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Ghost Train

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Everything posted by Ghost Train

  1. I remember this one as well. I had the giant blue plane with the little fighter plane attached on top.
  2. There will be a WD version, with the larger beam rifle, the 1/2-shield, and the extra head sensor thingy, though it will be a Bandai Hobby Shop exclusive.
  3. I finished the 1st season of Rinne no Lagrange... I'm so glad I didn't pass on this show after all. It really blends everything well. Not too serious, not too lighthearted. It reminds me of a lite-version of RahXephon for some reason. Don't like the transforming mechs too much.... but the Nendo/Egg-plane version of Vox Aura is absolutely adorable!
  4. It's sexy and it knows it. Feel like getting 23 of these... one for each year the ULTIMATE GM was introduced, and we were failed to see a model (resin doesn't count) of this .
  5. Upotte occupies the gray intersecting zone between schoolgirl life genre, military otakus, fpsrussia, and a thousand other "wrong" things.
  6. Tricia Helfer has now delivered the epilogue for two of the "greatest" sci-fi epics of our time.
  7. True Story from my morning commute today: I suddenly noticed a cop tailing me, his lights weren't blinking, but he was very aggressive, and stayed glued to my bumper for almost 2 miles. At this point I think he's just fracking with my head, then all of a sudden he makes a really sharp right turn into a plaza... guess why?
  8. With all these remakes/reboots the one re-do that I'd like to see another take at Bloodsport. There was that other JCVD more recent movie, The Quest, but it sucked. However, not sure how well the tournament with traditional martial arts thing will jive with younger audiences, as everyone thinks MMA is the one and only martial art now.
  9. Didn't know Captain Picard was going to be in this one... he will draw the line.
  10. Choice of color is bizzarre ... when I first saw this earlier today I thought that the colors were just for the prototype, but I guess not.
  11. http://www.latimes.c...0,1994696.story oh u... hollywood.
  12. Thanks... don't know if I should be relieved or concerned .
  13. Just out of curiosity (sorry if it's been discussed), but on inspection how easy/hard will it be to do the wing swap for when the armor pack comes out?
  14. Looking at recent photographs, I can't believe the man is in his early 50's. I attribute it to pursuing his passion (designing mechs, trolling, etc) and enjoying his everyday work!
  15. LOL, I want to see what happens when these mechs hit the real streets of Detroit. If the thugs spraying their AK's or the random collapsing building due to arson and/or abandonment don't put a dent in their armor... the corrupt police, incompetent city council, and general "just don't give a sh!t population" will complete the act of mechanical destruction. Soon the machines will develop sentience and do a sprint across 8 mile like everyone else! I hate to admit this since I've lived in Michigan for 15 years or so, but aside from perhaps some new real estate, which I guess can be added to the "Green Zone" (Comerica Park & Ford Field), Detroit has pretty much stayed the same - small islands of "civilization" surrounded by an ocean of blight.
  16. Sorry for the necro-bump... I undusted this today. My contribution to this discussion on prehistoric (ok, not really, this is more like bronze age) AV technology: Sony Hi-MD MZ-M200 recorder. I just loved the "control stick," it is a great idea, never have to touch the main device to access tracks, and control volume. There is a little LCD on the stick too that gives off some basic data like track info and battery status. The audio quality pumped out by the MD's would depend on the manner in which they were burned I guess, but I never fiddled too much with any of the default settings on Sony's burner software.... but it's GREAT. Can't tell the difference between it and my iPhone 4S. MD's never quite took off, they occupied the transitional time between combo CD/MP3 players and the current all digital status quo we live in. Rumor has it that they were a bit more popular in Asia (this one I bought in HK actually), but never reached mainstream status either. Inspecting the device a bit more I think I can still keep it operational, some of the software is still available on Sony's site. I couldn't find the charging USB, so I inspected the whole box of spare USB cables that have accumulated over the years... surprisingly the PS3 controller cable did the trick!
  17. I started Lagrange: The Flower of Rin-ne . I was expecting a generic circa 2012 fan service show with some mech a elements but thus far I'm surprised as to how well the show balances mech, comedy, and other contemporary tropes. ... and Madoka Kyouno is just such a good upbeat and upstanding girl !
  18. Gritty RDM styled Sailor Moon with the girls dressed in business suits constantly plotting to assassinate each other? ... I can dream.
  19. A bit off-topic but I started the Hulu+ free 1 week trial today. Good selection of TV series (all 4 seasons of BSG!), and some newer shows. Very impressed with the anime selection, with some very recent anime and shows that are currently broadcasting, I just scrolled through and saw Fate Zero, Accel World, and Kore wa Zombie... also classic anime ... like the original SDFM. A lot of Korean Dramas, though I'm not too much into that . The movies selection is not as appealing to me. A lot of samurai and kung-fu flicks, not many recent movies.
  20. I just realized that all the components are now in place to re-enact Ozma's famous, "I'm not a man" scene.
  21. I woke up... and shipping notice was in my e-mail . I'm very surprised by their stock level for an item that is seemingly sold out everywhere.
  22. Placed an order with NY... fingers and toes crossed.
  23. I was thinking about getting Spec Ops: The Line too, as Heart of Darkness is one of my favorite works of fiction. However, the demo confirmed my suspicion that this game looks and feels like just another generic cover shooter.
  24. I would consider visiting if Sumeragi (yes yes FU UC purists ) served the drinks. Now we need a Macross themed hotel. Where the queen sized bed splits into two twins to simulate SDF-1 transformation.
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