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Everything posted by renegadeleader1

  1. This actually reminds me of concepts for the original 1954 film. Godzilla was originally supposed to be a surviving member of a benign sea going species of dinosaur that were all wiped out by the atomic bomb test. As a result of the blast his skin was supposed to be horrifically scarred and burned leaving him in constant pain which is why he goes on the rampage. This current one's head actually reminds me a bit of the original 54 suit and the later GMK one.
  2. Is it possible Kylo was the one who dumped Rey on Jakku? It just doesn't sit right with me that Luke would dump her on a desert planet in the care of a sleazy junk dealer. I can see Kylo doing it if he couldn't bring himself to kill her when he destroyed Luke's order as he's still being tortured by the call of the light side. He might have left her there on the way back to the first order expecting her not to last which would clear his conscience as he wouldn't be the one to kill her. Remember that scene where he throws a temper tantrum and destroys the monitors on hearing that Finn escaped Jakku? There's something about his reaction to the officer when he mentions that a woman aided Finn. If he was still raging it seems more likely he would have just killed the officer outright for annoying him. Instead he force chokes the officer to him demanding to know more about her. For all he knows at this point Rey is just some dirty scavenger so why should he care about her unless he has a reason to?
  3. Considering Bioware is a part of EA now and EA has exclusive rights to Star Wars, this is a very real possibility. Hopefully Bioware has enough clout to push back against the corporate stooges and make sure it doesn't end up a rush job like what happened to Kotor II.
  4. You know what line of dialog I find interesting? When Maz Kanata is trying to help Rey she says something like the belonging she seeks is ahead of her and whoever dumped her on Jakku isn't coming back, but there is someone who will come back. At this point the audience is expecting Rey to say Finn since he just left to work with the smugglers heading to the outer rim. Instead she says Luke of all people. This at least confirms they've met in the past.
  5. New Unicorn novel coming soon. This likely means at least one or two more new UC Gundam episodes. No idea where they could take the story though. https://www.animenewsnetwork.com/news/2015-12-25/gundam-uc-new-11th-novel-volume-confirmed-for-early-2016/.96920
  6. Pick a Johnson any Johnson! There have been a lot of aces since WWI with the last name Johnson, but I think Robert S. Johnson is the reference this time. https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Robert_S._Johnson He was the first American pilot to break Rickenbaker's kill record from the first world war. It's also possible his first name is a reference to Ernst Udet of WWI fame, but I'm not 100% sold on that.
  7. The previous one I believe is also a double reference honoring both Chuck Yeager and the P-51 Mustang.
  8. I've now seen it three times since Thursday, each time I feel like its getting better and I pick up more on small details I might have missed. I'm really enjoying going with friends and family seperately and seeing how each one reacts differently.
  9. An offspring of Max and Millia plus a tribute to the French Mirage fighter? <3 <3 <3
  10. If there aren't characters named Bishop, Richthofen, and Boelcke in this series I'm going to be severly dissapointed.
  11. Immelmann? Really? BWAHAHAHAHAHAH-*cough*-*hack*-a.
  12. Amazing? It would end up looking like Starcrash with cheap special effects, hyper violence, and random foot fetish parts. Why? Because its Tarantino.
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