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Everything posted by renegadeleader1

  1. Yeah the cube is thousands of years old possible asgardian tech, but a common theory is that the arc reactor is based on its technology and the element the cube is made of was the one Howard Stark was working on. The same one Tony created using his fathers plans in Iron Man 2.
  2. Don't say I didn't warn you about Ikki Tousen! In a way I consider Queens Blade more tame. I also get what you are saying about Hakafu Sonsaku, she's not very bright and is borderline mentally retarded considering some of the things she gets herself into. I think there was a backlash against this prior to the second season as she gains braincells and is more on the competent ditzy side the second time around closer to how she is in the manga. As for Kanu she plays a minor part in the first season, but becomes a major player in the second as the focus shifts away from Wu, to highlight the motivations of Wei and Shu. She is definatly one of the more popular characters with her having the most figures made of her followed by Ryomu and Hakafu a distant third.
  3. Not trying to derail the subject, but this thread might be the place to go with this... I was watching Indiana Jones and the Temple of Doom, and I think the stage hands might have inserted a facehugger prop into the tunnel with all the bugs were Willie Scott freaks out. Its right around the 00:57:38 to 43 mark of the dvd. Its half in shadow crawling up the wall behind her head. I might just be seeing things, but that is one big bug.
  4. Not exactly where I was going with that, but okay.... El Santo or just Santo is a masked pro wrestler from Mexico who is considered by many the greatest of all luche libre. He wrestled for almost 5 decades, never took his mask off, and made over 50 terrible sci-fi/horror films like this one that appeared on MST3K... http://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Santo_vs._las_Mujeres_Vampiro
  5. No that was a review of Sukiyaki Western Django which Quentin Tarantino makes a cameo. The Django character is treated in a way a bit like Sherlock Holmes, as in everyone and their mother has done their own takes on him. Technically there are only two "official" films the original Django and a sequel that was made in the 80s. Yet there are supposedly over a hundred something other films made using the character by other studios or directors. Some even stared the same actor. The main characters mecha in Burst Angel is even named after him.
  6. Yes he did have a hole in chest in Alien. Several characters comment on his ribs being bent outwards.
  7. Because of this I actually went back to play Tomb Raider Legend. The Anniversary, Legend, and Underworld trilogy are some of the best adventure games I have ever played. Right up there with the only good Indiana Jones game that's not a point and click adventure The Emperor's Tomb. Underworld was a true unappreciated classic. Crystal Dynamics can take their time and finishing polishing the game off I have nothing but faith in them after picking up where Core Designs failed. The only thing that bothers me is its a prequel/new origin story instead of a sequel tying up the loose end of Amanda and her "pet" not to mention the doppleganger.
  8. My bad. I went back and checked, and the novel hinted it was their homeworld. Turns out it was only a colony world populated mostly by Elites. Its been a long time since I read it.
  9. Well if this storyline is going where I think its going... basically in one of the novels that's considered canon we nuked the Elites homeworld using a boobytrapped bomb. Thanks to the Covenant among other things the Arbiter wasn't aware of this when he allied with the UNSC. So yeah the Elites can't be too happy about it.
  10. You gotta admit 2040 Nene was all types of awesome though. Her mischivious wolf in sheep's clothing thing was a lot better than the originials "I'm a weak, imcompetent girly girl watch me whine and fall down!"
  11. From what I have been able to find looking around online about the names is Kanu Unchou is the Japanese translation of the original Chinese characters. Somethings get lost/changed in translation and it ends up with a different pronounciation. Now about Ikki Tousen, its mostly a fan-service heavy show with many panty shots/exploding clothes/exposed breasts. For the most part it only loosely follows the three kingdoms with the characters essentially imbued with the spirits of the three kingdom era and doomed to repeat their fates. Much of the series deals with how to break free of their destinies. Also there is almost no plot(just random fights and fanservice) in the first season except for about the final 3-4 episodes dealing with Dong Zhuo(totaku?) and his demise. The second season is much better and also more darker, grittier and bloody. It basically follows Cao Cao's rise to power up to the battle of chi-bi, and how plans are made to break the vicious cycle. I haven't seen the third season onwards yet, but I hear it heads off in its own direction away from Three Kingdoms lore. I actually picked up Banner II when I got Crest. I'm tempted to just crack it open and watch, but I don't want to spoil anything so I'll wait for the first Banner series.
  12. I want to show off my collection any recomendations on what photo site I should use?
  13. Marzan, you're right it is a rather unique take on space opera, and it is rather refreshing to see something go against the grain. Reading your comments makes me wonder about Jinto. Right now at the first series end he seems less grudging accepting and more openly embracing his role. He also seems rather cold to be honest too, not caring much his father got assassinated, or that his home planet rebelled. I'm really wondering what's driving him to do what he does. I'll comment more once I track down Banner of the Stars and start watching it. Anyways right now I'm watching Kohime Muso. Its based off of a visual novel set in the three kingdoms era where 99% of the character are all female and in a way its also a parody of the Dynasty Warriors series. Because of the characters being all female it leads to some interesting and slightly perverted takes on three kingdoms events, like Guan Yu's short service under Cao Cao, Yuan Shao's opulent incompetence, and Guan Yu's vow of brother(sister)hood with Zhang Fei. I also find it funny how in the series recycles the same three bandit characters for each bandit gang yet they aren't the same people. Its kinda like three stooges rent-a-goon squad. Another interesting thing is how there is a fairly low amount of fanservice for what can be expected from a series like this. In fact I think the series toys with people leading people on to situations that would involve fanservice then not having it happen. At least untill the one hot spring episode. My only gripe so far is how this show like Ikki Tousen uses different translations of characters names than the ones I'm used to after years of playing Dynasty Warriors games. Some of the characters are easy to spot by their close names(sao sao/cao cao), appearance, attitudes, or the weapons they carry, but for some I had to start using a wikipedia character guide to figure out who's who. Still Kanu Unchu rolls off the tongue better for a girls name than Guan Yu.
  14. I own it, along with most of the rest of the series, and have seen every one at some point. SpaceGodzilla isn't too bad aside from being predictable, paint by the numbers, and having possibly the worst choice for a JSDF mecha in M.O.G.U.E.R.A. especially after the previous film showcased how powerful their MechaGodzilla was. Still its coherent if somewhat boring plot puts it above King Ghidorah in my book.
  15. When all is said and done the 1998 american Godzilla film isn't actually a bad monster movie, its just a horrible, horrible Godzilla film. I've actually looked at it in a different light since Final Wars establishes it as a seperate monster. To be perfectly honest in my opinion the Heisei era Godzilla vs King Ghidorah is a much worse film. The boring plot(which involves time travel) makes no god damned sense and has way too many logic traps. Then there's the lame homages to six million dollar man, terminator, and Speilberg. This film has the worst special effects of any Godzilla film made.
  16. To be perfectly honest here what I remember from MIB2 Lara Flynn Boyle as the bad girl puking up two dudes she just ate as a metaphoric middle finger to critics that claimed she was bulemic The itty bitty aliens in the locker The ballchinian Something happening with the statue The worms fighting A tiny alien saucer with lots of guns and blades Frank doing something
  17. I would like to nominate The Faculty. Remember kids doing crack is not only a great way to get high, but it will help you fight space aliens! The only thing redeeming about it is Famke Janssen plays the sterotypical "hot teacher". http://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/The_Faculty#section_1 Good god this film needs to be MST3K'd.
  18. Well they ride the statue to the museum where they fight the guy from the painting using... wait wrong number 2.
  19. Why the hostility bro? Maybe you need to brush up on reading comprehension too, and and visual comprehension too while you are at it(yellow fishbowl really?). Not once did I claim the posted photos had red piping. Just that the original prototype did. You claimed that the suits in the film didn't strike you as practical or cool, while cool is subjective I wanted to show you that NASA and MIT are developing something very similar. If a spacesuit that's formfitting and allows for a full range of motion isn't practical, I don't know what is. As for it not looking exactly like the movies version? Who knows what another 60+ years of development may bring. Keep in mind this suit is still a prototype and isn't ready yet(not likely untill 2016). Anyways what's really interesting is the pictures Oihan posted above. The top one the piping on Noomi's is orange but bottom close up shows it clearly as blue instead. Maybe its adjustable pressure, or like its been stated above its a temperture thing.
  20. Dava Newman's prototype biosuit. Would you prefer they kept the original "green tinted fishbowl"? A variant of the biosuit even has a clear version closer to the prometheus film. As for the piping its part of the pressure control system the prototype originally had red. Why is it orange for Noomi and charlize's characters? Rank maybe? They are the ones leading this mission after all. It is clear all the suits have the piping though. Edit: website for the biosuit prototype http://mvl.mit.edu/EVA/biosuit/index.html
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