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Everything posted by renegadeleader1

  1. You think that's odd go look at the YA-10B.
  2. Yes, no, maybe, and possibly.
  3. compare the cost of this early stage mecha at roughly 1 million versus a M1 Abrams at 6-8 million. To make this combat effective: Needs an engine that can sustain at least 45 MPH fully loaded. Each of the four legs need larger tires and reinforced independent suspension Legs need wider spacing for more stability Remove 1 gatling gun in favor of more ammo or both for larger 30mm avenger cannon Arms need enough strength to push mech back up if toppled over Optional shoulder mounted M256 smoothbore cannon "snub nose variant" with autoloader Expanded cockpit for two crew(driver and gunner) Other thoughts: Smiling fires the guns? Anyone that operates this will run out of ammo in 10 seconds Why hasn't anyone tried mount the avenger cannon on a small fast vehicle for anti tank duty? I wonder how ED-209 would fare running on those legs Truckasaurus has a new rival at monster truck rallies God help the world if I ever get my hands on one of these
  4. Looks like Funimation has licsensed Yamato: Resurrection per their facebook page! I hope its the so called "directors cut" as that turned out to be better than the theatrical release even if it is bittersweet. My guess this is only a stepping stone to get 2199.
  5. I agree with Omegablue, using a mind game type of character like the riddler and casting Dicapro would have drawn too many comparisons to The Dark Knight and the movie would have been massacred by the critics after Ledger's performance. Also yes Depp would make a great Riddler. Now as for the Joker question what do you do? My personal preference would be to have Nolan come back and do a Catwoman/Batgirl film with Harley Quinn as the villianess a former physciatrist at arkham who became obsessed with the Joker. Not with love, but the urge to become him thus slitting his throat in prison and taking his place. For various reasons there's no way that's going to happen, even if in a twist end she didn't actually kill him. The second would be just to reintroduce the character played by someone else if the continuity is kept. This would be where Dicaprio would come in. My last point is people that claim that's the Begins trilogy is both dark and realistic. Dark? Yes. Realistic? Oh Hell No! The batmobile chase in Begins? No way that happens in real life. Giving a choice to violent convicts surviving or getting blown by civilians in the same situation in Dark Knight? You know damn well the convicts will push the button. The people's republic of my scrotum liberation army occupies Gotham for over a year and the government does nothing? Just try this in New York. The people living there won't take that crap(and are probly more heavily armed than the new scrotum army) the military wouldn't sit on their duff either no matter what some superweapon a guy claims he has. Bane would be drone striked the first moment he stepped outside.
  6. I'm surprised how little love Tytania gets around here considering both Ishiguro, AND Mikimoto were involved with it.
  7. I think all the major players have an interest in this, but after all past failed Yamato projects and half finished series I think they are all waiting to see if this series makes it to completion. If it does there is no doubt in my mind it makes it to the states.
  8. To quote that marine guy from Starcraft II "Its about goddamned time!" You think somebody at Bandai reads this thread and saw the comment I made or came to the same realization about how the hell an Aqua GM got released before the Sniper II? I will say this though, it needs the White Dingo half shield, and rifle as additional parts.
  9. Don Frye still active MMA fighter aged 46 George Forman reclaimed the heavyweight boxing title at 45 Gordie Howe was 52 when he retired from the NHL
  10. I will say this if it ever gets dubbed they need to get R. Lee Ermey to voice Mr. Garand.
  11. I just recently watched The Legend of Fong Sai Yuk starring Jet Li. Great action and story. I especially love the humor it carried throughout the film. I highly recommend it!
  12. A carjacking versus Martin Sheen throwing down with someone half his age and armed? Putting it that way it is rather difficult to say what's more realistic.
  13. Some security company used that as a commercial to show the future of security technology.
  14. That poster has me a little relieved. Cheng had me believing that we'd get some type of shards of metal crap ala the bayformers. It doesn't look too bad, and certainly has the "heft" of what I picture a super robot to be. Considering how mutch Del Toro says this is a tribute to the genre I'm almost certain a rocket punch is in it(hell robotjox had it), or we get a moment from daiguard where they rip the arm off and throw it at an enemy.
  15. I wouldn't be surprised if Zoiycite turns out to be a legitimate woman in this remake.
  16. Is Over-Dard an artist, sculptor, or just a term for a figure with overly large breasts and flared hips ala Masaki Mizuhara and Hiroki Yagami? I've seen the term before and own at least one figure that was refered to as "over-dard" a bunnygirl named Rion, but I only have a vague idea of what it means.
  17. If there's anyone that would take a chance on Doraemon, it would be Discotek Media. Over the past year or so they have given the finger to companies like Sentai, and Funimation letting them fight and spend(i.e. waste) money on the latest crap in favor of old school classics like Lupin, Galaxy Express movies, original Captain Harlock, Cobra Space Adventure, and yes even Mad Bull 34. I'm currently bugging them to get Orguss re-released. Nozomi might take a shot at it too. Heck I'm surprised they had the balls to release the Original Dirty Pair tv series!
  18. Just got done watching it, and my opinion isn't very high of it. In fact its downright pretty bad. There weren't that many people in the theater either about 6-7 others and all of them commented on it not being very good or Peter Parker coming off like a douchebag. Personally I feel like Garfield's portrayal comes from the Hayden Christensen prequel school of romance. I'll go into more detail later when it all sinks in and have time for spoiler tags.
  19. http://www.youtube.com/watch?nomobile=1&v=9zqPH6MATio Just want to give you guys an idea of the division I want to enter.
  20. At this point I really can't afford to sink more than $700 into a racecar right now. That includes purchasing the 4 cyclinder car. I'm hoping I can get one cheap at a junkyard, or police auction. I may have to sell off some of my anime stuff here or ebay to get more funding. I'm also toying with the idea of using that website and method those guys used to get the funds for the Robocop statue. getting my online friends to pitch in a couple of bucks here and their should't be too hard. Do you think Shawn or Graham would be interested in sponsoring an official macrossworld racecar? Or anybody else with a business here?
  21. WCII is set in the year 2656. WCIII is set in 2669 13 years after. If it makes you feel any better some of the old designs appear in missions in WCIV.
  22. Too bad the guy left in charge of the AVP wiki thinks all comics, videogames, movies, and dvds are the same canon(even the crazy s*** that contradicts itself) and is actively trying to squash anything that says otherwise. Check out the talk pages for space jockey, prometheus, and the various weyland things. Its essentially turned into a giant mess with lessons in dictatorship. Keep in mind this is also the same guy(riverjack) that got repeatedly banned from rt.com, and here once so that should say something. Seto Kaiba's also familiar with him. The funny thing is his rampant paranoia is getting the better of him with him thinking I'm this guy called "14th" that's calling him out. The funniest thing is I've never actually gotten involved in editing anything I just read his ramblings for abject amusement.
  23. I could say the same about Haman... How about Reiko Hollinger and Catharine Blitzen then?
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