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Everything posted by renegadeleader1

  1. Well its not active yet and there's nothing special except the slogan "moving human capital beyond tomorrow", but it appears Yutani Corporation now has their own website. Its run and owned by the same guys that did the Weyland Industries. http://yutanicorp.com/
  2. Its not an injoke if it part of a major plot point. Slusho? That's an injoke. The orguss valk and beer can? That's an injoke. The M-41A pulse rifle popping up on the T-X loadout screen? Injoke. The evil corporation that runs the death race to make extra money while owning the prisons and whose executives make repeated references to the company? Not an injoke.
  3. Well if you guys want more of a reason not to like Paul W.S. Anderson, that idiot tried to link his Death Race movies, to his AvP films(and the rest of the franchise) by introducing the Weyland Corporation as the company running the prisons. I'm not joking...
  4. I just watched episodes 3-4 of Gunbuster 2/Diebuster. Its actually gotten better, but the tenichnical aspect still bugs me. These Topless pilots and their buster machines really are pieces of crap when compared to the original Gunbuster machine and Noriko. This takes place thousands of years after the the events of Gunbuster, yet nothing has advanced? One buster machine was shooting machine guns for crying out loud! The original series had trips from earth to jupiter in less than a day, but going from Jupiter to Pluto takes weeks for Nono? What's so special about topless anyway? Nothing but whiny brats, incompetent fighters, and freaks. So what if they can summon their gimped up mecha with their minds, they aren't very good. Tycho wastes her original buster machine being reckless, and distracted in combat, yet she gets to be the pilot of the newest machine made? WTF? Considering how rare these things are and the way she treated her previous one there's no way in hell i'd let her near another one. Why should they worry about getting older? Noriko and others had no problems piloting robots just using normal controls. Also what's the big deal about buster machines awakening? The original Gunbuster wasn't sentient, and damn near unstoppable, yet these new ones can't fight on their own very well making the Sizzler/RX units look all powerful. It shows when the moron twins awaken the original space monster. I guess the problem for me is the show just doesn't fit very well with the original Gunbuster. Its like in the time Noriko has been gone humanity has become mentally retarded, all historical records have been wipped out(seriously how do you forget the buster legion and think they are space monsters?), and designed some of the stupidest defense systems possible. Maybe I would have liked this more if it wasn't connecter to Gunbuster.
  5. The first live action film is surprisingly very, very good. The second is cheesy, the third starts off decent then gets very painful at times, and finally the fourth(cgi one) is good mindless fun more connected to the newer cartoon than the other films.
  6. If its pictures you want, and some theories of what's going on in the trailers check this page out... http://whatculture.com/film/delving-deeper-into-prometheus-trailers-heres-our-theories.php?utm_source=rss&utm_medium=rss&utm_campaign=delving-deeper-into-prometheus-trailers-heres-our-theories I read it and a lot of what they posted makes a lot of sense so beware of SPOILERS! Do not click if you do not want to know!
  7. Both Wing Commander III & IV were released on the playstation. It was a real awkward time when my parents walked in on me playing and Ginger Lynn was on the screen. Parents: "What are you watching? Where did you get that? You're too young to be watching her!" Me: "Its just a video game see, and how do you know who Ginger Lynn is? Is she famous?"
  8. To me it looks more like a an octopus, maybe a prototype facehugger. Its not a burster because if you look close the person's(female) body is still intact and the person is very much still alive. Interesting points: The dirt on arms and legs indicate being outside the ship without the spacesuit. The specimen what ever it is is being held in place by the pods equipment. On the right somebody's reflection can be seen in the computer screen. Edit: also considering the pod is opening my guess this was a removal process. Possibly in connection to the "cut it off" quote heard in the trailer or the thing the android is removing from the cannister.
  9. Okay here's the formula for the Prometheus guessing game(dead pool) First to die? Last to die? Who becomes the xenomorph?(if) Who becomes the space jockey?(if) Who survives unchanged/intact if anyone survives?
  10. I didn't realize how much of his I actually enjoyed, the world and anime in particular is a little bit darker now. He will be missed.
  11. Good point on the greedy corporate person, but there are always exceptions like in jurrasic park (not counting the unamed park worker at the beginning) where the greedy corporate lawyer was the first to die. Maybe we should do a list of the crewmembers of the ship and pick which order they die if at all.
  12. So anybody want to start up the Prometheus death pool and start making guesses on who gets killed off first? As always in movies like this the safe bet is the token black guy, but the greedy coporate woman who is Chalize Theron's character seems likely to fall too. What do you guys say?
  13. Started watching Gunbuster 2: die buster, and so far I'm not liking what I'm seeing. After two episodes all the characters have either been incompetent, annoying, moronic, or all three at once. I'm also not digging the animation style its way too exagerated and over the top. The mecha designs while unique aren't all that great. I hope this gets better, I'm really starting to get sick of hearing oné-sama this and oné-sama that from Nono every other sentence.
  14. So Roughnecks pretty much took some of the bug designs from the movie, a little bit from the novel, and made its own thing. Now it looks the film version is taking stuff from Roughnecks(the crashing dropship, parts of the armor). I'm not all that excited about this. I expected something better designwise from Aramaki.
  15. Its funny because I have never actually watched Nadia. I know of it but have never seen it. I had Atragon more in mind
  16. Protoculture= original Atlanteans Zentreadi= Atlantean's slave warriors Technology= alchemy Vajra= caused the destruction of atlantis Space travel= undersea/air travel to islands in the sky hidden by clouds SDF-1= WWII/Korean war level technology with alchemy giving it advanced flight ability Battlepod=war of the worldsesque tripod like vehicles VF-1= twin engined fighter similar to P-38 or A-20 Havoc Conventional military= Victorian era/WWI militaries Unification war= Crimean war 10 years after crash= about 30 years to make reverse engineering more believeable Micro missiles= congreave rockets hehe Space fold to pluto= warp to middle of antarctica Grand cannon= litteral grand cannon(think hitler's V3 gun)
  17. 50 foot zentreadi= ancient atlantean civilization whose mastery of alchemy and metal working has disapeared from the face of the earth untill the year 1899 when an abandoned large submersible warship is found by an expedition party of Queen Victoria's. 10 years later the ships owners rise from the depths
  18. Sounds almost like the plot of half the Ace Combat games.
  19. Now that is an interesting question. I guess it would depend of their current working relationship, and wether the bottom line on the video game sales is worth it.
  20. Correct me if I'm wrong, but can't HG who owns the merchandising rights to the original series outside of Japan just go to Namco and work a deal out to get them released worldwide?
  21. I watched Urda: The Third Reich over the weekend. At thirty minutes long its very short and all I can say about it is meh. The animation is the same as appleseed/fear effect, but not as good with the animation very stiff. I agree with your thought on Ragnarok, but did you also feel like you were watching an rpg you couldn't play? All the fights seemed turn based. Also is Fairy Tail really good? It looked too much like One-piece(didn't care for it), and I don't like shows that get stretched out to over 100 episodes, or come with the tag "as serialised in shonen whatever!".
  22. Universal Century animation in chronological order(not counting IGLOO) Gundam 0079(original series) Gundam 08th MS team(OVA set at same time as original series) Gundam 0080(OVA set in final weeks of the one year war) Gundam 0083(OVA) Zeta Gundam(tv series) ZZ Gundam(also called Double Zeta tv series) Gundam Char's Counterattack(movie) Gundam Unicorn(OVA) Gundam F91(movie) Victory Gundam(tv series) Notes: The Zeta Gundam movies may or may not have retconned ZZ Gundam out of existance due to changes in the plot they made. G-Saviour was a live action film that took place after the federation had colapsed, but has since been officially retconned. Turn A Gundam might be a U.C. Gundam series set very very far into its future, but nothing concrete has been said. There are also short OVAs that exist that either expand upon what's seen in the series, or give alternate "what if" scenarios to key events. The name of the eludes me right now. MS IGLOO is a cgi series that is set at various points before, during, and just after the original one year war.
  23. Nobody is interested, because nobody wants the game given the complete pile of crap it is. I haven't even bothered with my code yet
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