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Everything posted by renegadeleader1

  1. I want one, but to be honest if I try to paint it myself I'm going to ruin it. How much would it cost to build and paint one for me?
  2. As far as anime is concerned Star Trek has more in common with both the original Gundam and Space Battleship Yamato. All three performed poorly ratings wise during their original run and eventually got cut down and cancelled. It was reruns that gave a chance for each series to really take off. Mospeada has more in common with Space: Above and Beyond(Space 2063 for the euros) a show people remember, liked the mechanical designs from, but never caught on and remains a blip on the radar and nothing else.
  3. I picked up my copy yesterday. Its going to be awhile before I get to it as I have to go back and finish my runs on Mass Effect 1, and 2. The DLC missions screwed me up especially on the first one since you can't continue to play after the game ends.
  4. Don't think 129 years makes a difference? Take one merchant marine convoy ship from WWII that had at the most one five inch gun , and through it up against a Napoleonic era ship of the line. That wooden sail ship has a snowballs chance in hell of sinking the convoy ship with cannon balls that would bounce of the steel hull while the merchies five inch gun sinks it one shot.
  5. And with that my interest in Space Pirates has gone into the toilet. I had no problem with the pyshical aspect of space combat in Operators, but damn the plot left a bad taste in my mouth, and the carboard cutout characters doing inexplicably stupid things.
  6. Does anybody know anything about the "Cosmo Dreadnought Mahoroba" movie project Leiji Matsumoto has coming for 2013? I know Mahoroba is something of a sister ship to the Yamato, theres an unfinished manga based on the Mahoroba, and both ships appeared in the Galaxy Express manga together. After digging around google I found a forum where someone took some pics of a promotional standee... http://www.sgcollect.com/forum/index.php?showtopic=64445 Super robot? Meets Yamato?
  7. No after Netter went up in flames HG went to Tatsunoko to create a more anime 2D styled RT3K. After some pre-production art and charcter designs were made Tommy Yune got hired, everything got canned and SC started up.
  8. A big part of RT3K being cancelled was Netter Digital going bankrupt and Yune taking over.
  9. Like I said I've seen worse. Divergence Eve Best I've seen is the 3 second shot of the colony cylinder from Char's Counterattack. I never noticed untill I read about it in a magazine.
  10. The worst CG I've seen integrated into 2D animation(no not shadow chronicles, not by far) would have to be Divergence Eve, and its spioff Misaki Chronicles. We are talking playstation one(PSX) level graphics here in a show made in 2003. That and the character designs being rejects from hentai with GGG cup breasts do the actual plot a great diservice which is deadly serious and has much in common with Event Horizon. I'm trying to slug through Blassreiter because the plot is interesting, but the CG can be to much. Its not completely the quality(though that's a big chunk) its also because they use several differents styles of CG that clash. One moment you have a 2D character against a screensaver looking background, riding a bike that is on the level of advent children quality detail, fighting a monster with starship trooper roughnecks chronicles quality, while cel shaded cars right out of Initial D passby. That makes it quite painful. Vandread wasn't that bad or jarring mostly because it avoided putting 2D characters on the screen at the same time and when it did it was handled fairly well, and the plot really outshown its technical shortcommings. As for Shadow Chonicles...(sigh) its not the worst cg out there, it is dated though for its time.
  11. My only complaint is you didn't get enough shots of the girls in the Yuki costume! If you don't mind i'd like to ask you something. Since you work for/with the guys at Voyager Entertainment can you tell me why only starblazers has been released in the states, but not the original un-edited series? I know the original movies have been released but its not the same.
  12. To put it in hockey terms... let's say your leading scorer is getting cheap shots with elbows to the head, or crosschecked. That's when you send in the goon/enforcer. His whole role and reason for being in the lineup is to kick the other guys a$$. He's not on the team for his skills with the puck or scoring, but brute force. Eventually he'll tire himself out.
  13. Nah the Dixon was the parody of a gundam/GM that Kawamori designed for the fighting game Tech Romancer. I can't recall if there were ever any toys made from it. I really need to break my dreamcast back out and play it again. Edit: At least I think he did the Dixon, I know for certain he made the Rafalga. Studio Nue did a lot of the mecha designs too. Edit: Edit: my bad the instruction booklet spells them Dixen and Refaga.
  14. Nope just playing dumb. It is what is expected of me right? Anyways where there ever any toys made for the Rafalga, Dixon, or any of the designs from Tech Romancer?
  15. Thankyou for such a wonderfully pointless condescending post. I'll be sure to file it un D.I.L.L.I.G.A.F. To make you feel a little better about yourself I'll play along for a little bit though. 1. You may not like M.A.S.K. but that's your own personal opinion, but it was popular enough to have a figurefrom it added to the G.I. Joe 25th line. 2. You claim its my fault the argument degraded into a contest, when I wasn't the one that started the "so and so did this and this" stuff which you yourself decided to add to. 3. It obvious my opinion counts to you other wise you wouldn't have responded in such a high and mighty holier than thou way. 4. My opinion is that Kawamori is not the end all be all greatest mechanical designer. There are other like Aramaki who I consider just as good if not greater. 5. Nobody outside of this forum gives a crap Kawamori did a car commercial, or did the mecha/plane designs on a video game/forgetable series like GPX. The problem is they're not iconic or memorable no matter how good they are. Nevermind how much I personally like them. Transforming fighters are what he's known for, its what he's cut his teeth on, its also what he's essentially typcast with. 6. Finally its a desert themed tactical diorama map not a sandbox
  16. Aramaki did Soundwave, the cassettes, and perceptor along with others.
  17. I could say the same thing about the original series to the first movie, or even the first movie to the uniforms from wraith of Khan to undiscovered country. The changing designs thing had already been done with the past trek films so why do trekkies have to whine and complain now?
  18. Big whoop. Shinji Aramaki has Bubble Gum Crisis, Megazone 23, the Appleseed movies, Madox-01, Gasaraki, and part of Halo Legends. Both have done work on OVA's for Gundam, and both worked on the toys that eventually became Transformers. Aramaki even did the mechanical designs for M.A.S.K.!
  19. I'm willing to argue Arimaki is more accomplished than Kawamori. For the most part Kawamori is known for transforming planes, outside of that there's only a few examples of attempts at designing super robots and 0083. Arimaki's designs run the gambit from transforming planes, super robots, tanks, power armor, guns, ships, bikes, and pretty much anyrhing mechanical. His designs are iconic and pretty much everywhere.
  20. The problem with bring Maul back is it makes Qui Gon dying look incredibly stupid by comparrison. Think about it. Maul gets cut in half, falls down the shaft of a powerplant, smacks off the sides as he goes and survives. Qui Gon gets stabbed once in the gut and dies. Seriously rapper 50 cent has taken worse damage and he ain't dead...yet(as of this typing)
  21. I get occasional e-mails from jlist.com that talk about current shows in Japan. Apparently the "bodacious" of Bodacious Space Pirates refers to the original novel the show is based on. The original novel involved beautiful women in zero G spaceships wearing miniskirts.
  22. Actually I'm not banned on rt.com, and I hardly ever post in this thread, and most of the time I avoid it. I've also been on this site for years going back to the lebhead days. As for the rule this should be the only thread it doesn't apply to, mostly because the title itself calls for a debate. Not that's its much more than a one sided robotech sucks fest as it is now.
  23. I kinda want to see Qwaser. Everything I've heard tells me its possibly the most shamless, offensive, non hentai perverted thing to come out of japan in a long time. As for Moretsu Pirates you had my interest when you mentions Tylor and Tytania. I deeply enjoyed both series. Everything I've heard leads me to believe this will be a classic.
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