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Everything posted by renegadeleader1

  1. That wasn't his arm they were talking about, it was his third leg
  2. Hey Radd is that a Wayland(Yutani) corp. logo on her shirt?
  3. Saw Dredd and I have to say it was quite good. I liked it a lot more than Expendables 2.
  4. Or on the flipside how tthe expanded universe pimped them out.
  5. Just finished season 2, and you're the ending is fitting. You're also right about the ups and downs and the facepalm moments. It seems to me that if not for some key decisions by Lelouch and his "my way or death" attitude he could have had the same results without so many needless bloodshed. In a way it reminds me of Dune's "golden path" except that I don't get that feeling of an iminent threat that justifies everything. If anything the world is no better off. How long before Britannia remnants gather around Cornelia and she leads a rebellion? How long before the former E.U. countries get tired of footing the bill for the former Chinese Federation's starving masses that had them on the brink of collapse? I don't see how the UFN holds together now that the main reason for them banding together is gone. Maybe I' reading too much into it...
  6. Like what?
  7. Why the hell does everyone think Funimation has the rights to the Queen's Blade series? Media Blasters has the rights to the first two seasons and its on netflix. Rebellion is licensed by Sentai Filmworks and should be popping up on crunchyroll or the anime network website.
  8. Started watching Code Geass: Lelouche(or should that be Le Douche?) Of The Rebellion. I'm about half way through the first season so far I'm liking what I'm seeing even if the main character is an a**hole(pretty much justified though). There's also the fact that I think the planning meetings for this series started with "Hey guys I loved Votom's let's make something like it." and the next guy's like "I loved Full Metal Panic too! Let's add some of that!" Then the next guy's like "Remember that creepy implied masturbation scene from evangelion let's add that too!" The rest of the staff looks at him, shrugs, and goes with it anyways. This series is like the Devastator transformer of mecha shows adding bits and pieces from other shows into something awesome.
  9. I just finished watching the first season(generation 1) of Allison & Lillia. This series is truelly one of those remarkable classic hidden gems. How is it not super popular on this board with its vintage inter war/WWII aircraft, film noir story, rich world, and deeply thought out characters I'll never know. Its even got a great multi-generational story arc where the plot is continued by th daughter of the main characters. Its been a long time since I've been moved by a season ending. Generation 1 is both at the same time brutally heartbreaking, and spiritually uplifting. I now have to track down generation 2. Fans of Miyazaki and studio Ghibli should give this series a shot.
  10. Maybe you just don't like Verhoven? I don't like him either.
  11. I know for a fact that former playboy model Sydney Moon is au natural with a 34DD! Anyways given what I've read from people about what they think the "source material" is I might have to break out my differences between the movies and novel post again.... :facepalm:
  12. When are we going to get a WWII covert ops game featuring Boss that was hinted at in MGS3?
  13. Maybe AIKa Zero will finally get released in the States now.
  14. Finished Freezing. Like Sekirei it sucks knowing there isn't going to be a continuation anytime soon. Overall I had to say I liked it. Now onto Toward The Terra.
  15. I'm only going to recommend some titles that are availble in the States or that I own. GaoGaiGar- really one of the best super robot shows of all time. Daiguard- a super robot with real world physics piloted by office workers. Gravion and Gravion Zwei- a fun little show coproduced by ADV back in the day. Worth watching for the cameos made by the wrestler The Rock. Godannar- a fanservice heavy show with a very unique take on giant robots MazinKaiser- awesome show and a final conclusion to mazinger and Z original series. MazinKaiser SKL- a newer Mazinkaiser that is more or less the 90s death metal equivilent to the original kaisers 80s hair band feel(odd analogy I know, but you'll understand after you watch. Kishin Corps- a hidden gem I recently found. Set in an alternate WWII era it has an awesome retro feel with some raiders of the lost ark thrown in! Vandread- great story, but you might find its CGI dated(cutting edge at the time). Armored Trooper Votoms- another classic with a hard sci-fi story. Full Metal Panic- mecha mercenaries meets typical highschool life. Martian Sucessor Nadiesco- great show with homages to getter robo and macross. Giant Robo: The day the Earth Stood Still- a true classic that gets overlooked alot
  16. So much for wasted opportunities and high potential source material huh? Style and attitude with no substance does not a good movie make. I think the people who made Tank Girl did the best they could from a crappy source. I remember the comics creators bitching that they didn't film key scenes, and they were forced to animate them. Too bad the animation added jack to the film and often made no sense. Its also the comic guys fault the mag they were published in went belly up after they pressed them hard to invest in the film. And no I don't listen to rock music just for the lyrics, but it does help. Still if the Tank Girl comic were a rock song it would be a drum solo by a masturbating spider monkey.
  17. It might actually be easier to list what you have seen then go from there. To be honest there are thousands of good/decent mecha shows out there.
  18. Here's a breakdown of recent anime I have watched... Princess Monoke- This is actually the third time I have watched it. The first time was years ago during its theatrical release. To be honest I knew it was something special, but it also left me a little disturbed. It was a time when I was just being my immersion into anime and I wasn't expecting the level of violence, and some of imagry shook me. Man there was so much I missed and didn't understand back then! Originally I was so focused on wondering if the main character can cure his curse I never noticed all the subplots and symbolism. I think I finally understand the films true message. Its not about nature and enviromentalism its about not being quick to judge, see a problem from all sides, and people will do bad things if they are for the right reasons. I'm kicking myself for not rewatching it much sooner. This really is a classic. Nausicca of the Valley of the Wind- Another Ghibli classic, this is the first time watching and I loved it. I swear if you told me this anime was made back in the 80s I wouldn't have believed you. The animation level and detail is so far beyond anything else of its time! I'm a little disappointed at the end with how the giant warrior was used after being so built up through the whole film. That's only a minor gripe of an otherwise perfect film. Canaan- to be honest its what I've come to call a T.A.B. anime. Typical Anime Bulls***. You know those series that create a great premise and everything is awesome for about 8 episodes? Then they reach that moment when they run out of episodes to tell the story and characters start acting retarded, people get killed in the dumbest/pointless ways possible, and the enemy starts spouting phylosphical mumbo jumbo about how they did everything for whatever reason that makes little sense. That is what Canaan is. Freezing- Three episodes in and I want to kill the main guy. Seriously all he has done so far is cause Satellizer to lose her tournament, get her into more trouble forcing her to fight while recovering from injury, nearly sexually assaulted/raped, and above all else he keeps grabbing her arm trying to force his apology on her. This is after he was repeatedly warned not to touch her, not by just the school president, other students, but even by Satellizer herself! But he's like "Yeah b****, I grabbed your arm! Now accept my apology! You remind me of my sister! Do Me!" Dude just leave the poor girl alone you're destroying her life...
  19. Any ways.... CW have you given a thought to introducing a character like Captain R.O.C.k? It would make an interesting storyline if they both claimed to be Captain China, and initially clash with each other over ideals and such. Eventually they find out they have much in common despite political differences and earn each others respect before they find out they were brothers cruelly seperated by war and due to circumstances can't reunite. They do end up working together to save the world from a mutual threat.
  20. The Solar Bears(get it? Pun on polar bears) were a minor league hockey team that folded when the league they were in(international hockey league) merged with another league(american hockey league). Recently new owners bought the name of the team and are ressurecting the team name in a new league the ECHL(roughly AA level in terms of quality two steps below NHL). I doubt I'll ever make back to Orlando, so if you could help me out I'd gladly pay you.
  21. Hey CW, since you're in Orlando, can you pick me up a Solar Bears lapel pin and mascot plushie when their ECHL season starts in October?
  22. All this perverted talk about the figures and Bible Blackesque stuff remind me of one of the first figures I ever bought(and still one of my favorites). It was called Hitomi figure and was a sculpt of a band girl baton twirler high kicking in a march. Apart from being able to see her panties from her high kicking the figure is adorable and completely innocent. No perverted assessories, no cast off clothes, and no actual nudity what so ever. That is untill you open the box up and see the illustrated trading card that was shipped with it. There she is squating over a japanese style toilet, soaking wet covered in urine/other bodily fluids, and completely naked except for her hat and wet blouse. My first thought was WTF? Does this even go with this figure? I'm actually glad I kept it and didn't give it to my niece who was in a marching band. They would have been a whole bunch of explaining to do!
  23. I meant pee stream. Okay? Pee stream. I knew about the vibe, but there was a rumor going around some variants had a molded clear plastic stream similar to what comes with the gigapulse figures.
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