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Everything posted by renegadeleader1

  1. Currently rewatching Scrapped Princess. I still can't believe how bad Bandai dropped the ball with this show by not promoting it. This is a show that should be on Toonami not garbage like Deadman Wonderland, or shows that have already been done to death. The story is great, the dub is amazing, but above all the character designs and the animation levels are stunning.
  2. FHE during one of their VHS releases condensed the Macross saga's 36 episodes down to 6 two hour volumes.
  3. What Yoda said was: "Once you start down the dark path forever will it dominate your destiny." I take that to mean not that you can't escape it, but you will always carry the scars of it with you and pay a heavy price.
  4. Reminds me of Space Above and Beyond's Hammerhead, but at least that looked real enough to fool the Russians. This thing? I've seen fan made X-wing mock ups that look more real.
  5. They would be wise to ensure this film sees a french dub and french subtittles. For whatever reason Harlock is huge in the province of Quebec. Its the only place in north america where the original Harlock tv series, and the later Endless Orbit SSX series saw a broadcast release.
  6. The Lejiverse and Yamato are most definately worth it. Both are some of the best space opera ever made, and yes most of them have been released in the US. About the canon... There is no official canon. While several shows appear to take place in the same universe some are stand alone stories with no connection to anything else, and some are stories based on literary works that use the Leijiverse cast. Off the top of my head... Galaxy Express 999- Leiji Matsumoto's main body of work comprised of two manga series, 3 movies, and a over 100 episode long tv series. Matel Legend- a prequel to Galaxy Express 999 Galaxy Railways-a sidequel tv series and ova to GE999. Space Pirate Captain Harlock-the original tv series featuring Harlock Arcadia Of My Youth- a movie retelling of Captain Harlock's origin. Captain Harlock Endless Orbit SSX- a sequel tv series set in the Arcadia universe Harlock Saga- a OVA series based on Wagner's Die Nibelrung using the Harlock charaters as the cast. Captain Herlock Endless Odyssey Outside Legend- a OVA series originally planned as a sequel to the original Harlock tv series that ended up moving off in its own direction. DNA Sights 999.9- a short ova series featuring cameos by Harlock. Queen Emeraldas- a OVA series following Emeraldas with cameos by Tochiro and Harlock Gun Frontier- A series set in the old west featuring ancestor's of Harlock and Tochiro Cosmo Warrior Zero- a tv series featuring an all new lead character Warrius Zero who's job it is to track down and kill a younger version of Harlock. Battlyzer(IQ9) is a character in it. The series spawned from a shooter videogame drawn by Matsumoto. The Cockpit- a loose collection of WWII stories one of which includes a possible half brother to one of the Harlock ancestors. Interstella 5555- a series of music videos of Daft Punk that were animated into a cohesive story by Matsumoto. Great Yamato and Dai Yamato- two Yamato series Matsumoto tried to make on his own before the lawsuit settled things in Nishizaki's favor. Lightning Ozma- a new post apocolyptic tv series based on some of his earliest work. Time Sweeper Mahoroba- an unfinished manga series that Matsumoto hinted at would tie everything together. Super Dreadnought Mahoroba- a work in production that features a Yamato class ship that may transform into a giant robot.
  7. To answer your question everything is and isn't canon. As for the connection to Space Battleship Yamato, Leiji Matsumoto is the person most responsible for what we received. Half way through preproduction everything had stalled, and he got hired to direct and put the project back on track. This meant renovating everything from the plot to the ship and character designs. The connection it has to the Leijiverse is that Captain Harlock was originally going to appear in it had the show made its full run of episodes in the first season. Unfortunately(or fortunately since this allowed LM to keep the rights to Harlock) the series got cut short and Harlock's cameo was turned into Kodai's(Wildstar's) brother. The senario did play out in the manga version that Matsumoto drew. I'll explain more about the canon later, but its complicated.
  8. Yeah those two figures look more like cosplaying the dirty pair than actually being the dirty pair. They look like crap to be honest.
  9. The only way I'd improve the Yamato is replace the 3rd bridge with another shock cannon turret and add more AA guns to the side/bottom of the ship. I'm pretty sure the anchor is a Nishizaki thing btw.
  10. Hey guys, I think this might be the first topic I've ever actually started on macrossworld. I've actually been contemplating to do a thread on Kaiju for a while especially since there really hasn't been one that I recall. I just couldn't decide on a way to kick it off. What changed? Well with Pacific Rim coming in a couple of months, and next year the american Godzilla reboot now is as good a time as any. That and thanks to Media Blasters, and Miramax releasing Godzilla Vs. Megalon and Godzilla Vs. Biolante respectively I now own all the Godzilla films on dvd.* Of the two I have to say I enjoyed Megalon more. Yeah its cheesy, but its entertaining as hell and Media blasters did one hell of a job on remastering it. Biolante while it has amazing special effects(the G suit is the best of the heisei era) the story isn't that great and I'm still trying to figure out why people over at tohokingdom.com think its one of the great G films of all time. Its still not as bad as the garbage that is Godzilla Vs King Ghidorah. What's the worst one to you guys? Aside from the 1998 american film? Speaking of the 98 film, its actually enjoyable as giant monster film, as long as you don't think of the monster as Godzilla himself which is what the Japanese have done with several of the millenium era films. Anybody else here like Giant Monster figures, toys, and etc? Feel free to discuss them. I've been buying the U.S. Bandai vinyls off and on since I think 2000, but lately it seems they've gone to crap. The latest run is a bunch of reissues with the exception of I think Showa Mechagodzilla. The paints are all wrong(spacegodzilla is black instead of blue) and each figure comes in both a normal version, and a lame gimicky version that feels softer and has sparkles. The only one I picked up was the GMK Godzilla since I missed it the first time around. *(All the films have been released in the United States on dvd with the exception of 1984's Return of Godzilla. I broke down and imported the original Japanese version because it was subbed, and is very different than the american Godzilla 1985 cut.)
  11. Yes which is exactly why I'm against this film being made despite being a robotech fan. To be honest I'm expecting much worse than a Bay film. Much MUCH worse. I'm talking Rise of Cobra and Wing Commander the motion picture bad.
  12. It's about as much of an expansion pack as Wings of Liberty was a complete game.
  13. She's also known as Zhao Yun and this particular figure is based on the artwork gracing the cover of the 14th volume of the manga aka Battle Vixens.
  14. You want dark? Look at the two ewok stand alone films. Caravan of courage introduces us to the Towani family crash landing on endor and reuniting after being split up. Family friendly right? They all die with the exception of the little girl in the first five minutes of the sequel.
  15. Given the prices I've seen people pay for custom's, 3rd parties, and knockoffs I'd say the fans.
  16. Nope! I loved the prison episodes, and killcrazy was hilarious!
  18. My thoughts exactly. I could have done so much better.
  19. Didn't say. Discotek is still a small company and doing BD's is expensive for them, but they said they would do it for the right title. If they aquire gunbuster too it might be BD time.
  20. Discotek media just announced via their facebook page that they picked up diebuster(gunbuster 2) for a complete series sub only release for most likely 29.95.
  21. First time I can recall hearing the BWONG!!! Effect was mechwarrior IV's ending. Its the very last thing heard as the dropship heads into space and fades to black.
  22. I personally think the best sandbox games were both the Mercenaries games. I absolutely loved how it would pretty much give you a mission, and only suggested a way to complete it leaving it all up to you how to get it done. Assassinate a guy from long range so you aren't seen? Forget the sniper rifle and call down the carpet bomb. Drive a ambulance along a long winding narrow road covered in mines? Use a chopper and airlift it to the destination. Of all the sandbox games I've played these were the best. I wish there was a sequel comming, but thanks to EA that's not going to happen
  23. Personally I'd go with the Shizuka Queen's Blade figure. I always liked her character and $72 is a bit of a steal for that figure. I also believe it will be harder to find than the Black Widow later on. Unless you are collecting every Black Widow and really need this one I'd skip it. In a few month's Marvel will no doubt release another Black Widow in a new pose tht will be another must have impulse. Funny thing is the comic store I get my Gundams at seems to always have these hard to find figures including Black Widow, the pole dancing Kanu Unchou, real style Kanu, and Powergirl. The prices aren't bad either compared to online.
  24. In robotech chronology there was a "global civil war" going on when the SDF-1(Zor's Battlefortress) hit Macross Island. All warring parties ceased activity and worked together to salvage the ship in the face of a greater threat. All of the human's transforming technology in robotech's universe come from the ship so this short has to take place after the SDF-1 first hit. My guess is this is set just prior to the SDF-1 launch and features an advanced zentreadi raiding party.
  25. That's because the developers that made the first Far Cry weren't involved with any of the sequels. Crytek got dumped and went on to make spiritual sequels with the Crysis series. Far Cry is developed by Ubisoft Montreal now going off in their own direction.
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