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Everything posted by renegadeleader1

  1. Wasted opportunities? High potential source material? Please tell me you are joking. Tank girl and Aeon Flux are the embodiment of everthing that was wrong with animation and comics in the 90s. Pointless ultra violence favoring style over anything remotely substance. Tank Girl? Keep true to the source material and I doubt anybody could sit through 1 hour and 20 minutes of stuffed toy Koala's getting sodomized, random penis drawings hidden everywhere, random human-mutant kangaroo sex, idiotic drug use and stupid plots a 4 year old could come up with. There are websites that exist if I wanted to see any of that crap. Aeon Flux? What plot? All we got was som chick in bondage gear doing a half assed job supposedly fighting some vague guerilla war. The whole series is best remembered for Peter Chung's artwork than anything else. Its not surprising really when the planning meetings for the series revolve around: "We got 5-15 minutes of animation, how are we going to off the b**** this time? Anything we could add that to creep people out that makes no sense?"
  2. From what a heard each variant had a couple of accessories including an... ahem "water spout"
  3. Black, silver, or red?
  4. I never noticed an actual city in the trailer, but I do remember them mentioning the north west corridor, so that's pretty much the upper Cali, Oregon, Washington state, British Columbia area.
  5. Me too! Along with The Bank Job and Lock Stock & Two Smokin Barrels.
  6. 1.The first time I mentioned it had to do with the original japanese company sabotaging a north american release to prevent reverse importing. Bible Black happens to be one of the higher profile cases of this happening. 2.Its not my fault Black Dynamite dedicated a 20 minute special feature to Justine Joli and the other pornstars they hired for a pointless 20 second scene. 3.Area Seven goes out of his way to note whenever an actress is a former JAV idol in whatever movie/tv series he's reviewing. 4.Its not my fault Aimee Sweet happened to have the best acted and best looking live action Lara Croft to date. 5.Bible Black has an awesome plot that succeeds in spite(in addition?) of the sex. I'm also not the one obsessed with Charlize Theron exercising nude in prometheus... Anyways carry on. It could be both I know a company recently did a deluxe figure featuring both. I wouldn't be surprised if it was Saeki or Ms. Takashiro. Minase's sister tends to get screwed when it comes to figures. Only one so far and it had such a crappy pose incapable of standing without falling over.
  7. I would have asked the same, but I wanted to avoid this happening from the last time I mentioned Bible Black
  8. Hurley ate them.
  9. These Shunya Yamashita DC figures really slam home how much DC's first bishoujo attempt sucked the high hard one with their ami-comi crap. Sadly those are going to be the real collectors items, because right now nobody wants them.
  10. Thinking about it, if this movie ends the way the original did all they have to do is remove the shot of the memorial and its going to become the national movie of North Korea! @_@
  11. Its a Masamune Shirow Intron Depot figure if I remember right.
  12. WHOOOAAAAA! A show about life after people... with people... we are through the looking glass people!
  13. I've seen pro wrestling storylines involving alien pregnancies that make more sense than this show's premise!
  14. Fencing and archery
  15. All I know is the clips I've seen remind me way too much of The Postman.
  16. Kinda cute? Drop dead gorgeous is more like it! Well before that dumb idiot who ever it was told her she needed botoxwhen she didn't and the plastic surgeon botched that up.
  17. Mmmmmmm Sharon Stone aerobics bondage :drool:
  18. Me too. I think it might be the chemistry the actors all had together, and an actual attempt at adding depth to characters unlike the original trilogy.
  19. What? So many of you have seen it, but no comment on the three boobed girl?
  20. It took me a minute before I figured out its not Cloud Strife.
  21. I used to think that Dirty Pair Flash was a great show... Untill I was finally able to watch the original Dirty Pair. Words alone can't do enough justice to how awesome the original is, and how pale flash is compared to it. ODP was made in a time when they actually put an effort into making a show funny, not the stupid nosebleed, screaming banshee jigglefests we get today. Do yourself and Nozomi a favor AND PAY THE FULL PRICE! It's very much worth it.
  22. If you found the egg-10 cute then you'll find the Goblin downright adorable
  23. But what about the three way lesbian wedding between Knockout, Scandal Savage, and Liana the stripper?
  24. I never said it was bad, just odd. A bulldog is freaking ugly, but I still love them.
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