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Everything posted by renegadeleader1

  1. to endcap areaseven and Jefuemon's choices in music... http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ExH7h9Lk5HY
  2. This was actually one of the few plot devices they never finished. The queen slug sent a message off into space supposedly to signal an invasion, but the whole idea was just dropped. Thats it. Nothing else. A large chunk of federation high command gets infiltrated and... thats all. I found out later there was supposed to be these giant insect invasions collecting other races to add to their hive mind, but the special effects aspect would have been too expensive so they dropped the bug idea and used plot elements from it to create the borg. EDIT:When I was a kid this episode scared the living crap outta me
  3. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=AUwbQjm93Es Nowhere Fast performed by Fire Inc. from the movie Streets of Fire. If this sounds very familiar, you should know that despite bombing in the US Street of Fire was a huge movie in japan and inspired quite a bit of anime in the 80s and early 90s.
  4. It has a sequel video that pays tribute to flashdance/ dirty dancing... WIN! http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=CF1kTUBIIys&feature=related
  5. I'll see your Olivia and raise you Eric Prydz
  6. I watched the battle of endor deleted scenes at a friends house when he bought the blu-rays. I have to say it was an eyeopener. I suddenly have a new respect for Moff Jerjerrod, and the deleteted rebel pilots scenes where hilarious and cool at the same time! I got to see what the rebel guys standing behind Lando and Nien Nunb on the falcon were doing during the battle. I also found out both A-wings and B-wings had targeting computers.
  7. He might also be thinking of the Baseball Stars series of games by SNK. It does have a similar art style to the Technos river city/kunio games even though they aren't related.
  8. No! resist the dark side you must! Otherwise it will dominate your destiny.
  9. Say what you want, but that was still funny.
  10. I liked Earthbound's system. The enemies randomly placed placed on the map appeared from off screen giving you the following options: you could either sneak up on them to get the first hit, be ambushed giving them the first hit, standard battle, avoid them, or if you were stronger they'd run like a bitch and if you caught them you wouldn't have to fight and got an auto win with full rewards! I think FF VII had the best random battles, not popping up every three steps, but also not being so infrequent that leveling seemed impossible. The combat was fun too, mostly due to each character having uniquely animated attacks, limit breaks, and materia affecting everything. I loved how you could mix and match or even stack different abilities on top of each other.
  11. J Scott Campbell... BEWBIES!!!! that is all.
  12. I just started Transformers: Headmasters(does this count as anime?). I'm rather impressed with the carnage, I'm just 3 episodes in and 3 transformers have died. I'm also surprised at wheelie growing a pair and not being anywhere near annoying as he was in the animated film and following seasons. I actually feel kinda bad for him being designated Daniel's protector while Daniel decides to go do something stupid.
  13. That was the original idea including robotic horses and pagoda battleships, all of it was scrapped in favor of what we evetually got. The only thing that survived the change was the hover sleds.
  14. The first few examples of the short gunned StuG III rolled off the assembly line without roofs. In pre war testing they found this was vulnerable to small arms fire while on a forward facing slope. By 1938 they had all been modified to have roofs. Actually quite a few were common like the U.S. M-10 wolverine tank destroyer over 6,700 were built. Having no roof helps with target spotting, faster reloading, casing clearing, and adds more speed due to less weight. WWII tank destroyer doctrine consisted of speed and firepower above all else. The M18 hellcat(also open topped) could be clocked at up to 60mph(97kmh). Personally I kinda like the idea behind the spartas. Its obvious that the mecha designer tried to merge 3 different types of mechanized warfare into the one mecha. The speed of a jeep, the firpower of self propelled artillery, and the all around ability of a main battle tank.
  15. Variants of the German StuG III and many other assault guns/tank destroyers had no roof crew protection. example: British Archer tank destroyer
  16. this happened right in front of me last night at my local track.... EDIT: This was a memorial race with big money up for grabs in the Outlaw late model series. 32 cars started the qualifiers, 28 made the feature race, 17 were able to patch their cars together to restart the race, and in the end only 9 made it to the checkered.
  17. This is exactly why those changes were made. Staff of kings was made as a tie in to the last Indiana Jones film and was meant to be a world wide release. Emperor's Tomb was made with little fan fare and the north american market in mind so they didn't have to be as "culturally sensitive".
  18. a good first season, or just a single good season out of several does not make a good series, especially if the rest of it is a giant steaming pile of monkey poo.
  19. so we got a 1940's adventurer fighting nazi's and seeking hidden treasure directed by Speilberg shot in a style faithful to the comics and produced by Jackson. I really can't see how this would fail. Consider me very interested in seeing this!
  20. suddenly I'm reminded of the end of the movie hotshots...
  21. Say what you want but Hercules: The Legendary Journeys was pretty entertaining. I also recomend The adventures of Brisco County Jr.
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