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Ghost Train

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Everything posted by Ghost Train

  1. Yes, I never understood the "new" Engineering section. McDonalds playground was the first thing that came to mind when Scotty was trapped in the tubes.
  2. I hope that on Multiplayer you will be able to ride a horse like in the trailer. Riding a horse would be awesome.... no, it would be magical.
  3. LOL, the Priceline Negotiator must be so p!ssed if Spock Prime returned for the 2ND movie of the reboot.
  4. He did return to Hong Kong when he was really little though, and spent most of his childhood there as well. Difficult to "claim" based on place of birth, otherwise Americans would have to give up their claim on a lot of influential heavy hitters in almost every endeavor!
  5. Well that's the problem, you were doing an awesome job writing those manuals!
  6. Finally did it. Had 5,000+ EMS before the final showdown. ... and Huerta Memorial calls in after the credits: Liara, Ashley, Miranda, EDI (sorry Jeff ), and Kahlisah Al-Jalani, are all pregnant.
  7. In my white-collar keyboard warrior field of work: No Manuals + No Mentoring + No Training + No Hiring = Job Security.
  8. Relax! The Salmon was farm raised with Zentradi free labor! ... though I got it in Costco at Macross Galaxy's Central District's, so I can't say with certainty it's actually Salmon.
  9. Use this space to discuss food. Your own cooking, your waifu's cooking, fast food, BBQ, fine & upscale dinning, etc. I love to prepare my own food. My old man used to own a restaurant so I learned a little bit from him over the years - though skill-wise I got a long ways to go. Made this last evening: -Grilled Salmon (Al Ajillo) -Steamed Brocoli -White Rice (I'm Chinese... this is a must)
  10. It'd be hilarious if the extended ending gave us even more ending choices! Tired of Blue, Red, and Green .... ? Try Maroon, Fucscia, and Teal!
  11. The Boss is more man than most men.
  12. All the non-discount US airlines are equally bad, so I think comparing airports (which is where you'll be stuck in for a long time anyways) is a more productive discussion . Detroit Metro, good now that both terminals have been remodeled. North Terminal (formerly NWA and now Delta) has a nice linear design. Chicago O'Hare: old, and smelly, chances of delays are very high. In the time I waited for my flight to Detroit, I could have easily driven home. Atlanta Hartsfield: lol good luck with this one, airport is not bad, but damm thing probably has a different weather report for each end of the airport. Newark Liberty: Taking lessons from how the roads in Jersey are organized, expect to get lost. La Guardia: ...Piece of Sh!t
  13. This is the ultimate heresy that history has tried to cover up then ...
  14. Aye... he went way before his time. He would have been 71 this year, probably not doing UFC ... but most likely directing and making movies, appearing on late night talk as an elder celebrity (on both sides of the Pacific!) and cooperating with Jet Li, Jackie Chan, and others who he paved the way for.
  15. He can't speak Mandarin.... if TV & Movies have taught me anything, it's that all badass cops, martial artists, mystical mountain men with long beards, speak Cantonese .
  16. I've played all 3 games, and I agree with you. Though my playthroughs were very casual - the most hardcore thing I ever did was probably just to make sure my whole crew survived in part 2. I didn't religiously create one profile for every single decision in the previous games you could have made. OMG, if I lied about the fish that supposedly exists in the Presidium will I not be able to recruit the Krogans for the epic final battle?!!??1!! NOOOOOO! ... but this is part of the reason some people are upset. The hardcore gamers who religiously "profiled" every path and every scenario from ME1 & 2 are basically up in arms, because none of the hard work mattered in the end . Heck, you don't really need ME1 & 2 to get the best outcome, just keep spamming readiness and you'll be in good shape. The degree to which gamers thought that their choices would influence the end was unrealistic to begin with. In the end, it would have been impossible to churn out this game in a timely manner and within budget but also take into account every important decision that the player made in ME1&2.... those voice actors reading alternative lines for the same scenes to account for different outcomes don't work for free you know . And also, I disagree with the whole "different explosion color but same ending" argument. The outcomes are clearly different, but they just weren't explored in detail. Even a short narrated epilogue explaining what happened to the Galaxy if say, the green ending was chosen, would have been an improvement. Instead Bioware (like most companies with profitable milkabe IP's) left things "open" for possible future titles.
  17. If this would be retconned in contemporary times, non-state actors would play a big role too! The Order: - The 1% - Fox Broadcasting Company - Apple - Walmart - Facebook - Justin Bieber - Bioware (reluctantly) They are the maintainers of the status quo, relying on overwhelming force to crush their enemies! They field giant heavily armored static mobile suits. The Anti-Order: - Google - The Occupiers - The Sea Shepards (w00t we got a navy with heli air support! ) - Ben & Jerry Ice Cream - Lady Gaga - Harmony Gold They are the underdog, relying on stealth, hit & run tactics to overcome their foes. They prefer transformable mecha due to their versatility and to compensate for their lack of resources.
  18. After wasting countless hours in the past 2 months playing Mass Effect 3, here is what I actually gleaned from the sneak peek! The crew of the alliance frigate (Normandy Class) SSV Thermopylae rescue a Batarian (ok, it's missing a few eyes), wearing Inferno Biotic Armor. Due to Reaper indoctrination he goes nuts when he wakes up and attacks the crew. Before he is put down, he reveals the location of a secret Cerberus Base. As Commander Shepard frantically tries to rally the forces of the galaxy to fight the Reaper threat, the Thermopylae and its squad of N7 marines work to uncover a threat that jeopardizes the war effort, the crucible and the fate of the galaxy itself!
  19. Given SyFy's recent track record I would not be surprised if they broadcast the film, and canceled it halfway through the showing! OK guys... I change MY MIND NOW... here is some WWE Smackdown instead!
  20. Of course it looks battle scarred... fighting the Klingons is hard work!
  21. Not sure who this Rob guy is, but the 90's were great ... really miss those days It had unrivaled anime (with 100% more mecha!): NG Evangelion, Macross+, Escaflowne, Cowboy Bebop, ok and to a lesser extent Macross 7 . Gaming takes an epic leap forward: Half Life / CounterStrike (this came out in 2000 but whatever, close enough), Warcraft II, Starcraft ... and consoles move to the next phase as well: PSX, Saturn / Dreamcast. Killer apps like FF7, Xenogears, and the original Resident Evil still feel awesome today. The internet was made available to the masses: You've got mail! Oh... the excitement when the modem finished its series of beep/boop song. Life was good... I was in high school (graduated in 1999), no real worries, once I took the SAT's got my acceptance into my school of choice I pretty much just goofed off for a few months. The spring & summer of 1999 was incredible - senioritis had taken hold, spent my time shooting hoops, playing games, and looking forward to college! Oh how I wish time could be turned ...
  22. Talimancers unite ! ...
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