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Everything posted by renegadeleader1

  1. The Froggy has a higher overall speed and slightly better turning, but that's about it. The Hoggy has a slightly heavier payload with more varied loadout with a much greater range and loiter time. Biggest difference is survivability. The SU-25 just isn't built as sturdy as the A-10. Part of this is its general layout(single rudder, engines in a position vulnerable to groundfire etc).
  2. Maybe if you didn't sound like a living breathing advertisment for a certain aircraft manufacturer that you may or may not work for in real life maybe people would be willing to engage you in discussion without ridicule. That and not trying to skew facts in your favor by omitting things or making false insinuations like below. Yes the A-10 lost 8 aircraft during the Gulf War, but what you failed to mention is only four of those were directly lost in combat. 3 others were damaged and able to make it back to base before being written off. The last made it back to base, but crashed on landing due to bad weather conditions killing its pilot. The A-10 was not withdrawn in late February because of losses, it was withdrawn because the war was over by the 28th of that month! Nice BS attempt though. So How many F-16's were lost in that same conflict? Seven. That's right the "grevious cost" you claim the A-10 paid is only one more than that of the aircraft you put above it. Also between the British and Italians they lost a total of seven of their Panavia Tornados. So a loss of eight isn't that bad compared to them. I do know there's no way a F-16 absorbs the amount of damage a A-10 can and make it back to base or loiter on the battlefield the way the Hog can and that's enough for me.
  3. You know what the funny thing is about that "What went wrong?" video is? The part where he references Alien 3. There's no doubt the film was hurt by the studio interfering with David Fincher, but the direct implication of that is they gave too much control to the director which happened to be a french man who couldn't speak a word of english and was know mostly for surrealist arthouse films and that became a clusterfrak. The real problem with both films is they gave too much control to the star Sigourney Weaver. With 3 she didn't want to work with Cameron again and demanded her character be killed off. With Resurrection she demanded choice of the director as a condition of coming back. She was so afraid of being typcast she sabotaged both film. The sad thing is when her time comes and she passes, no one is going to remember her for any of the dozens of so called serious dramas she has been in. Those roles she held in higher esteem than some low brow scifi role. Sure Gorillas In The Mist might get a mention, but nobody cares about things like The Year of Living Dangerously. No the thing people will always remember her for is the role as Ellen Ripley.... Well that and maybe Ghostbusters. I think she realizes this which is why she's all in for the Blonkamp film.
  4. I just wanted to give you guys the heads up, Mighty Jingles and some other prolific World Of Tanks players are making a kickstarter to restore the sole remaining example of the FV3805 self propelled artillery to running order. Here's Jingles video explaining the situation. EDIT: LInk to the kickstarter. https://www.kickstarter.com/projects/1013126295/fv3805-restoration-project
  5. Be warned the xbone version is really buggy right now. The 360 version doesn't have any issues and everything carries over between the two versions so you might want to stick with that for a while until the one gets sorted out.
  6. Anybody play world of tanks on the xbox one or 360?
  7. PLUM made the amazing Assault Suit Leynos and Valken kits. They do good work for a tiny company.
  8. I was able to catch this film last night. I have to be honest this was underated film and I really liked it. Sure it had its moments where you said "wait...what?" but that's pretty much par for the course for this series of films. Definately an improvement over the previous two crapfests. I really hope it did well enough to get a sequel as there are a lot of questions this film builds up that are left unanswered.
  9. Here's another Kpop girl group called 4Ladies, and I swear they must be from the same music label as Stellar. The music videos are very similar to the point I think they had the same director and were even shot in the same building. The difference is 4Ladies has about 30% more HLA... and somehow isn't restricted on youtube. 4L's Move Stellar's Marionette full video with a crap remix sound Stellar's dance from the video with no cuts. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Ku-aHGBMvn4
  10. Well Hulk Hogan's done. The WWE just canned him, removed any mention of him from the websites, and revoked his hall of fame membership. Initial reports mentioned they cut ties over racist remarks assumed to stem from an interview from 2012 where he dropped the N-bomb repeatedly in relation to the infamous Booker T video. Apparently it actually stems from transcripts of the recent sextape that was leaked online that Hogan is suing a website over. The only good thing that's going to come from this is my WWE games with Hogan in it jumping in value.
  11. So can I go over to the TV show and whine like a bitch that the show is spoiling the books for me?
  12. Red is just an original creation from Elite Creature Collectables. Of all those pics the one I want to know more about is the Buck Rogers starfighter.
  13. Stellar's Marionette. I wanted to post the actual music video, but its age restricted which is odd given aside from some butt wiggling its relatively tame, and other video's like Kylie Minogue's Sexercise or Eric Prydz's Call On Me aren't. Maybe it's a cultural thing as what is mildly suggestive in Europe or America is explicit in South Korea? Anyways how does a girl manage to mover her hips like that?
  14. "Why Should I trust you?"-Girl "Because right now I'm your best chance at staying alive!"-Bond Considering Craig's Bond is something like 1 out of 5 when it comes to keeping women under his protection alive I'd take my chances alone.
  15. s Like.... Alien vs Predator Alien vs Judge Dredd Alien vs Superman Predator vs Superman Zorro vs Django Robocop vs Terminator Transformers vs GI Joe Archie vs Punisher Ash and the Evil Dead vs Marvel Zombies NFL Superpro vs Jackie Robinson? No? Well they all happened too. Well except maybe NFL Superpro vs Jackie Robinson although I'm pretty sure it would have happened at some point had the comic been popular.
  16. No there was no dub. Basically as far as North American releases go here is what happened.... Tim Eldred was for the most part the face of Yamato in America running the official site on behalf of Voyager Entertainment. When 2199 came out they decided to can Eldred and hire a spokesmodel who didn't speak english all that well to run the site and negotiate licensing deals. They then release subtitled test of 2199 at AX using the Starblazers names for everything. That didn't go over well with the fans so they decided to use the Japanese names while still retaining the name Starblazers 2199. They then released the series one disc at a time barebones subtitled at prices very similar to the Japanese discs. Of course they sold like crap and Voyager cancelled the American discs two short of series completion leaving those that were collecting them to scramble for the imports. Since then the website has pretty much gone dormant and Voyager decided to shift their focus back to promoting the then upcoming two 2199 movies and ignore North America. Long story short, The typical disaster that happens when heavy handed arrogant Japanese businessmen attempt to take a direct hand in a US release, refuse to understand the market difference, and try to do things like in Japan failing miserably.
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