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Everything posted by renegadeleader1

  1. Gainax are punks too for the Daicon III & IV videos. Outside of the girl(who was probly a knockoff) they owned none of the material and had pirated ELO music to boot!
  2. Agreed and agreed.
  3. I disagree. The book was written in 2006, set in contemporary times, and yet all the military can do is use incompetent Vietnam era cold war tactics. Not very well researched, or representative of the modern military.
  4. "Archaeology is the search for fact... not truth. If it's truth you're looking for, Dr. Tyree's philosophy class is right down the hall."
  5. All seriousness? You may have been joking, but I'm not. Bring on Ikki Ttousen MMO!
  6. I'm interested let me know what you got!
  7. I've thought about this for a while, but does anybody else think now that the fellowship of the ring had it easier, even though by their time 60 years later Mordor was on the brink of destroying everything?
  8. Has the RGM-79 Sniper II come out yet? Anybody have it?
  9. She's definatly on the "cut" side, but not anything like that Alex Ross east german olympic team drawing. Closer to say Kiana Tom or Denise Austin.
  10. Yes! I'm getting the Bishoujo Powergirl for christmas!
  11. Old Nash has nothing to be ashamed of. He may have just created the greatest english slang of 2013! "Hey man I'm going to the club tonight to give ball to the ladies!"
  12. Quite a few great games this year: Sleeping Dogs Assassin's Creed III WWE 13 Halo 4 X-Com Enemy Unknown A ton of enjoyable if not exellent films this year also. Too many to list.
  13. And on December 21, 2012 as predicted by the Mayans the world has ended... for Dark Horse. If I were them I'd go out with a bang/giant middle finger to disney and lucasarts by doing some really screwed up and offensive things with the license while they had it.
  14. So what's keeping companies from taking say an F-16 design giving it updated and modern avionics, and using this new building material that makes planes so stealthy? For that matter why not a mig 17?
  15. Ratatouille and flushed away Armageddon and deep impact Titan A.E. and treasure planet
  16. I didn't see any stairs, then again I saw it in 3-D so often anything outside of where the characters were was a little blurry, like out of focus.
  17. Just got done watching and thoroughly enjoyed it. I just got two questions... Do I really have to wait another year for this to continue? How the bloody hell do they get down from where they end up at the films end?
  18. Hehehe that looked like the skeleton of american godzilla sitting on the carrier deck in the trailer. Overall I think it looks pretty damn good. The few of you that keep hating on it seem to have no appreciation for the classic Super Robot, and Dai-Kaiju film genres, and seem to have been expecting something like Gundam or Macross real robot side of the mecha spectrum.
  19. Trailer doesn't look too bad. I still think it would suck if they killed off established characters like Scarlett and company five minutes in though.
  20. Okay. Thinking about it I've come up with several hypotheses. A Yamato Legioss, a revoltech ride armor, or a tread(beta) model kit. Baring those its probly something fanmade like a Izumo(sdf-4) starship kit to match the Ikazuchi. Has a remastered Blu-ray box set of Mospeada been released yet?
  21. RT: Love, Live, Alive? The animation is all done, and so is most of the voice acting. I wouldn't be surprised to see it by the end of 2013.
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