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Everything posted by renegadeleader1

  1. I'm looking forward to the next Tomb Raider game. Reviews have been good so far, and Crystal Dynamics last three TR games (anniversary, legend, and underworld) were very fun. Even the new "realistic" look of Lara doesn't bother me.
  2. As far as I know, the only one left is variants of the Tupolev TU-95 bear bomber in active service. The B-52 had all theirs removed as part of the H model upgrade plan.
  3. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=8J8SzBhjqaQ'>
  4. You obviously haven't talked to a girl at an anime covention. They creep me out!
  5. I really appreciate this. I know how hard it is to pass on something you want because of money only to watch someone else scoop it up. I also got my hopes up seeing Nyx and Echidna still listed under Queens Blade, but both were out of stock. Those are the only others besides Shizuka that I wanted. That's Branwen. She's a dragoon. Half dragon, half human, and an emmisary between the two species. Unfortunately her dragon that she rides got injured, and she sold herself into gladiator slavery to save him. That chain tattoo on her leg gains or loses a link depending on wether she wins or loses a match for her scum bag goblin master. I feel bad for her, but if she gains her freedom it might be a bad thing since her slavery keeps her dragon half power in check. When enraged she can't control it, and given the way she's been treated she may destroy half the world. Anyways I agree that figure is amazing, even her revoltech figure which I ordered today looks good. Even with the odd joints. Did you know the artist that created her used slave Leia from Return Of The Jedi as inspiration? She also has one red and one blue eye. Her along with Annalotte and Shigi are the three figures I want from the Rebellion series.
  6. 1.The Shah of Iran never returned to his home country. He passed away in Egypt and interred at a mosque there.2.I'm pretty sure those aren't Cutlasses in that Black Tiger photo. Either that or heavily edited.
  7. To me Scrapped Princess which I just got done watching a couple weeks ago has one of the best endings I've ever seen. I can't say enough about this show, its about as close to perfect as an aime can get. Yeah I know that's saying a lot. Vandread is also pretty good.
  8. She was already this probly involved Venus De Milo...I don't hate Megan Fox, and I think she has some untapped potential, but she's stuck with either crappy horror movies or bay films. Not exactly roles that that give you a chance to shine. I'd like to see her cast in something a little more serious just to see what happens. If she stinks that's fine at least we know. Bay movies could make Patrick Stewart look like crap. EDIT: speaking of which I wouldn't mind seeing Patrick Stewart voice Unicron in some form.
  9. Anybody know when I can find a reasonably affordable figures of Echidna and Shizuka from Queens Blade? I really don't want to spend more than 60-80 bucks US for them.
  10. Okay did you see the same thing I did?
  11. There's always Madlax or oldschool Golgo 13.
  12. So there's a Godzilla strain of Xenomorph now?
  13. The only thing I want to know is what the plot twist is that may or may not explain/cancel out alien 3/resurrection etc.
  14. Gearbox also released Duke Nukem Forever.
  15. Its from the melancholy of Haruhi Suzumiya. There is some like a hundred different figures from that series of the characters in bunny girl outfits. I love bunnygirls personally, but the ones from this series never appealed to me because they all look under age.EDIT: Wait nevermind, the styling kinda threw me off. The figure is actually from the To Heart series of visual novels.
  16. All this talk of of Deadspace 3 and being scary reminds me Colonial Marines is coming out soon. Truth be told the xenomorph scares the hell out of me more than anything else like the necromorphs. I think it plays on childhood fears from when I watched parts of the first two movies when I was very young when I was told not to. Pure nightmare stuff there. I'm not sure I'll be able to play it when its released, and if I do I'll be looking behind me every five seconds... which will probly be when the floor gratting will give way and I have a heart attack
  17. I picked up Witcher 2 for the 360. I haven't got a chance to play it yet, but I heard good things about it. I think it might have gotten overlooked by a lot of people in the fantasy rpg department due to Skyrim.
  18. Like GU-11 said, she had cybersex and got paid for it. That's a "cyber-ho" in my book. The original english release had the panel removed, I have the second release that was left uncensored.
  19. You know, this thread really has me thinking about where along the line did I just stop giving a F*** about Star Wars. Near as I can tell it was somewhere inbetween Anakin Solo(Leia and Han's kid) getting killed off in the novels under orders from Lucas because he was afraid people might get confused with another Anakin running around despite the books building him up to be the main hero at that point. Episode III driving home the point that Anakin is a emo punk ass b**** that gets manipulated by the promise from palpatine who even admits he can't do what he promised later only for Anakin to be okay with it. Or maybe it was Hayden Christensen being inserted into the end of Return of the Jedi? I used to be a big Star Wars fan, hell my screen name comes from the ESB radio drama! Now I don't really care. Sure I get those little flickers of joy every now and then(lego star wars, kotor, force unleashed) or even hope over this new movie, but its just not what it once was.
  20. Technically in the manga she was a "cyber-ho". At least it was her part time job anyway.
  21. the movie originated as a script for a follow up to the 1984 Return of Godzilla film. Toho at the time held a story contest to decide the plot of the next film. What would eventually be turned into Gunhed lost to the Godzilla vs Biolante script.
  22. Theoretically couldn't the F-22 zoom climb and then at the top up the thrust vectoring nozzles to maintain controlled level flight? Would that count towards breaking the record?
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