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Everything posted by renegadeleader1

  1. How well this movie does is based entirely around how much influence Lindelof will still have over it. A lot of Prometheus starts to make sense when you take the pre-Lindelof script and scenes that were cut or altered into account.
  2. It is getting a second season so don't worry too much. If the manga is any indication this is the calm before the storm.
  3. so this next item under planning thing, are those candidates for RE/100 or something else? I'm really interested in the Sniper II and Jegan.
  4. You never know, if this kit sells like we think it will sell they might put the effort in for a pre painted face. That's for the 1/100 MG version.
  5. Yes. Yes it was. Aeon Flux is one of the worst turds to be animated I have ever seen. It exists purely for shock value. Its inconsistant, incoherent, the designs are eye bleedingly painful to look at, and it tries to legitimize itself by craming in some gnostic teaching bullcrap that doesn't hold up when you take more than a cursory glance at it. In a sentence? Aeon Flux is complete crap.
  6. Since we are talking about fastest passenger liners its got me also pulling a 180 and thinking about the slowest... Airships like the Zeppelins. How feasable do you think it would be to create an airship cruise liner that could match the capacity and amenities of a decent sized ocean cruise ship? Say about 500-800 passengers, a similar number of crew, and things like pools, cabins, restaurants or ballrooms? Can a double hulled(bagged I guess is what I'm asking) work? Any idea how much lift would be needed? I know I'm a dreamer and a romantic, but I think it would be an amazing experience to take a trip on a massive luxury airship. Imagine standing on an observation deck as a pod of whales swim in the ocean below as you steadily make your way to the Bahamas.
  7. Looks like some people with big money want to get the Concorde back in the air again. http://flightclub.jalopnik.com/concorde-will-fly-again-says-group-with-massive-war-ch-1731681175?rev=1442606525838 My question is given the recent technological advancements wouldn't it be possible to make a supersonic passenger liner more efficient and a lot less expensive than the Concorde?
  8. Base Wars? Now there's a name I've not heard for a very long time. I think the closest we've ever gotten to it was Baseball Stars/Super Baseball 2020, the Mutant League games, and the horrible MLB Slugfest.
  9. Well if you wanted to get rid of no talent Divas this is the girl to do it. She has a reputation similar to Vader's of working very stiff. Heaven forbid she gives Nikki Bella a nose like her boyfriend Cena's or ruptures some other Diva's bolt ons. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=C8fSxPcH744
  10. Isn't this like the third time DIsney themselves have made a live action Jungle Book?
  11. This might be one of the greatest rosters ever for a WWE game! https://wwe.2k.com/#roster-block we got plenty of divas this time around, plenty of legends, and some great alternate characters. highlights D'lo and the rest of the nation Brian Pillman Sgt Slaughter with General Adnan and Col. Mustafa Honkey Tonk Man Rick Rude Jake the Snake Ken Shamrock "Stunning" and "Ringmaster" Steve Austin Classic, The Crow, and current Sting and Savio Vega??? lol!
  12. That's a laugh. The Yamato's range finders and gun directors were old even by first world war standards. The fact that the IJN didn't take radar as a tool of war very seriously at all really hurt them. The American ships on the other hand integrated radar range finding very early on making their guns deadly accurate.
  13. There are also premium ships that you can purchase that are based on specific ships from history. For example we have the HMS Warspite which a Queen Elizabeth class ship. The standard QE ship will be a part of the British tech tree, but you can buy the Warspite which has slightly different stats/weaponry and allows your crews to gain experience faster. As of this point there isn't a premium for the Yamato, but it wouldn't surprise me if they came out with a Yamato kai premium based specifically on her late war armament. It wouldn't shock me either if the Musashi became the stock tech tree model and the Yamato becomes the premium ship.
  14. The company was Palitoy. They also made Action Man the british version of G.I. Joe of which one of the vehicles was a retooled TIE fighter.
  15. Patrick Stewart did a version of Macbeth couple of years ago. It was pretty good and made me see him in a different light as the lead role.
  16. That's pretty much the way its always kind of been going back to the days when table top wargaming figures were made of lead and pewter. For one thing it was always easier to manufacter in multiple pieces with less of a chance of defects ruining the whole figure if the moulding didn't turn out right. This also enabled a bit of dynamic posing which if you are going through the effort of preparing, building, and custom painting a figure is something you look forward too. Still there is a big difference between the 6 or 7 metal pieces that allow for things like a head looking a certain way or a torso twist, the 15 or so plastic pieces that make up a Warhammer space marine, and these Robotech figures. The elephant in the room is the fact that I believe HG and PB were trying to kill two birds with one stone by making a universal design they could upscale with little effort to make normal model kits and it blew up in their faces.
  17. I think the implication is that a lot of people will make assumptions about the robotech legal situation without knowing any of the facts or doing any research.1.When HG made the deal with Tatsunoko they got full international merchandising rights outside of Japan for anything to do with the original tv series only. Merchandising being model kits, toys, comics etc. After all the lawsuits and settlements in Japan this remains uncontested because it was part of the deal Big West/Studio Nue made with Tatsunoko originally to help get them to fund Macross in the first place. 2.Nobody with any connection with Battletech has a leg to stand on when it comes to the Macross desgins. FASA never actually had a legitimate license for the designs after being scammed by 21st Century imports who had no connection to either Tatsunoko or Big West. This came out when FASA sued Playmates over Exosquad and Playmates brought in HG in a counter claim. FASA then volountarily removed all non FASA created designs(including the crusher joe and dougram ones etc) to avoid legal troubles.
  18. I'll be blunt. Did anyone that was the least bit familiar with the way PB operated in the past expect any different out of this?
  19. For those of you too embaressed to own bikini or 3 sizes too small one piece swimsuit Celia there is this. I actually like it a lot. A lot can be said for a girl still looking sexy dressed in full armor.
  20. The same bullshit logic that has me hoping for a mass retail release of an HGUC RGC-80?
  21. I hope her face is pre painted cause that's going to be a bitch.
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