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Everything posted by renegadeleader1

  1. Basically I like how you can have her hair up prim and proper or down over her shoulders. She all has a spare arm that's posed to rest in her lap. Mine is a later release that comes with a book she can hold along with her pen and a pair of glasses. The early release only had the pen. The last cool feature is her shoe can dangle off her toe for the pin up look. The shoe can also fit on her foot but its tight and can ruin the paint. I really want to get the special so called chinese release. She has black hair and a red outfit.
  2. I have the secretary one Mirei-san. Its pretty cool with the custom features it has.
  3. You have not seen anything my friend untill you have watched the AIKa series(agent aika in the US) or its spinoff Najica blitz tactics. 300% more panty shots, 100% better plots, and 90% less lolicon. Another plus is studio fantasia the creator of both series has a love for classic cold war aircraft and WWII military vehicles. The main badguys ship in AIKa is a salvaged and modfied Bismarck battleship!
  4. I absolutely guarantee a Patriots victory! Care to make a friendly wager DarrinG? A dvd or something? Maybe a custom Patriots cleatus with Belicheck hoodie?
  5. well I debated whether to post this or not, but say hello to NIKITA and A.R.M.I.A The Ukraines idea of idol singers... http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=bmz1TGbkrZQ The song is Machina A.R.M.I.A. with their selftitled song
  6. my local fye was closing and I got a great deal on some anime. I picked up samuri girls, original dirty pair tv series part 1, blassreiter, FMP the second raid, and mazinkaiser SKL. I already watched mazinkaiser, and will start the rest as soon as I finish sekirei's second season(I love tsukiumi).
  7. I think thats the PS3's screensaver my xbox 360 does the same thing if the controller isn't touched for awhile.
  8. You'll love this http://www.cracked.com/article_18718_6-famous-unsolved-mysteries-that-have-totally-been-solved_p2.html
  9. I've been reading the interview and want to comment on some thing "By the end of the third act you start to realize there’s a DNA of the very first alien, but none of the subsequent aliens." Why do I get the feeling he's not talking about the movies, but the first alien seen in the movie?
  10. I remember reading that in afganistan our drones data was unencripted and taliban lap tops recovered by troops had hours of flight cam footage on it. Is it possible to exploit the fact that it is unencripted to hijack the control signal and take it over? I'm also reminded of a virus the drones control computers kept getting that they couldn't figure out how to get rid of it or where it came from even after wiping the hard drvies and reinstalling the software. It might also be a trojan horse that we want the russians and chinese to get a look at. It wouldn't be the first time the CIA and the US tried it, during the cold war we often leaked bad technology to the soviets just to get them to waste resources or measure their scientific eforts.
  11. I was flipping through channels once and I caught part of an episode once. Something about a secretary fantasizing about be choked to death during sex and I was like WTF? Still wasn't as messed up as superjail...
  12. There was a ceremony at the charlestown navy yard. Sadly ony one out of a handfull of pearl harbor survivors from new england was in good enough health to make the trip.
  13. With the exception of CM Punk vs Alberto Del Homo and the main event tag team of Cena/The Rock vs Miz/R-truth the PPV really sucked. The worst match had to be Big Show vs Mark Henry. On paper the two biggest dudes in WWE should have been awesome to watch. Unfortunately they both ran out of gas two minutes in and 10 minutes of weezing later it ended with Mark Henry Low blowing Big Show. The Raw match leading up to this one was tons better for them(you can't go wrong imploding the ring under their weight) it really should have been a hardcore match. I got all kinds of respect for Eve Torres and her willingness to take a bump. Unfortunately that makes her the Diva's jobber and Beth Phoenix beat the snot out of her and glam slammed her off the top rope. Given that neither woman could get up at all afterwords leads me to believe someone got legitimately hurt. Immediatly after the move Beth grabbed her stomach in a oh crap that hurt way before scurring for a quick pin. As for WWE 12 I picked that up and its fun, but I need to get used to the controls as they are completely different than last years version. I love the old school wrestlers in it like Demolition(ax and smash), The road warriors, Vader(legitimately scares me), Arn Anderson, and Booker T. The story mode revolves around the return of WCW. Edit: One other thing Layla's head on her model is messed up like its super deformed version when compared to the other wrestlers and diva's.
  14. Remember we had to sit through woodstock 2.0, that 70's show, and the god awful Charlie's Angels movies. We deserve this its our retro turn! Now if we could only get Airwolf, and The Last Starfighter remakes.
  15. Personally I don't think it would be a good idea to drop all links to Casino Royale and Quantum of Solace now. At least keep the Quantum criminal organization around, but don't make any direct links to the previous two movies. Also given this title I wonder if its a remake of Doctor No, or maybe using the plot of the novel Moonraker. I just hope they don't do something stupid like involving arab terrorists hijacking planes. Going by that theory the first 3 Bonds(Connery, Lazenby, and Moore) are the same person due to the references to Blofeld and Bonds wife which weren't seen again when Dalton took over. But that all gets a monkeywrench thrown in with Brosnan's Die another Day which uses props and references to all the previous bond movies, and Goldeneye in which Jack Wade references the plane Bond uses as being borrowed from a friend in the DEA, its "supposed" to be the same plane seen in liscense to kill. It would be easier to say Felix Leiter is a code name considering the actors portraying him go something like this... Young brown haired guy, old grey haired guy, black haired guy in his forties, preppy young blond haired guy guy, guy black hair going grey loses his leg to shark,(insert Jake Wade here), and finally the black guy.
  16. Well guys I took advantage of the black friday sales and picked up the following games for the 360 Madden 12(the curse still lives!) Battlefield 3 Dynasty Warriors 7 WWE 12(with the Rock) Rage:anarchy edition Driver: San Fransico Saints Row the Third Forza 4 Janes Advanced Strike Fighters ...and I am possibly the only person in north america that owns Jonah Lomu's Rugby Challenge. Seriously when I bought the game the guy looked at me and said "what the f**** is this?"
  17. You see thats my problem with Yukikaze if the JAM where that much of a threat you wouldn't see the dregs and rejects sent to combat them, you would see the best spec ops the world had to throw at them.
  18. That design reeks of generic anime mecha design. It looks like briarios mixed with 08th team mobile suit.
  19. The absolute worst has to be On her Majesty's Secret Service. Lazenby has the charisma of a carboard stand up, Its obvious the leading bond girl wants nothing to do with him and she wasn't all that hot anyways, the plot is questionable at best, and the film's climax involves quite possibly the stupidest chase ever with a half assed B.S. ending with Bond chasing Blofeld on bobsleds where Bolfeld gets caught in some branches and gets his....
  20. It was his avatar of the imperial pilot which he often chose as his rt.com profile pic, and the fact that he quoted things from my rt.com profile notably the u.p.s. thing which I never mentioned here and removed from rt.com awhile ago. If it wasn't for that part I'd swear one of you were being a wise guy. A lot of nerve calling me a fanboy, when he's not telling us we're going to hell for not taking jesus into our hearts he's claiming the Xenomorphs can kill everything, and emperor palpatine/vader has the same level of force abilities as the guy from force unleashed. He also has an unhealthy obsession with hating the F-22. It got to the point where I created a thread to bait him just to see how far I could push him and make him look like an idiot. For your groan worthy reading pain/pleasure I present Godzilla vs the Alien Queen... http://www.robotech.com/community/forum/read.php?id=2104219&forumid=12&pagenumber=1 It also says a lot when rt regulars want him gone more than the mods do. http://www.robotech.com/community/forum/read.php?id=2128774&forumid=13
  21. Everyone say hello to RiverJack(ass). He's an extremely annoying idiot that has been banned repeatedly from rt.com and comes back under different names. He basically makes stuff up when it suits him in an argument, swears, or tries to push his religion of big baby jesus on everyone.
  22. Okay first of all it wasn't my intent to "attack" Macek, but to express anger, and disgust at this RT:LLA project and how I think anime hack jobs 1980's style are a bad idea in general. Loosing my cool in repsonse to MEMO's post and insulting Macek personally was where I crossed the line. What ever you may feel it was in bad taste and I shouldn't have gone that far. That being said little punk newbie butt kissers like IlexGarodan can bite me. He joins RT.com only last year and thinks he has a right to comment on robotech's history and creators? I've been around since the beginning, getting up at 5:30 in the morning to catch an episode of the original run, as a teen catching the first two arcs run on toonami, joining the rt.com back in 2001 and here not too much later, and finally getting a continuation of the series almost 20 something years after it originally aired. I don't want or need his forgiveness. Then again considering where he's from he's probly still butt hurt The Vancouver Canucks lost the stanley cup to the Boston Bruins. Of all the Macross and Robotech fanbase, I'm about as moderate as you can get. I can accept both franchises equally. I can come to terms with why and how robotech was created back then, but that doesn't mean its a good idea now or the guy behind was a saint that needs to be canonized(though I wouldn't mind firing IlexGarodan from a cannon). I felt Shadow Chronicles opened a door to a new horizon a chance to break free from its questionable legacy, but now I feel like that door got slammed hard on my face with my foot still stuck in the doorway.
  23. you know the Gamera MST3K have an official dvd release too right?
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