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Everything posted by renegadeleader1

  1. I still got them both MIB in the case they came in. When I worked in Toys 'R' Us the store manager was going to dump them in a bargain bin I picked them up for $5.00 each about $60 for the whole case. EDIT: for the record I am not the douche on Ebay selling them for $250+ a pop.
  2. Firefly Power Rangers Lost Galaxy Impostor film G-Saviour film(also reused uniforms from The Last Starfighter) The Planet of the Apes remake Dinner Party 3: ****tales (porn film) I'm also pretty sure every "sci-fi channel original film" since SST came out has used them at some point.
  3. Who would have thought the RAG aqua GM woukd see a release before the Sniper II custom!
  4. I stopped by the comic book store and picked up the RGM-79, RGM-79N, RGM-86R GM III, and the RGC-83 GM Cannon II. They're holding the RGM-79C, RMS-179 GM II, and RGM-79G Command for me. I have to wait till later in the week to see if they get the Quel, and Cold district ones in with their next shipment. I've also been looking online at conversion parts. What can anyone tell me about these B-club parts? Are they any good? Will I have to do extensive work to use them(cutting parts away, glueing), or do they replace a kits standard parts? I've really had my eyes on sniper II parts, and the RGC-80 parts as part of my attempt at making the white dingo team. Even though its not an RGM, or part of the GM bloodline, I do plan on picking up the Nemo, Mechaninac. The original Zeta line of it was one of the first gundam kits I built, and the only one I owned that required glue.
  5. Started to watch more Tears to Tiara, and its gotten better. Right now it has an almost Suikoden video game series feel to it. Good guys leave their home, recruit members specialized in things along the way, and create a headquarters at a castle.
  6. Started watching Allison & Lillia so far I'm engrossed with it. Its set in a kinda of pre WWII 1930s alternate universe, and in a way it has a Porco Rosso kinda vibe. If this keeps up I'll highly recommend it, it has the feeling of a real classic.
  7. Look at it like this: its not a blueprint for the navies newest missile cruiser, but an advertisment for a sports utility vehicle. How often have we seen them with callouts like "adjustable sun roof", "six air bags", "V8 engine with manual transmission", "folding seats enlarge already spacious cargo area", and "satillite AM/FM radio with cd play and MP3/IPOD dock".
  8. My plan is to one day have a collection of my own like that. I never knew the Jesta got a release for HGUC is that part of the unicorn set?
  9. Anybody know how many HGUC GM variants officially exist? Here's what I know of: RGM-79 RGM/RMS-179 GM II RGM-86R GM III RGM-79 Powered GM RGM-79C KAI RGM-79G Command RGM-79GS Command Space RGM-79D Cold District Type RGM-79Q Quel (the titan one at the end of 0083) RGM-79N Custom RGM-79FP Striker That's all as far as I know. The [G] ground attack type from 08th MS never got a HGUC even though its kit from the HG 08th MS line is of equal quality. There haven't been any HGUC sniper variants released that I am aware of. I'm also not sure, but there might be two versions of the original GM a "no necked" version representing the original look and an updated streamlined one.
  10. Well its been a week so I thought I would start cracking into the massive pile of anime I picked up at animeboston. I watched Demon King Daimao, and have absolutely 100% no clue what the hell was going on. Galaxy Express 999 is an epic classic, but Adieu while good just isn't as great as the first film. Alien Defender Geo Armor Kishin Corps is a hidden jewel of a series. It has a kind of Raiders of The Lost Ark vibe with mecha thrown in. The setting is an alternate WWII where the war was stopped to fight off an alien invasion. The first Zeta Gundam movie is okay, but its not what I bought the trilogy for. I really am looking forward to the final film and how it really changes things. That aside is a bit jarring seeing the new animation(with slightly different character designs mixed with old. I do give them props for trying to add fake grain to make it fit better though. Dairugger XV(the series vehicle voltron used) is pretty cool and infinately better than its voltron version. This is one highly underated show, it feels like watching super robot show mixed with Star Trek. Glass Maiden aka Crystal Blaze is an interesting show. Something of a detective mystery mixed with sci-fi I really haven't gotten into it much aside from the first episode, but it is from Studio Fantasia on of my favorite studios, so I shouldn't be disappointed. Finally there's Tears to Tiara. I actually liked this untill the "demon lord" appeare and Arthur became a whiny brat. I'll return to this series later, as I have heard good things. What I have yet to get to in no particular order: Night Raid 1931 Canaan You're Under Arrest! Aquarion Toward the Terra Code Geass (both seasons) Allison & Lillia Galaxy Angel X and S Koihime Muso Tide-Line Blue Ghost in the Shell SAC (finally picked up season 1 a year after the second) Creast of the Stars Banner of the Stars II(need to find the middle season) So what do you guys think? Besides the fact I need a life?
  11. Skeet surfin' http://m.youtube.com/index?desktop_uri=%2F&gl=US#/watch?v=MaXOHCNgYrc
  12. Rewatching the first galaxy express movie for the first time in almost 15 years. Man I just did not appreciate how good this was way back when I first saw it on the sci-fi channel. I picked it up along with Adeu Galaxy Express 999 from the Discotek boot at anime boston. On a side note this convention was the first time ever that I've run into someone from this forum in real life. Sup Veef, I caught your panel on anime robot evolution you hosted with David White(definatly needed more time to go in depth). I would have stopped to say hi, but but you looked busy and about in as much hurry as I was. I got a question about that reference guide for robots, what's the actual title and is there a newer version than the one you had? That was from I think 98 you said?
  13. I liked Gurran Lagann, but its hard to take it seriously. This isn't just on max testosterone its anabolic steroids with HGH thrown in!
  14. Finished Gunbuster 2.... there's no doubt in my mind now that its garbage. It seems like I wasn't the only that had the questions I did after watching the first 4 episodes so we a 30 second briefing claiming humanity was "tired" after the final battle from the original series, decided to dump all their advanced technology, and hide behind the buster corps for hundreds of years.... Right.... I'm pretty sure if you were facing extinction on the scale of what the space monsters represent you wouldn't squat in one place, but spread out to keep from having all the eggs in one basket so to speak. You would also keep developing new weapons and not sit back thinking "meh, good enough" I'm at the point where I know a sizzler could have had a better showing than the topless machines. The topless are still whiny entittled brats, especially the leader who lost his powers and thinks attempted rape is ok. Apparently the rest of the world thinks its fine too as he gets an officers commision in the navy and not 5 to 10 afterwards. Nono... what a waste. What really bothers me right now is what is Nono's connection to Noriko? She goes on on about her but we never see them meet or hear how they are connected.
  15. I've heard this is kinda Black Hawk Down in the ghetto. Except its just cops, and no fire support. That's not a bad thing though.
  16. I had Tytania, Legend of The Galactic Heroes, and Banner of the Stars in mind for this, not anything with "hijinks". In a way Nimitz does fit the cute sidekick territory. He often displays his "lil stinker" personality to the world and most dismiss him as a cute pet. Few realize how intelligent or dangerous he is, or his telepathic ability.
  17. I'm currently in the middle of reading the latest Honor Harrington novel Mission Of Honor. Its got a kind of calm before the storm going for it right now, with little action. That's not to say its boring, as its interesting to see various character interact, and seeing what might be a lasting peace established between Haven and Manticore all while the idiotic Sollies try to bring their outdated lumbering behmoth of a military to bare on the manties. Also Mesa is up to something very, very bad. Not sure what yet, but almost every chapter cuts to one of their ships setting something up as a timer counts down. One final thought, how has this not become an anime? Cute half asian woman as a main character Honor Harrington Cute but deadly mascot character in the treecat Nimitz Huge fleet battles with heavy emphasses on technology and tactics ala LoGH Martial arts and sword combat with Katana's Interstellar politics Lite fanservice Spaceships look like (censored)!
  18. It can be hard to watch even on regular def. when I do I have to crank up the brightness just to tell what's going on sometimes.
  19. I think I'm going to run up and give a big tear filled bear hug to the guys running the Discotek booth this weekend at animeboston! I tried watching it on my computer, but I never could get comfortable or relax watching it. This release is one of those ones I'd never thought I'd see happen, but so desperately wanted. Keith I would also love to see a remastered Arcadia of my Youth, or perhaps even its follow up tv series (ssx?).
  20. Lesnar had this planned with the WWE for a year. Remember his last match against Goldberg where it was made known both were leaving the WWE and they tanked it? Lesnar did the same thing in his last UFC match. He tanked it so he wouldn't risk injury, then abruptly retired. I wonder if The Rock is going to hang around for a while. I'm pretty sure he could win the championship, continue making making movies, only do matches at PPV events, and nobody would have a problem.
  21. Hey Tochiro I just wanted to say thanks for the effort you're putting on all things Yamato/starblazers, and Leiji Matsumoto. I also have a question that I need your help on. What is the connection between Leji Matsumoto and Godzilla? I was reminded of a photo of yours from the Mahoroba event that had a lot of Matsumoto collectables and one of them is supposedly a Godzilla figure designed by him. What can you tell me of it? I also found pictures of a poster for Godzilla vs Mothra drawn by him. Did he do a manga adaptation?
  22. Alien 3 is one giant headache. There were a lot of people left with questions after viewing it. How did the egg get on the Sulaco? Its clear that its not the dropship its on, and the queen didn't have time to go anywhere. How can one facehugger impregnate multiple hosts? Wait the alien is psychic now? Was that Bishop guy a human or synthetic? The credits list him as Bishop II and he sure doesn't act like someone who got their ear ripped off? The directors cut while a better film confuses things too. Things like changing the host, Ripley not getting bursted. Weaver had way too much control over the film, and wanted her character to die. She wanted it in Aliens, but fought over it with James Cameron. This led to him walking out on the Alien 3 angry at seeing everything he didn't want added in and destroying the foundation he built. Fox realized they screwed up too, but instead of starting fresh they rehired Weaver for even more money and gave her director choice. A frenchman who had never done a film in english, and thought it would be a good idea to make a satiricle parody.
  23. I'm tempted to send an email asking about how much it would cost to purchase a civilian Model UD-4L dropship for insystem short range cargo hauling for my small time hauling company melmac brothers/cerodyne shipping concern.
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