD it took me to refuel my 12.5 gallon vehicle each time over the summer is being put to good use! oh I kid I kid... sorry mods I didn't read anything about a project Supernova-like fly-off competition where ace pilots fight over women, punch themselves out in front of hospitals, and go off in the desert to chase dino-birds, to finally bury their differences and fight an AI drone Taranis prototype though...
  9. Color is wrong, and why is cockpit clear? Definitely a pass.... Juuuust kiiding!
  10. This gives me hope that we might one day see the VF-19 Active Nothung.
  11. I'd say that looking at this from a common-sense perspective, you will still be exposed to organic vapors, definitely less than an enclosed space, but it's not risk-free. What you're painting will likely be in front of you, and thus you still risk being exposed to fumes. How far away you're from the vapor is as important of a factor as whether or not it's indoors vs. outdoors (the only exception being a fume hood which will do a pretty good as sucking the gases away, though most people will not have such a facility). I'd strongly suggest still wearing a respirator.... ... unless you got some retarded neighbors who will call the police on you because they think you're doing something suspicious on account of wearing a mask.
  12. Been looking for this track forever: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=6btxREGuVAc
  13. If memory servers me correctly, the Intrepid class, despite being smaller and having less crew than the Galaxy or Sovereign, is at least technically supposed to be the most advanced ship class of the fleet, as it packs some of the latest & greatest tech like the EMH program, neural-gel packs, and the highest sustained warp speed. This would have given it an edge in terms of survival... but in reality the only technology that mattered was plot armor.
  14. Just remake 3, or have something similar to 3. Good characters, branching stories, and taking place in the mid-21st century.
  15. Too lazy to look up the source, but I'm pretty sure that the official line on how the Abram-verse Trek relates to the Prime continuity is that it was a split in the timelines, rather than a void.
  16. The one with the biggest fracking cockpit of all.... Kotobukiya Vic Viper otw in 2012!
  17. The more I hear about this, the less I want to play this game. If they wanted to have choppers and guys with skull face masks featuring prominently, why not make a FPS based on the AC Universe? Plenty of good story opportunities - the special ops team that assaults stonehendge, more amphibious landings that you can count, trying to make a run on Gracemeria Central Bank with Sgt. McKnight, and assaulting a landing strip with Yellow Jacket... or playing as a rebel during the Eurasian occupation, passing classified info on Yellow squadron to the barkeep's daughter.
  18. Started Steins; Gate, enjoying it thus far! ... but how can they villanize the lovable particle physicists at ©SERN ???
  19. I have a feeling that since Vita will be region-free, no Gundam and/or Macross games will ever be made ever again, until the next platform that is not region free .
  20. Seeing anime tackle something like the X-men, I would like a desecration of Star Trek to take place as well, and explore the concept of the bridge harem. The captain will basically be an unqualified worthless no skills guy, who is surrounded by a tsundere first officer, a communication officer who is empowered by the yuri, a glasses girl as the science officers, and twins sitting at the helm and ops consoles up front. It will run for 12 episodes, and have a mandatory Risa swimsuit episode, a Federation culture festival where one possible relationship route is resolved. BD releases and OVA's will potentially explore other romantic routes like the Klingon Princess X Species 8472 ending. Edit: ... Oh wait, they kinda already made this show a long time ago.
  21. Where is the giant man eating alligator/shark/octopus/raccoon/clownfish in this new trailer? Asylum is seriously slipping.
  22. Other board members summed it up pretty well, just filling some more info here... 1) Replay value is high, I don't think it's possible to unlock all augmentations - though I heard you can come close. Like previous incarnations of Deus Ex, you will notice things you could have done differently as you progress through the game. 2) The game is primarily a FPS. Like it's been stated, the camera jumps to 3rd person when you take cover (you'll be doing it a lot), and you will briefly see Jensen in 3rd person whenever you do a take-down, though this is pretty programatic and only involves hitting the O button. The switching did not bother me, and was pretty seamless in my opinion.
  23. Apparently the Pak FA/T-50 is in this game: sauce
  24. I finished 2 playthroughs of Deus Ex hour. Definitely stands out on its own in the sea of mindless COD style shooters. Just dissapointed there is no new game+ to start the game fully augmented I really didn't like how the ending became a "zombie" fest though... And final boss was a joke with see-thru-wall aug and laser cannon.
  25. The day when war will become a giant videogame is soon approaching. To make it a profitable, fun, and competitive event I suggest nestling one of these "proxy" wars every four years, perhaps tuck it in between the Olympics and the World Cup, where countries go head to head in a myriad of events - like drone air to air, drone ground attack accuracy events, r/c tank battles, MW3, Halo, and Starcraft (which undoubtedly will make South Korea the next world power).
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