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Ghost Train

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Everything posted by Ghost Train

  1. If Bioware had to retroactively explain this whole "So how did the Reapers get here then" question, it would probably involve the ILM - who would have graciously opened a different backdoor for the Reapers.
  2. The Infinity from Halo 4 reminds me of the Rokh class battleship from EVE:
  3. Did Valve ever promise a 3rd episode? It's been a very long time since Episode 2 already, it would be somewhat of a joke if they released "the next big thing" as episodic content... 5 years after part 2. My gut feeling is that they'll just skip to HL3 .
  4. It's not a FPS, Mass Effect is a dating sim with some third person shooter elements.
  5. Ghost Train

    Macross figures

    Welcome to 2012, where MLP:FIM represents the highest ideals of masculinity!
  6. I am inclined to think that the original inside-man Reaper plan involving a direct jump to the Citadel was meant to quickly take out the leadership of whatever civilization was in charge at the time, which would make their task of wiping out the rest of the galaxy easier. They must have reasoned that this decapitation attack woud make the rest of their galactic tour easier... though in the case of the Protheans it still took a few centuries. So the Reapers did not really need the back door and could have easily just crossed into the milky way from dark space... but that would be too lame, they needed to pop up in style . However, all this contradicts Vigil, who specifically states that the Reapers are "trapped" in dark space. It is possible though that Vigil is really just "hypothesizing" like everyone else, and also admits that the Reaper's motivations are unknown.
  7. New Jehuty (lol not sure if it's even Jehuty) Some more pics here: http://www.gunjap.net/site/?p=67493 I love the organic look, maybe this will be like Escaflowne and actually take place in a medieval setting?
  8. I watched the series around the time it originally aired. At first it was somewhat engaging... but towards the end the whole "gore for the purpose of gore" style of storytelling was a bit too much. I guess some people like it that way. I found Blood+ to be somewhat more enjoyable. And No, I don't like Twilight .
  9. I'm also a bit disappointed that some of the hard-technologies did not quite pan out the way we thought they would back in the day. But I do think that in some areas real world tech has far exceeded expectations. Instead of writing a multi-paragraph list of examples, I will just say that the interface in most modern OS' whether Windows, Mac OS, etc, looks much prettier than the LCAR of Star Trek or other comparable scifi props of the era... no beeps ... no bops. As to what young people do with this technology... well it's a bit of a disappointment. We waste all of our precious computing bandwidth on "Likes", "Thumbs Up", "Rate Up/Down", "Damm u yamato TEH COLORS R WRONG", and this hideous invention called a "Tweet" (of which 70% are unread).
  10. You really can't beat Star Trek V in this category. Really crap script, generic Klingon adversary, and major departures from canon (why did the Enterprise A's corridors look just like the -D)...? The poor whales rescued from Star Trek IV after seeing this film collectively committed suicide and beached themselves in front of Starfleet HQ in San Francisco as an act of protest.
  11. I had this messed up dream last night where JJ Abrams decides to bring a live-action story based on Macross to the big screen with the horry froating head's blessing. It had the most ridiculous title - The Mac. Everyone on this board was ripping it, but we all saw it anyways and left with a little grin on our faces... "yea... it was ok... " The plot was weird, and it focused on a detective duo that was investigating a string of violent crimes and robberies by four people who looked just like Hikaru, Misa, Shin, and Sara Nome.
  12. The much anticipated zombie apocalypse has begun: http://www.huffingtonpost.com/2012/05/27/report-miami-officer-shoo_n_1548491.html
  13. Wonder if he comes with a Stinger launcher too ... can't believe they aired that so close to Mother's Day too ...
  14. Hope the final product can maintain those slim proportions.... hope I can get said final product.
  15. I listened to this today and shed a single manly tear: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=eDnkucSov4g So many memories from that era evoked. I was in HS at the time, aside from college admissions, SAT's, AP Exams, etc. ... no real world worries. After I got my admissions letter to my school of choice I spent a nice chunk of time shooting hoops, chilling with friends, preparing for college, and vegging in front of the PSX, not a care in the world, the present was great and the future was bright. I'm drunk, and depressed. Just needed to vent... Maybe I should just grab Xenogears from the PSN store this weekend.
  16. Hate the -171, -25, -27, -29 and their lego block crotch in battroid mode.
  17. I'm totally loving the color scheme, never liked the jolly roger symbol too much, but that's just me .
  18. There is a 1/144 scale Stealth-Blackhawk model: You will have to build the giant compound yourself.... that happens to be located near a Pakistani military academy , where no one suspected, or knew who the denizen of the giant mansion down the street was.
  19. Says the dumba$$ who makes 2 illegal U-turns. Edit: Directed towards the video, not at reddsun My apologies.
  20. All this happened before ... /insert All Along the Watchtower.
  21. Raptor-gate gets worse... the plane is apparently making its ground crew sick as well: http://security.blogs.cnn.com/2012/05/09/mystery-of-f-22-illnesses-grows/ First the whole issue with the extreme maintenance and low MTBF. ...Then we learn that it can't operate well when it rains (or near anything else that can corrode its surface). .......Then the deal with the onboard oxygen system. Starting to think that the USAF should just considering re-investing on the F-15 and F-16 programs, perhaps the Silent Eagle and the Block60's. Or, how about purchasing some Rafales or Eurofighters (on paper not as impressive as the Raptor but have actually seen combat).
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