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Everything posted by renegadeleader1

  1. Just curious is anybody here willing to do a custom paint job for pay? I have an HGUC MS-06S char's custom Zaku that I need painted in black and gold to become a "Chara custom" in honor of the Boston Bruins winning the Stanley Cup. To put in plainly I suck at painting no matter how hard I try and this would mean a lot to me. EDIT: Zdeno Chara is the captain of the Boston Bruins.
  2. Looks less like Digimon and a little closer to Leiji Matsumoto.
  3. To be honest I really can't stand the films final message about "bad things happen and its nobody's fault." I haven't seen such a display of blind moronic optimisim since reading voltaire's candide in school. Thinking it over this comment from that review I posted fits my feelings best We really wanted to like “Super 8,” but as we said, it’s a MIRAGE, an ILLUSION of the movies we all grew up with and love. Abrams masterfully used IMPRINTING to give the illusion that you were watching a Spielberg movie. There were imprints of E.T.. Goonies, and Close Encounters throughout the movie, so if you’ve seen those movies, it activates good memories buried in your brain. It’s a good movie by ASSOCIATION, not by any actual merit.
  4. I am so putting WWII style bomb bay doors on that thing!
  5. Thanks to netflix I've begun watching some older anime starting with the original Dangaioh release from manga entertainmant. WORST AMERICAN RELEASE EVER!!! Horribly painful dub only, no subtitles, poor picture quality, and the first episode is missing replaced by a 10 min prolog that is impossible to follow. As for the show itself its okay. The fighters that make up Dangaioh look like underdeveloped valkyrie fetuses(Kawamori was the mech designer). The robot itself looks like someone just removed all the armor plates from Mazinger and called it a new robot. The character designs are definately what to expect from the classic 80s. I liked how the pilots themselves each had unique abilities almost to the point of me thinking this must be x-men meets getter robo. Also as far as endings go this one is pretty unique. I'm used to downer melancholy endings but... To be honest I have to say I enjoyed Great Dangaioh alot better, even though it has 99.9% nothing to do with this show untill the last two episodes!!!
  6. I just watched this along with super 8, and I have to say it was a very enjoyable movie. My only grip is that it would have been a heck of movie even if it just focused on Magneto and his quest for revenge. As for it being a reboot I'm not 100% certain on it. If anything it might fit into continuity with just the first X-men movie and the rest of the series(II, III, origins) will be retconned.
  7. Well guys I just got back from watching it, and I can't say I cared for it. Much of what I felt is summed up here http://theauditorz.wordpress.com/2011/06/11/why-we-h8te-super-8/ Warning there are spoilers so don't look if you plan on seeing it. Then again I really wouldn't recommend seeing it.
  8. Yeah she was a pale skinned redhead in the first starcraft. After she became a hybrid in brood war her skin darkened and she grew those dreadlock style things from her head that are actually a weapon. She's not 100% human yet. EDIT: according to the official site that female zerg thing is called Izsha. Apparently it was created as a sort of living hard drive Kerrigan stored her thoughts and plans on. Taking that into consideration Izsha is either going to backstab Kerrigan when she doesn't do something the queen of blades would have done or act like a little evil conscience and whisper "kill everyone" to kerrigan when ever she gets a chance.
  9. whats next ROBOTJOX?
  10. Anyone that complains about fake tits is some who has never even touched a pair fake or otherwise in real life.
  11. For those of you that think a movie will be great because its trailer looked dark and epic, I remind you of this...
  12. The original Mortal Kombat game was inspired by Enter the Dragon, Big Trouble in little China, and American Ninja movies.
  13. To be honest I was kinda hoping they would do this with covergirl. WE NEED A HOT REDHEAD TANK DRIVER PEOPLE!!!!
  14. I suddenly have a new respect for John Cena after sunday's "over the limit". For about 3 minutes The Miz beat on Cena's stomach with a kendo stick while Alex Riley held him in a no dq I quit match. I know wrestling is fake and all, but the Miz wasn't holding back with his swings and the marks just looked nasty. I haven't seen a beating like that since that little punk got his ass caned in singapore.
  15. I completely agree. In a way At world's end kinda screwed up this movie though. Imagine what this movie would have been like if Norrington wasn't killed and he had Barbossa's part, and Barbossa led the spaniards.
  16. I finished Starship Operators, and I have mixed feelings. After the first four episodes the show kinda switches gears and gets more serious as political workings start to influence everything. By the time the series ended I had a bad taste in my mouth. Quite a few characters do a lot of really stupid things for no good reason and in the end the sacrfices don't appear to have been worth anything. A gripe I have with the ending I also watched Porco Rosso definatly one of my fav Miyazaki films. The effort put into the flying animations is stunning especially when this was before computer aids.
  17. DAMN IT!!! I'm going to miss him.
  18. This reminds me I still have that Andromeda with the motorized turrets to put together, but these new kits are they of Okita's ship from the very begining of the series? I recognized the torpedo destroyer, but wasn't Okita's ship red?
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