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Everything posted by renegadeleader1

  1. Is it bad that I can say I liked the show and characters, but can't recall a damn thing about the plot? Anyways I finished the first season of Crest of the Stars. They really make it hard to like the Abh. Yeah the United Mankind fabricated a means to start a war with the Abh(something I think the other members of the four nation treaty might not know), but so far I have seen nothing but examples arrogance, corruption, heavy handedness, and just plain aggression, on behalf of the Abh. What really gets me is during one of the historical commentaries at the begining of an episode use a sick man at he side of the road allegory to compare the Abh and the United Mankind. The Abh goes and gets help, but the UM gives a lecture on what the man should do then just leaves. We get to see the exact opposite in practice though. The Abh show up at Jinto's planet, tell everyone they are taking over, then state that ruling them is beneath having an Abh do so pick a leader among yourselves. Lafiel makes it clear the Abh could care less about the people they rule, and are only interested in the territory and trade routes they can aquire. The lack of freedom also bothers me. When a character states that his group wants a ship to explore and trade on their own she reacts like he offered to pay for sex from her, and flat out states it could never happen and is non negotiable. Then there's the fact that if you become an Abh citizen you generally don't get treated differently, but should you want a kid it will get genetically modified to a pure Abh wether you want that or not.
  2. Basically spacesuits as they are now are bulky due to the fact that they need to keep the air inside pressurized. What this does is make the spacesuit hard to move around in or manipulate things with the hands. What Dava Newman has done is create a suit that applies pressure to the skin directly instead of the air. The result is a skin-tight spandex looking suit that allows for a full range of mobility. Its obvious the designers took this idea and ran with it. Ridley Scott himself said he was going to take a very realistic look with space travel on this film and use concepts that are just on the horizon. It wouldn't surprise me if he saw the same NOVA episode I did or read about Dava Newman's bio-suit in a tech journal.
  3. This... http://www.pbs.org/wgbh/nova/space/space-suits.html
  4. http://www.greatnewenglandairshow.com Should be interesting to see. Looks like the red steel jet team has the only operationable MIG-23 in the states. I also want to correct myself, it was a MIG-17 not 19 that I saw last year. the Black Diamond team that flew it appears to have picked up another one, bring their total to two MIG-17s and six albatros L-39s.
  5. The Great New England Airshow is coming up and supposedly a MIG-23 will be there. Last year at the Portsmouth air show a MIG-19 was there. Is there a reason all these soviet era aircraft are popping up now?
  6. The A.D. Police weren't incompetent, just poorly equipped. Something that Genome and their corruption had to do with.
  7. Didn't Frontier air in 2008 not 2007? If its Macross it will most likely be Zero. My guesses would be GR Giant Robo, Reideen, sky girls, or Dancouga Nova.
  8. BGC2040 ran for 26 episodes, that's two 13 episode seasons. Its full run IIRC. EDIT: the original BGC got cut down early, and then the same with its sequel Crash.
  9. Getting ready to watch Crest of the Stars series for the first time.
  10. The changes in the markings are because IIRC the Navy axed the original VF-84 Jolly Rogers in some crappy force re-alignment plan. Another squadron VF-103 the "Sluggers" took up the name instead of it going out of service. From what I understand they will give the name up should VF-84 get reactivated.
  11. You try being knocked up only to have the father bolt on you. Kinda hard to be plucky and spunky then.
  12. She actually shot a scene of her working out in the nude for this movie. If you can't wait go watch Two Days In The Valley. Just try to ignore the creepy hitman guys that's doing "it" with her.
  13. Is it bad that I now want a Black Widow film featuring Scarlet's version and the Marvel Max Yelena version as the villian? Maybe with a guest apperence by Cobie's Maria Hill? Maybe picking up from her interrogation scene with the russians?... please? PLEASE?!?
  14. Hehehe http://www.cracked.com/blog/6-ways-iron-man-objectively-better-than-batman/
  15. Hey! We agree on something!
  16. Anbody got any advice for sprue cutters for getting the parts out? The old technique I used to use was take an exacto blade and press down hard till it cut through the plastic.
  17. Mostly because the charge didn't last long and obviously did some damage to the suits circuitry. It also takes time to "call down the thunder" time which they really didn't have.
  18. Finished reading Mission of Honor a few weeks ago, pretty good read even if all hell has now broken loose. I just picked up the Gundam novels today, and plan on starting it tonight. Looking very forward to it being a very different take on the one year war even if I did find out some spoilers far in advance. I honestly thought I would never get my hands on them.
  19. Finished watching Tears to Tiara, Glass Maiden(crystal blaze), and Geo Armor Kishin Corps. I can recommend all three with a high recommendation to Kishin Corps. Very Raiders of the Lost Ark with mecha feel. Started watching Night Raid, but I am a little uneasy and apprehensive considering what I know about the time frame in real life. I really hope this doesn't glorify the Kwantung army, and what they did to the Chinese. Apart from that it kinda reminds me of a Japanese X-men.
  20. Physically? Closer to 30 Mentally? Closer to 21 Inner child? You bet! At least he hasn't been killed like yours has
  21. Okay first of all concerning your second spoiler(amazing you know how to use that feature considering one of your previous posts gives away a huge spoiler. My guess is you did it out of spite from being shouted down on opinion of this film) She keeps glancing up the entire time she is talking to Cap and nods to him when she is ready. I also don't get what you mean by wasted stories, and unexplored characters. Its obvious its only the begining of the story for the Avengers, and we have already had 5 movies that have explored who these characters are and what makes them tick. If you expected any thing different after all that you are either ignorant or insane. Granted in war not everyone survives, but there are always exceptions(the USS Massachusetts of WWII survived the entire war saw heavy action and did not lose a single man. May as well call it the USS Avengers Assemble in this context) and the "good guys" in this film as a whole did not come away unscathed. Finally about the civilians, Cap goes out of his way to save them because that's who he is. He's not the god damned Punisher or Lobo for crying out loud! He gives a damn if people live or die, so does Tony Stark for that matter, otherwise he would never have bothered to put the armor on.
  22. just got back from watching Avengers and can honestly say its easily on par with the first Iron Man film. Very entertaining with great humor and very well done action scenes. The plot is pretty good too, but I can see how if someone who skipped say Thor, or Captain America might not catch on right away with what's going on. Still I highly recommend it. And for those of you who want dark and edgy(ooooo) hold your peace and go see the next Batman Dark Knight movie so you can watch Batman suck at his job, get his friends/thousands of innocents killed, brood about how much his life sucks, get his back broken, and get upstaged by catwoman.
  23. Realistic outcome? What the hell did you expect to happen when a group of earth's most powerful, self sure, competent heroes take on a whiny emob***h with daddy and sibling issues? I would be shocked and have trouble believing crybaby Loki did anything but get his bloody arse whooped no matter what back up he had. Not every superhero needs to be gritty or tell a "darker" story as long as its compelling and makes sense. Look at what happened in the 90s when thanks to Frank Miller and his like, the comic companies thought every superhero need to be darker and more violent. Eventually characters became crude shells of who they originally where or so twisted they had to be rebooted or killed of (green lantern fiasco). Darker isn't always better.
  24. I remember when I visited Battleship Cove a couple years I saw a documentary about the building of the ship, and how most of the original crew were the ones who built the ship. They all accepted commisions/enlistment because they knew the ship better than anybody else, and would eventually train their replacements.
  25. Oops let me clear that up, it was an assorted case, there were 2 of each of the Defender and E-wing. The rest were all different. I need to think long and hard about wether I want to part with them or not.
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