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Everything posted by renegadeleader1

  1. Shia Lebouf said that about Kingdom of the Crystal Skull and look where it got him. Then there was Harrison's response to him which boiled down to shut up, nod your head, and take the money.
  2. anybody know how to actually get Quiet as a buddy once you capture her? I had one cutscene where she tried to get on the chopper with Snakesaying he preferred to work alone when leaving mother base, but that's it.
  3. Alien Resurrection isn't so much Josh Whedon's fault as it was bringing in a surrealist euro trash director with Jean Paul Jeunet that couldn't speak english and who took a look at the script and thought "ah ha I make comedy!". If you really think about it and cut through the awful directing you can really see a lot of concepts and character archtypes that he later refined for use in Firefly/Serenity.
  4. This is honestly one of the better ppv's I've seen in quite some time. All the matches except for the Divas match had at least some entertaining bits. Maybe I shouldn't have shown my friends women's matches from the likes of Madusa/Alundra, Bull Nakano, Manami Toyota, and Megumi Kudo before the ppv started and it might not have seemed like such a complete pile of monkey crap in comparison. One of my favorite moments was Cesaro completely running around and wrecking house. It was both awesome and hilarious at the same time. I'm also surprised Alberto Del Rio returned given how he left the company in the first place for attacking that racist road agent backstage. I wonder if the Hogan incident played a part in it in an effort to try and not look so bad with how racial issues have been handled in the past?
  5. I actually remember the family dog more from the short/half episode that appeared before The Land Before Time in theaters. Man that dog's family were a bunch of d-bags.
  6. I still want one of those specifically because of the Space Adventure Cobra connection.
  7. Is it odd the only story I remember is the B-17 one?
  8. So I've heard some side ops will trigger story missions to automatically start. Anybody know which ones so I can avoid them until I'm ready?
  9. s And then Emma dies via a rocky horror/Freddy Mercury reject stabbing her. Man Metal Gear character deaths really are depressing and at the same time really messed up.
  10. If you like them like that might I suggest checking out the Mizuiro Splash figures over on amiami? They're in racing swimsuit but they come with cloth gym shirts to give the same effect as the doll.
  11. Her face actually reminds me of the marionettes they used for the Starfleet X-Bomber mecha show.
  12. So I'm doing missions like C2W where I need to take down com dishes and when I look at the objectives on the idroid there are only two and the rest are question marks. does that mean there are only two objectives total or are the rest just hidden and I need to do things like interrogate soldiers to get them?
  13. http://www.animenewsnetwork.com/interest/2014-08-29/gundam-tomino-thinks-young-voice-actors-all-sound-the-same/.78125 This is in spite of Syd Mead having several other more "traditional" looking gundam designs that were rejected by Tomino in his portfolio.
  14. Seeing Barzam girl I have to ask has there been a GM girl figure I've missed hearing about?
  15. Valkyrie Drive Mermaid... Yes, that show.
  16. So I just started playing and landed in afganistan and have come across the first russian sentry post with two guards. I've tranqed both and now I don't know what to do. Is the fulton system available from the very start or do I have to rescue miller first?
  17. There's a B-57 at the New England Air Museum out at Bradley Airport. It breaks my heart when I see it as its been neglected and left exposed to the elements in the outdoor yard. I really wish they'd just put a roof on the entire property.
  18. Similar? Hell seeing the promo art up until their debuts I couldn't tell the shows apart.
  19. I <3 GM's! Keep up the good work Hikuro!
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