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Ghost Train

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Everything posted by Ghost Train

  1. Don't see it happening anytime soon. The last thing a company would want is for their own internal lines to compete amongst each other, which is why they have a 60 scale, 100 scale, and the 72 scale to maximize the milking of Frontier, different toys for different crowds and tastes (though the average MWF user will probably buy all 3 ). I could be wrong though, and anything is possible. Bandai does have Gundam figures that compete with their models, like the MSIA and GFF lines.
  2. That cockpit tint really hurts my eyes. The blue tint used on the DX is actually quite nice (not as cool as ultraviolent though ), but this toilet bowl cleaner green is just horrid.
  3. I have had my 1A Hikaru for almost 3 weeks now. Done a total of 3 transformation cycles, and I can see not visible stress/damage marks any kind. I don't think I'll transform it for a while as to not push my luck , and it will stay in fast-packed fighter mode for the conceivable future. The one thing I noticed during my last transformation was that the swing bar lid in front of the cockpit (the one used for clipping the leg swing bar during transformation to battroid) would not stay tightly closed in battroid form. I recall that the first transformation that I did, it snapped shut very tightly, almost to the point where some force was needed to both clip and unclip that lid.
  4. The official language is engrish . Recently watched DYRL again. The few lines of english used in the intro is far superior to the engrish used in the first few minutes of Frontier, I mean come on lol just hire one of the thousands of foreigners in Japan to speak a few lines into a microphone (or just do it all in Japanese).
  5. The Toynami 1:100's have really crap quality from what I hear, and it has been stated on this forum before by some people unfortunate enough to have bought one.
  6. I'm a little bit confused about what's going on in this thread. So the current stock in Overdrive (like as of this present moment) contains the redesigned arm with the supposed fix?
  7. It's sort of funny how a thread about a toy not released yet has been bumped into epic status
  8. I hope the more "obscure" valks are next in line for this series, seeing as the market is so oversaturated with all manners and forms of VF-1. Praying for either a VF-2SS or VF-4.
  9. I hope the toilet-bowl greenish blue tint on the cockpit is not final...
  10. The one thing I've learned from the last 10 pages of this thread is that they need to fire whoever is doing the posing / photography. And yea... the "invagination" of the head piece in fighter mode really stands out, in a negative way. I'm still really upset about the whole fastpacks issue. I hope the packs do become available individually outside of ordering them through Bandai. I would hate to have to purchase another Alto or Ozma custom just to get the packs (if indeed this is part of some scheme to sell a bundled unit in the future for Ozma / Alto). My other hope is that they're interchangeable, and this way I can just buy the Michel version and switch out the packs to my other VF-25's... /sigh
  11. Of the newer Yamato 60 scales I only currently posses the VF-1A (1/60) v2, and SV-51 Ivanov, so can only speak in depth about those two. I would go with one of the version 2 VF-1A if it's your first. I absolutely love my VF-1A, it is compact, very detailed, and sturdy. The SV-51 is nice, but because of its size, it's a bit unwieldy, I just keep mine in fighter mode. Also, the transformation of SV-51 is more complex than the 1A. I would be cautios about the VF-1S and any of the VF-0 line, as there are reports of QC issues with the shoulders. I don't have much info on the 19/21, hopefully someone else can provide you some feedback on those.
  12. now THIS I'm worried about... come on Bandai what's the sense in doing that ? I'll be so disapointed if this turns out to be true, 75% of the reason I wanted was because of the packs.
  13. Got my VF-1A v2 yesterday It's my 1st VF-1 since the circa 1980's chunky. Anyways, loving the new v2's, the attention to detail is exquisite. My only complaint is that during transformation, "decapitating" the head is almost unavoidable, because of the positioning of the leg swing bar. If someone knows how to do it without cheating, please share. It's a very minor thing for me anyways since I love the fast-packed fighter mode the best, and it shall be my permanent display-mode.
  14. This might have seen this mentioned earlier, but will Bandai package the DX VF-25 with fast/armor-packs (or whatever they're called in Frontier), or is that being released separately?
  15. Now that the initial excitement (or bandai-bashing) has died down a little.... Can someone tell me if the majority of the "paint job" details will be tampo printed like the Yamato valks?
  16. Not bad, I like them. And yea... what's up with the head on the Ozma. Silly question, but are most of the details will be tampo-printed like the Yamato valks releases right? Details as in the "personal" lines (black/red, yellow/black), SMS logo, etc.
  17. cool... I'm sort of debating between the A & J variant right now. I saw the collectiondx review for VF-1A and it was overwhelmingly positive. The pics for the VF-1J look really nice though. Unfortunately only got budget for 2 valks and one is reserved for VF-25 DX.
  18. Anyone pre-order the VF-1J 1:60, I just noticed it's due out this month!
  19. Ozma version photo they have is definitely the model, I think someone had posted the exact same pic on the 1/72 model thread. Now... the Alto one, I'm not so sure. it has the beefier look of the 1/60 DX, but it could just be my eyes playing tricks on me. In all likelihood the folks at big bad toy store probably made an error here.
  20. I have a feeling Red Dawn is going to be about that big country in Asia , and perhaps some middle eastern bloc countries thrown in the mix (like Cuba in the original). Given the extreme xenophobia in the US right now perpetuated by those racists at CNN (yea you know who), I can see how revisiting the Red Dawn concept can be lucrative. I can see it now, some idiotic plot (like that other retarded movie "Stealth") involving a combined Mexican/Chinese/Arab assault lol. It will probably win like 50 oscars.
  21. Guvava / Ai-kun vs <insert unfortunate victim>
  22. Cool, thx! That was the info I was looking for.
  23. Just noticed that in the Macross Mecha Manual site the engine thrust uses the kilo-Newton unit (1,620 kN x2), whereas in the past, most valks were rated with just the kilogram (kg). I'm a bit physics illiterate, but have always thought of Thrust as being a force, therefore reported in Newtons like how it's listed for the vf-25, but it seems even engines of rl aircraft use a mass definition, like "so and so engine produces 35,000 lb's or kg's of thrust." I was just wondering, as I wanted a figure to compare the Frontier-generation valkyries to the previous generation's arsenal (VF-11, 19, 21/22)... as I'm not convinced that that the 25 is vastly superior to a 19.
  24. At this point, all they got to do is fix that landing gear, and they can have my money.
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