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Everything posted by renegadeleader1

  1. Deadpool isn't right in the mind though.
  2. Got tickets for 7pm tonight. My theater decided to add more screens spur of the moment after being sold out for so long. Apparently its going to be in one of those tiny screening rooms executives use as there were only 15 seats in the room.
  3. hmmm... Kojima directed Syphon Filter possibly? No matter what happens now Konami is going to be pissed at Sony so they might pull any game they have on the PS out of spite given how petty with things they have been with Kojima.
  4. Okay. Apart from "aero" it seems like the boy band are ditching the aeronautical theme.
  5. Out of curiousity could Blaim also be translated as Blohm?
  6. So its not the special olympics version of the one year war featuring mentally challenged feddie pilots vs zeon cripples and the main guy with his walkman from Iron Eagle? That's pretty much all I took away from the trailers. Seriously once this ONA has run its course someone needs to make an AMV of it featuring Queen's One Vision song.
  7. So we got a hacker who's namesake is the electronic warfare variant of the A-6 Intruder? Lol! recap of names so far Freyja Wion-named for civilan code for Rannai Airport in Indonesia Migumo Guynemer-named for WWI ace Georges Guynemer Kaname Buccaneer-named for Blackburn Buccaneer Makina Nakajima- named for Japanese aircraft manufacturer from WWII Reina Prowler-named for the EA-6B Prowler EW plane.
  8. Nakajima? Yup definite aviation theme with these names!
  9. Given its Macross it could be a reference to the Blackburn Buccaneer.https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Blackburn_Buccaneer I'm also certain purple head's name is another aviation reference to this man. https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Georges_Guynemer EDIT: I'm not sure about the third girl Frejya Wion. Her first name could be a reference to german WWII early warning radar, or her last name could be a reference to Indonesia's Ranai Airport international code. Could be both.
  10. Given FF7's scope and scale I'm not surprised at all its going to be split up into different releases. I'm disapointed with the battle system though.
  11. You know, before I clicked to play the ace combat trailer I looked at that screen shot and got my hopes up for some insane AC/Last Starfighter crossover.
  12. It has to do with the contract he signed to work for Konami and lawyers getting involved. Its likely he has some clause in there that says he can't personally accept awards from anyone for work done for Konami without their permission. I've seen stranger stuff written into contracts.
  13. To answer the last two questions here about A Dance With Dragons, yes Arya has her sight back after tricking the guild master by using her warg abilities, and no nothing happened with the Dothraki surrounding Dany yet. Her chapter ends with Drogon landing her in a field with the riders surrounding her and that is it.
  14. That's basically because ESB was a conversion kit for the original Star Wars arcade machine. The problem is by converting you lost the original game, and arcades were reluctant to do that since it was a consistent money maker.
  15. Just got back from watching it and all I can say is... GO SEE CREED!!! I've seen a lot of movies people have said are must watch this year, but I've often been disappointed. Creed trully is something special.
  16. Just wanted to give everyone in the New England area a heads up, The Comic Store in Nashua New Hampshire is having its annual Black Friday sale with 20% off of Gundam kits. This is the place the wall of gundam photos aka gundam valhalla are from.
  17. Saw it earlier this week I absolutely hate its face sculpt and pose. It just doesn't suite the characters personallity.
  18. Oda Non also did a bunch characters for Queen's Blade like Sigui and Branwen.
  19. I disagree about Sam Smith. After watching Spectre I still maintain that if you get any decent singer with some halfway decent bass in his voice Writing on the Wall becomes an instant all time classic Bond theme.
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