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Everything posted by renegadeleader1

  1. http://www.robotech.com/community/forum/read.php?id=2135846&forumid=17 Me getting reamed by the guy that runs starblazers.com about my opinion that Nishzaki has done more damage to the Yamato franchise than good. He directed me to some articles he wrote for the site, but there really isn't much that contradicts what I said. Let's face it, does anyone believe this remake would actually be made if Nishizaki was still alive?
  2. Hence why I have no intention of buying this game.
  3. I rewatched AIKa R-16 over the weekend, and am now pretty sure Najica Blitz Tactics, the AIKa series, and Stratos 4 all take place in the same universe. Karin in R-16 is either Karen from Stratos 4, or a clone of her. Eri comments on people being infected by the alien organism from the meteorite in Stratos 4 and how their aging stops, but their intelligence grows. Also I think the submerged airport from the last episode might be the one where the meteor sweepers were based. Also the teacher Risako might work for CRNI the same mercenary spy company Najica worked for. That's only speculation by me on the fact she is a spy, and the helicopter she uses has the exact same markings and color as Najica's Hind chopper. Both Aika and Najica series had a great disaster in the past that caused massive flooding and submerged a great deal of land. Wether this was caused by Lagu energy like Hargen claims or by the great meteor storm hinted at the end of Stratos 4 I don't know. I've yet to see both AIKa Zero and the Stratos 4 advance series so there might be more links. All the series are made by Studio Fantasia.
  4. Yeah but feature might not be what they are going for. I get the feeling in my gut it will play out in a similar way to the original LLA, and be a collection of musice videos. Some of which are new animation, and others that are clips from the remastered series or SC.
  5. I have. Its pretty much a clip show that starts with Belmont riding his bike through what I'm guessing is either an old battlefield, or south Detroit. Flashback then off to him preparing for a concert. This is why I said I was just hopefull for a 45 min bridging ova. Otherwhise its rehashed flashback/clip show crap.
  6. No. Not all authors do it. The reason is it takes you out of the immersion into the universe you're reading about. Slogging through 3 chapters of parody filler that has 0% bearing on the plot is a mark of bad writing. Homages work in visual media because its usually very quick and over in tthe blink of an eye like the Orguss valkyrie in Macross, or the beer can missile in DYRL. It really doesn't remove you from the immersion. Now imagine if in the Macross tv series we randomly jump away from the SDF-1 to an ARMD crewed by star trek characters arguing with each other for a quarter of an episode. That is what those chapters are.
  7. Honestly? Yes. Even I was like "what the hell?" When it was first announced. My reaction lead to a temporary(reasonably justified) ban on rt.com. Truth is all I'm hoping for now is a 45 min musical ova that bridges some of Southern Cross with new generation.
  8. There's also the fact that three chapters of The End Of The Circle are a Star Trek parody with a. Kabaran named Captian Kyyrrk.
  9. Then how did that yellow beetle end up in the first movie as the insulting to original fans joke that camaro bumblebee smacks around?
  10. The problem I have is you are 1.A lurker that apparently decided to pick me of people to use you first post to vent on. Which I consinder unlikely 2.You've been banned from here and want to start posting again. Could be possible. 3.You created a new screen name as a proxy so you can say what you want without fear of it getting back to your regular name. I'd say very likely.
  11. I'd say the Space Travellers anime could give SC a run for its money for most generic pilot episode.
  12. Nice. Cobra__ joins today only makes two posts, tells me I'm wrong over my opinion and whines about HG.
  13. Your words would carry more weight if you didn't already make your feelings clear for a while now on robotech. You don't like robotech, I'm cool with that. Its not my place to tell you what you should and shouldn't like. SC was never about gaining new fans, it was about rekindling interest in the fans that grew up watching the show and setting up a springboard with a new enemy and characters that would allow new fans to pick it up with the sequel. They really fumbled the football with this live action/LLA/waiting 5+ years fiasco. My personal feelings on SC are that I liked it. It wasn't perfect or some world beating classic, but it was still a nice entertaining little romp. The only things I didn't like were eliminating most of the NG characters except Scott when a simple cameo of them standing in the background would had been enough, making the Regis more understanding and sympathetic when she was a complete b**** in the series, and obviously the what happened to Rick thing. Speaking of Rick his look doesn't bother me as much as it does other people. Basically because aging is a tricky thing in anime, I've seen several different characters that in various prequels/sequels that take place at various points in their lives and not look that much alike.
  14. The live action movie was a stupid idea and was something I never wanted either. It damn near killed any momentum SC got for robotech.
  15. I was playing around with mahq to kill some time when I came across it. Couldn't really decide where to ask untill I saw the talk about the Legioss and figured you guys would know more than I do. Thanks.
  16. Since, you guys are talking about the Legioss and out of sheer curiousity, is there a reason why it and the VF-5000 from Macross 7 look alike in fighter mode? Do they both share a real world fighter they're based on?
  17. If memory serves me that is a quicktime kill move that only occcurs when the enmy is at a certain health level. A on screen button push prompt comes up to do it.
  18. The only three in that list that of his that have acting ability are Trisha Uptown, Ava Vincent(Jewell Valmont), and Asia Carrera. All three have long since retired from the "industry". I don't understand why the original voice actors/actresses are held in such high regard. The women can be especially bad. You have three choices... 1. Average japanese woman normal speaker(the rarest one) 2. The fake butch dyke tough girl (often used for the bad girl) 3. The high pitched, squeaking like a stepped on mouse, hyperactive moe moe voice. (Used way too much) As for good dubs I'd have to go with Porco Rosso, Najica Blitz Tactics, Scrapped Princess, and Sword of the Stranger. bad dubs Highschool of the dead- I know its supposed to be over the top but I never could stand how ADV/sentai always has to add pop culture references to their dubs. P90X? Justin Bieber? Castle in the Sky(disney dub)- this was horrible a ten year old boy and girl being voiced by a guy and woman in their 30s? Mark Hammil? He's better off playing a crazed sociopath than a quiet scheming villan. Christopher Walken would have been better. The guy in the current anime thread was right this was the biggest reason I didn't enjoy it. Its bad enough they tinkered with subs too.
  19. I just finished the first season of Rosario+Vampire. Yeah its a harem anime, but I enjoyed it quite a bit. In a way it reminded me ofa reverse Teen Wolf, with the main character being a normal human in monster school. It was also pretty funny having the narrator mascot pop up from time to time to comment on the stupid stuff and keep a record of how short a fight Mokka had.
  20. I picked up Soul Calibur V.... AVOID BUYING THIS IF YOU MOSTLY PLAY SINGLE PLAYER!!! -There is only story mode for one character and one character only, Patroklos Sophitia's son -No character has a story or ending in arcade mode -You can't change the number of rounds you fight you are stuck at 3 -Legendary Souls mode is essentially simulated online play against random create-a-jabroni's -fewer characters than previous Soul games -Dampierre DLC character already on disk, and is stupid and useless The good things... +fairly deep create a character +Ezio from Assassin's Creed is it This game is definatly not worth $60 bucks, barely even worth $20 it feels like a rushed incomplete tech demo, and this game wasn't even released in the holiday season!
  21. I started watching Redline and the best way to describe it would be Rock n' Roll Racing from the snes meets Aeon Flux/that scene in Beavis and Butthead do america where they trip out on acid shrooms. Basically AWESOME!!!
  22. Shaorin don't be so hard on yourself both those sketches are adorable not "crappy". Especially the purple haired one in white lace!
  23. Thanks, but no thanks Gubaba....wise ass. I did find out what the first one was after checking the wikipedia of all anime in the 1980's. Its called Sea Prince and the Fire Child. I doubt I'll ever find out what the mecha anime is since so many 80s super robots look so much alike.
  24. Hey guys I don't know where else to ask this but I need help identifying a couple of anime I saw that was released on vhs tape in the usa back in the mid to late 80s. They've been floating around in my head for the longest time and its bugged me to the point I have to ask what they are. 1. The first is what can best be described as a romeo and juliet story involving undersea merpeople. I remember the main character had a sidekick that might have been his brother that was red colored and might have died tragically. There also might have been something about a broken horn, but the memory is very vague it might have been what caused the sidekicks death. This I believe was a feature length film. 2. The second is a mecha anime with a plot similar to the fantastic voyage where a robot gets shruken down and sent inside a human body to kill a disease. I remember a little black robot initially piloting the larger one, a transformation sequence, a giant octopus monster the main bad guy fed his slaves to, and a type of micro society of microscopic people that the human body is made up of. This might have been one episode of a longer series.
  25. And all this time I already thought it said "anime you are currently watching"! I don't think I'm the only one either
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